one's door

Chapter 49 Plan

Chapter 49 Plan
The golden beard looks very similar to the ginseng that Zhang Yan is looking for, except that the trunk is much smaller than the ginseng, but the fibrous roots are much more than the ginseng, like a beard, and the whole body is golden, hence the name.The price of this thing is not cheap, after all, the nourishing effect alone is worth the high price.

On the other hand, fake stone roots, which are very similar to Polygonum multiflorum, according to the store clerk, are surprisingly cheap. They are the cheapest medicinal materials in Yuan Pharmacy, and they are usually sold in sacks.

In addition to these two things, Zhang Yan also bought more than ten other medicinal materials.Some are no different from the ones on the earth, and have similar medicinal effects, while others are substitutes with similar medicinal effects, such as golden whiskers and pseudo stone roots.

Although they bought medicinal materials instead of finished medicines, the cost of this trip was not small.It also made Zhang Yan stop his plan to continue buying more.

But the clerk in the pharmacy already treated Zhang Yan as a lunatic.Who buys medicine piecemeal like Zhang Yan?And the amount is not much, it doesn't seem like you want to make medicine or something, I don't understand it at all.

Zhang Yan has long been familiar with the other party's eyes.In Fishback Mountain Fortress, most of the people around him treated him like a lunatic, they got used to it.

But Zhang Yan of the pharmaceutical company can't, he is making some preparations for himself to start practicing alchemy next.

Now stepping into the Profound Vein Realm, in addition to improving his cultivation, another benefit is that Zhang Yan can start to practice a very important auxiliary branch in the Taoism, that is, alchemy.

Daoism has always attached great importance to Danzhi Dao.As the saying goes, there are four treasures for cultivating Taoism: wealth, spouse, law, and land.

The "wealth" in it actually refers to "practice resources", and elixir is the most important category of practice resources.Not only can it prolong life, but it can also speed up the acquisition of spiritual energy and reduce the time of practice. There are even many changes and categories, and the effects of derived medicines are countless.

And to make alchemy, three necessary conditions are required: alchemy furnace, cultivation base of at least Profound Vein Realm, and medicinal materials.

The alchemy furnace can change the Wanxiangzhu, and the alchemy can also get a lot from the first floor of the tower in the bead.And Zhang Yan, the cultivation base requirement, has just reached the threshold now.The only remaining uncertain factor is the medicinal material.

In fact, there is no shortage of medicinal materials in the Huangtian Territory, and they should even be better than the earth. After all, the aura here is stronger than that of the legendary era of the earth, at least compared with the ancient books recorded in Longhu Mountain.

In a world rich in aura, both plants and creatures will be enhanced.Medicines are no exception.

If we compare the ginseng from the earth with the golden whiskers with almost the same medicinal properties in the Huangtianyu, according to Zhang Yan's speculation, a [-]-year-old ginseng has the same medicinal effect as a [-]-year-old golden whiskers in the Huangtianyu.Centuries-old golden whiskers can be compared with millennia-old ginseng.

So what Zhang Yan has to do now is to use the pill formula in his hand to find alternative medicinal materials in Huangtianyu.The first thing to do when looking for medicinal materials is to find out the medicinal properties of those medicinal materials that may become substitutes.

Zhang Yan even went in and bought a book about the medicinal properties of medicinal materials when passing by a miscellaneous bookstore, so that he could find possible substitutes more conveniently on the Huangtianyu side.

The "ginseng" and "polygonum multiflorum" that Zhang Yan mainly looked for in Yuan Pharmacy before were actually the main medicines of the two pills he planned to refine in the future.

Ginseng has now found golden whiskers as a substitute. Once Zhang Yan tries it out and works, he will use it to refine the most basic life-enhancing elixir "Biqing Dan", which can increase life by ten years.However, like all life-enhancing elixirs, only the first one will have the effect of increasing life.

However, there are many types of medicinal materials for refining Biqing Dan, and the requirements for alchemy are very high. It does not mean that you can refine it after reaching the Profound Vein Realm, it requires a certain degree of means and experience accumulation.In fact, what Zhang Yan didn't know was about the Biqing Pill. Generally, alchemists in the Profound Vein Realm wouldn't know how to make it, because it was too difficult and the spirit energy required by a cultivator in the Profound Vein Realm couldn't sustain it at all.And once the spiritual energy is exhausted, it is easy to blow up the furnace, and not only a batch of medicinal materials and energy will be lost, but also the precious pill furnace.

Zhang Yan didn't know the difficulty of Biqing Pill, but only knew that it could be refined at the Profound Vessel Realm, so he wanted to start preparing slowly now, and when he had enough self-conscious experience, he wanted to try to refine it.

And the elixir that Zhang Yan really wanted to use for training was "Bone Strengthening Pill".That is to say, the main medicine is Polygonum multiflorum, but now it can be replaced by "fake stone root".

The bone-strengthening pill is just as its name suggests, it is a pill used to strengthen the muscles and bones of the body.According to Dan Fang, eating one piece can make the muscles and bones of an ordinary person half strong within half a month, and [-]% after three months.If it works on warriors, Zhang Yan doesn't know if it will be the same as ordinary people, but the effect should not be bad.

Moreover, the drug resistance of Zhuanggu Pill is slow to develop, and it will be completely ineffective after taking ten pills.

In addition, there are not many medicinal materials in the formula of Zhuanggu Pill, and it is the most basic kind of elixir. The refining method is also very simple, so it is perfect for practicing hands.

Warriors in the wild world are respected, and there will be no shortage of people to buy any medicine for strengthening the body and bones.Zhang Yan didn't expect Zhuanggu Pill to achieve the same effect as Jingusan, but it is enough to have [-]% of the effect.After all, compared to Jingui's tendons and bones powder, the cost of strengthening bone pills is so low that it is not worth mentioning.

On the second day, Zhang Yan shouldered the burden that had become huge due to the load of a lot of medicinal materials. He settled the house at dawn and waited at the place he had agreed with the carriage dealer, watching the loads of goods on the carts complete. He found the carriage and handed over the one he bought and the license plate. The other party nodded and pointed to a carriage with less cargo for Zhang Yan to sit on.When Mao Zheng is on time, he raises his whip and sets off.

After passing the east gate of Xuanhua City, Zhang Yan looked back, and he had a deep memory of Xuanhua City in his heart.It was the first time he saw ghosts here, the first time he practiced supernatural powers, the first time he used the "Spiritual Ascension Technique", and he even accidentally stepped into the second great realm of cultivation here, the Profound Vein Realm.

After leaving the city, he soon got on the official road.This time, the driver with Zhang Yan's surname was Xiong, and he was also a talkative person, so he chatted with Zhang Yan not long after.

The fleet of chariots and horses has a total of fifteen large carts and twenty medium-sized carriages, which is a relatively large fleet.Counting the hitchhikers like the guards and Zhang Yan, there are already more than fifty people.

The team's destination was Yongde, the next big city more than three hundred miles east of Xuanhua City.

Yongde City is no longer within the scope of Chonglan County to which Xuanhua City belongs, it is a big city under Huaiqing County.It is also a necessary place for Xuanhua City to go east.

Although more than three hundred miles does not seem to be far away, but in Huangtianyu, it takes a full ten days for this section of the road. According to the driver, his slowest trip to Yongde took [-] days.

(End of this chapter)

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