one's door

Chapter 48 Profound Veins

Chapter 48 Profound Veins
What the six wild ghosts brought to Zhang Yan before was an increase in aura equivalent to half a month of his penance.But this time, what the five ghosts brought to him was equivalent to nearly a year's hard work of spiritual energy.

In other words, just now, five regiments of merit and virtue bloomed gently in the cyclone of Zhang Yan's lower dantian, directly causing Zhang Yan's cyclone to expand rapidly and thicken at an unimaginable speed.After a short ten breaths, the cyclone was [-]% larger and more than [-]% thicker than before.

And almost at the same time, before Zhang Yan could laugh out loud, a feeling of being crowded and uncomfortable in a small space suddenly appeared.Let Zhang Yan understand that the big realm barrier he had been looking for for a long time finally appeared.

So, according to a large number of experience records in Longhu Mountain about breakthroughs in realms, I began to consciously control the cyclone in my lower dantian to further accelerate the rotation, and then further accelerate the speed of the spiritual energy between the cyclone and Zhou Tianzhu's meridian, forming a struggle Force in the direction of outward expansion.

This process is actually uncomfortable, even painful.Both the lower dantian and the meridians in the whole body have a strong sense of stagnation, and as time goes by, this sense of stagnation will gradually bring about the fear that the meridians are about to be overwhelmed and shattered, and the cyclone in the lower dantian is difficult to rotate at the limit. Heightened feelings of powerlessness.

These feelings are not just false, but the possibility of real damage, which means the failure of the realm breakthrough.As for the so-called cultivation talent, the key often lies in the level of the maximum tolerance range in these aspects.In disguise, it means the level of a monk's achievements.

Zhang Yan is very confident in his cultivation talent.The mere boundary barrier that entrains the air to go up is not his worry at all.Continue to keep running at full capacity, ignoring the stagflation in the meridians and dantian.

It's like running a long-distance race. If you want to break through the limit, you must not let go of the breath held in your heart. Only by persisting can you see new growth.

I don't know how long it took, when Zhang Yan was completely immersed in the inner meditation of practice, the sudden tearing sensation made his closed eyelids twitch slightly.

The sense of stagnation in the meridians and dantian felt as if the shackles were broken, and suddenly expanded by three points!
Immediately afterwards, a large amount of spiritual energy poured in from outside the body, as if filling the suddenly expanded gap.After that, it returned to calm again. With the exhalation and inhalation, both the cyclone and the meridians seemed to have some new rhythms, which followed the expansion and contraction in an orderly manner.

The smile on Zhang Yan's face reappeared, and he knew that he had succeeded.

Qi enters the dantian and forms a whirl, generating new energy to counter-assist Zhou Tian, ​​and after that, the cycle goes on and on, which is called the state of entraining Qi.

Afterwards, the qi rotates rapidly, attracting the qi of heaven and earth to rushed to the main meridian of Zhou Tian, ​​expanding the meridian into a mystic to match the urgency of the cyclone, this is the state of the profound meridian.

Before the joy of successfully breaking through a great realm could be released, Zhang Yan hurriedly started to get familiar with the mysteries of the Profound Vein Realm while laying a solid foundation for the new realm.

In this way, Zhang Yan stayed in the inn for three full days.Except for eating and washing, he hardly ever leaves the house.

Over the past few days, Zhang Yan's biggest experience is that after the Profound Vessel Realm, the meridians in his body are rapidly becoming wider and more resilient, and the rhythm that expands and contracts with breathing has an explosive power that was not there before.On the contrary, the change of the cyclone is relatively simple, and the speed of rotation is faster, and at the same time it becomes larger and thicker.

In addition to the changes in the meridians and dantian cyclones, Zhang Yan also experienced the beauty of purifying the essence and cutting the marrow brought about by practice in the past three days.

In three days, Zhang Yan took a total of six baths, for which he gave an extra sum of money for hot water to the inn clerk.

It wasn't that Zhang Yan suddenly became obsessed with cleanliness, but that after these three days, every pore of his body was slowly removing greasy gray-black dirt, which smelled bad and made people feel uncomfortable all over.It wasn't until the afternoon of the third day that the gray-black grease didn't continue to drain out.And Zhang Yan's appearance also changed a lot.

I lost some weight, and my skin became more radiant, especially the temperament of my body, adding a ray of free and easy like dust.Already faintly has the flavor of Taoist real person.

Afterwards, Zhang Yan left the inn, took a good tour of Xuanhua City, and went to Luohua Lane again during the day.

The yin energy in Luohua Lane has already shown obvious signs of disintegration, which is more than half of that when Zhang Yan came here a few days ago. In addition, the ghost willow in the middle has also been burned. Even if this place continues to be so desolate, it will never be the same as before It was so spooky.The poor souls who lived there would at least be better off.

Leaving Luohua Lane, Zhang Yan first went to find a car dealership that was going east tomorrow. He paid a small amount of money and got a license to follow the caravan all the way, but he had to find his own way or pay for accommodation and meals.Make an appointment to leave at the right time tomorrow morning, and you will not be refunded if you are late.

In order not to be late, Zhang Yan found a small shop near the car and horse dealer to stay.After that, I walked around the city.

Zhang Yan is not very interested in places like taverns.His current drinking capacity is basically farewell to spirits, and he feels uncomfortable drinking that kind of sweet fruit wine.You can only wait until your cultivation base is higher, and see if you can bring up the drinking capacity of your physical body.

Zhang Yan was most interested in the major pharmacies.

For example, the largest pharmacy "Yuan Pharmacy" in Xuanhua City that he passed by before.

This time I went into the shop and listened to the introduction from the shop assistant. Yuan Pharmacy didn’t just open a shop in Xuanhua City, but a big business dealing in medicinal materials. Its stores are all over Nanyuan Country, and there are even their shops in Beiwu Country further north. , the business is doing very well, and it is the largest medicinal material business in Nanyuan Country.

In the words of the store clerk, "As long as you know the medicinal materials, we can sell them here."

But the problem is that most of the medicinal materials that Zhang Yan knows are not available here.For example, the "ginseng" and "polygonum multiflorum" he was looking for the most were here, but the guy was scratching his ears and complaining, but he couldn't remember what these two things were.It never occurred to me that these two things were from another world.

Zhang Yan also understood and thought it was normal.After all, although the Huangtian Territory and the Earth are almost identical in many places, they are two different worlds after all, and it is not surprising that there are more things and less things.

In the end, Zhang Yan took the next step, and told the appearance of ginseng and Polygonum multiflorum and the efficacy of the medicine, and soon saw the expression on the waiter's face changed rapidly, from rather embarrassed to a little angry.Because he felt that he was played by Zhang Yan, and deliberately made up two unwarranted names of medicinal materials to tease him.

However, the clerk of the big store was also calm, and he didn't give Zhang Yan a go at him on the spot, but he was no longer enthusiastic, but he still led Zhang Yan to get two kinds of medicinal materials.

Golden whiskers and pseudo-stone roots.

(End of this chapter)

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