one's door

Chapter 479 Overnight

Chapter 479 Overnight
The person hosting the banquet was surnamed Huang, and the person who stopped Wang Nian was the current head of the Huang family, Huang Qi.It is also the native of this small town.Today is the wedding day of Huang Qi's second son, so all the folks in the town are invited to have a glass of wedding wine if they have time.

Wang Nian smiled and did not refuse the other party's invitation.He didn't find it strange either.Because in his hometown, Wangjiazhuangzi in Langyuan City also has this custom. When there is a happy event at home, everyone who comes is a guest. What is it to drink a glass of wedding wine and eat a bowl of rice?
Besides, Wang Nian had inherited his father's drinking capacity, so it was a good thing, after a feast, he chatted happily with a few teenagers of the Huang family who were about his age.

He ate dinner straight from lunch, even though Wang Nian was born with a heavy drinker, he was a little dizzy.But he knew very well that the Huang family didn't seem to have any ill intentions towards him.At least the younger generations of the Huang family who drank with him today did not.But he seemed to be very curious about his origin, and he didn't try to hide it, so he just asked directly.

"Are you so hospitable?"

"That's right! The Huang family is well-known in the town for its hospitality. The second brother is very happy today. You are a foreigner, let alone looking for wine. You have no place to drink porridge because they are all closed. Treating you to a meal is nothing." Besides, the elder father said, you have an extraordinary temperament, you are by no means an ordinary son, there is no harm in making friends.

Hey, come, come, keep drinking!As far as the drinking order you just mentioned, I have learned it now, and I will definitely win you! "

Liu Rui can suppress the soul, although Wang Nian is not as proficient as her, but it is not impossible to use it.It's still easy to deal with a few half-drunk teenagers.

When the wine was finished in the evening, Wang Nian's family members knew that there was nothing to be gained except for the "brother who came out to wander around".But Wang Nian got a general idea of ​​the details of the Huang family.

The Huang family is in the rice oil business. It is said that half of the rice oil in Xiangyu City is sold by the Huang family, and they also run two restaurants in Xiangyu City.

With this kind of family background, even in a place like Xiangyu City, he can definitely be called the No. [-] person.

But that's the end of the investigation of Huang's family. For Wang Nian, he just needs to make sure that the other party has no malicious intentions.We met by chance and drank a couple of drinks. This is what the master said about fate, and it will be a gift of good fate when the time comes.

At night, Wang Nian shook his head. The wine in this small town had more stamina than he thought. He didn't feel too strong when it was on the table just now, but now he wanted to quickly fall on the bed and sleep.

The residence was found with the help of the Huang family.It is said that it is a small courtyard of the Huang family's family, next to the big courtyard of the Huang family's family.Because many distinguished guests came to Xiangyu City today, there was no longer enough room in the compound, so Wang Nian was placed on the side.For this reason, the two youngsters of the Huang family, that is, the two people who had made wine orders with Wang Nian at the wine table before, also came over drunk to live in the same yard with Wang Nian, so as not to neglect.

In terms of hospitality, Wang Nian couldn't fault it anyway.He even felt that the hospitality was hard to turn down.

After a night of nothing to say, Wang Nian said goodbye to his two new drinking buddies and went back to their rooms to sleep.The dizziness was severe, Wang Nian didn't even bother to wash his face and feet, so he collapsed on the bed, put away the body protection plate, and finally closed his eyes, and fell asleep with the alcohol in a moment.

Even in a daze, Wang Nian heard the snoring from the next door one step ahead of him.

I don't know how long it took, an hour or two, Wang Nian suddenly woke up from his sleep, the blur in his eyes was only a moment before he woke up, and the moment he turned over, he was already holding a magic weapon dagger in his hand.

"Huh? Is this a ghost?"

Wang Nian was not drunk and thirsty, nor did he have a nightmare, but was awakened by the induction of the magic circle.He has been alone in so many places in the past two years, and the array has saved his life many times.And ghosts are a part of his experience along the way, and they will be superseded when they encounter them.He is also very greedy for those gifts from heaven and earth.

After getting used to it now, even in his dreams, he would be alerted by the formation to enter the battle state instantly.

Putting away the magic circle, Wang Nian put the backpack back on his back, took out a belt from the bag and tied it on.

The belt is specially made, and there are many small pockets on it, designed by the master, which are convenient for storing all kinds of talismans that need to be taken in time, and are small things that are very handy when fighting.

It was late at night when I came out of the room.The only sound in the yard was the faint chirping of insects.Even breathing and snoring sounds could be heard from the nearby rooms, which were not unusual to Wang Nian's perception.

However, there was a ghost-specific odor lingering in the air, which could not be hidden from Wang Nian's nose.

A ghost passed by just now.And it's a vicious ghost!

The corners of Wang Nian's mouth rose slightly.He slept soundly, but he would not refuse such a good thing if he insisted on delivering it to his door.What's more, it is the habit of monks on the cliff mountain to save ghosts when they encounter them.

So Wang Nian unfolded his movements, threw out an evil chasing talisman, and jumped out of the yard following the talisman light.

However, before Wang Nian's movement technique could be used, the light of the chasing evil talisman disappeared.Not being disturbed by anything, but arriving at the place.

"Is it so close?! This is the mansion of the Huang family?!"

The lightness technique went up to the roof, and at the same time, he stuck a qi-restraining talisman on himself. Wang Nian followed the increasingly thick residue of evil spirits and the peculiar smell of ghosts, and soon came to a moon gate with a bright red hanging on the door.

This is the backyard of Huang's family, and the red color is hung to indicate that it is the place for the couple's bridal chamber.And it was indeed full of ghosts as he expected, and it was a fierce ghost, which clearly wanted to kill people.

But before Wang Nian could make a move, a strange situation happened inside the moon gate that he hadn't expected at all: a ghost knelt on the ground and kowtowed, while the other stood in front of it, with a strong look that was not open for negotiation.And the strength of the two ghosts standing and kneeling is also very clear, just like the posture of the two ghosts.

Moreover, Wang Nian felt that they seemed to be talking about something, so he quickly used his mana to listen to what the two strangely behaving ghosts were saying.

In the end, he didn't listen to it, and Wang Nian's jaw dropped when he heard it.

"Please! Let me kill them! I want to kill the adulterers and prostitutes of the Huang family! They actually set fire to me in the house for adultery! I hate it! I want revenge!"

It was the fierce ghost kneeling on the ground roaring, and the hatred and hostility in the words almost hit his face.

It's okay for Wang Nian so far, the ghost's words are completely in line with the posture of the ghost.But the words of the ghost standing behind directly shattered Wang Nian's common sense.

"Since you're dead, why don't you return to heaven and earth? What's the point of holding on to the resentment you had during your lifetime? It's better to let me save you and let you be truly liberated."

(End of this chapter)

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