one's door

Chapter 509 Dismantling

Chapter 509 Dismantling
"Hehe. In fact, we came here because we got some things from the ruins of the turtle-backed man. It has indeed helped us a lot, but there are also many doubts. Because we don't know anything about the spiritual energy and the soul art.

Mr. Zhang also knows that we have been adhering to a practice path for thousands of years, and now even if it is fusion, it is inevitable to feel uneasy.So thinking that Mr. Zhang might be able to give us some help in this regard, he came uninvited and took the liberty of disturbing Mr. Qingxiu. "

"Yes, it's exactly what Xu Fengyang said. We came here to ask Zhang Yan for your help. This soul art seems to have some power, but it's twists and turns are very jerky. You have to explain it to us carefully.

Also, what is the rationale for exhaling and utilizing the spiritual energy.Zhang Yan, let us compare the things you have learned with those of the turtle. "

One said it relatively implicitly, and the other said it seemed vulgar, but both had the same meaning, which was to explore Zhang Yan's background and bottom line.

It seems that you don't want to grab it directly?But want to be first?Then cheat?In the end, if you are easy to bully, will you grab it?Zhang Yan had already guessed exactly what Xu Fengyang and Baronka's plans were.

It seems that these two people don't have enough confidence to turn their faces.Is it because they haven't healed from the wounds they suffered in the last battle with the Elf Clan?Or are there still some differences?
Zhang Yan smiled, picked up the tea and took another sip, then put it down, looked at Xu Fengyang and Baronka who were sitting opposite, and said, "Compare my way with the way of the turtle? Hehe, what's the difference?" and comparable?
You two don't understand the way of the turtle, don't you also don't know the way of mine.How can a blind man touch an elephant?
But I also understand the entanglement of the two gentlemen.After all, the soul technique of the turtle-backed man is relatively obscure and difficult to understand, and regarding the spiritual energy, the two of them have never had personal contact with it before.

I do have a method, which can let the two of you feel the power of some spiritual means and the effect of specific movements as quickly as possible.This may help the two of them make up their minds about integration as soon as possible.

Would you two like to hear it? "

"Appreciate further details!"

"Let's learn! Although I don't know the soul technique like the turtle-backed man, as His Excellency Wu Sheng said just now, the turtle-backed man and I both use spiritual energy methods, and there are similarities in essence. Perhaps using the most direct method It is also the fastest way to understand the relationship between soul art and aura.

What do you two think? "

Learn from each other? !
The expressions on Xu Fengyang's and Baronka's faces changed after hearing the words.Zhang Yan's reaction has exceeded their expectations.

Xu Fengyang's plan before coming here was actually to put pressure on Zhang Yan directly, forcing Zhang Yan to hand over the detailed practice system, and even open the library in Duanya Mountain.He felt that even though his and Baronka's injuries hadn't healed yet, they were still [-]% better, and they were absolutely certain to join forces to deal with Zhang Yan, who was not as strong as them.

Even as long as Zhang Yan dared to resist or refuse, Zhang Yan would be abolished and locked up.Xu Fengyang believed that no matter it was Jiangwu Academy or Baronka's demon country, there were some ruthless characters who could make Zhang Yan spit out everything in his mind.

Baronka, however, objected.He didn't think it was a good idea to just erase Zhang Yan from Huang Tianyu.Huang Tianyu needs strong people, the more strong people there are, the safer they all will be.To deal with Zhang Yan, you can try it step by step. If you are really stubborn, it is time to follow Xu Fengyang's plan.

In the end Xu Fengyang compromised and agreed to try it out first.

At the same time, Xu Fengyang and Baronka also expected Zhang Yan's reaction.Either angry or perfunctory is possible.If you want to be obedient directly, it will definitely not happen, and there may be some contests in the middle.

But what does that mean now?Zhang Yan asked to do it first?
Is it true that as Zhang Yan said, you need to learn from each other to understand the spiritual skills?Or did Zhang Yan see through their plan and prepare to demonstrate first as a deterrent?

Regardless of the possibility, Xu Fengyang and Baronka have no other choice at this time.

"Hehe, Zhang Yan, it doesn't look like you want to help us realize the spiritual energy means, but it looks like you are itching to find an opponent. Hahaha, am I right? When Xu Fengyang and I were in the God Realm It is often the same, when his hands are itchy, his eyes flash the same expression as yours now.

Don't deny it, I'm sure I'm right! "

Baronka stood up from the chair and moved his shoulders a few times. One of his arms just grew out not long ago. It was a new one, and it was far inferior to the one that was left in the sprite world in terms of firmness and strength. Raw arm.He is also a monster strongman who relies on his body for food, and the lack of strength in one arm also has a great impact on his overall strength.This is also one of the reasons why he disapproved of Xu Fengyang directly fighting Zhang Yan.

After all, Zhang Yan is finished, and his current physical condition does not have the confidence to face Xu Fengyang alone.Moreover, Xu Fengyang and Zhang Yan are both human races, so what if the way to practice spiritual energy is more suitable than that of the monster race?
Leaving Zhang Yan would do little harm to Baronka, but without Zhang Yan, it would be full of uncertainty for Baronka.

"Oh? Your Excellency the Demon God thinks that I am similar to Your Excellency Martial Saint?"

"Of course, you look very much like Xu Fengyang when your hands were itchy. Hahaha, let's go, do you have a school field here? I can't wait to see what it's like when you compete.

Warrior vs. monk, hehe, your way of counting is called monk, right? "

Since you want to fight, there is no choice of winning or losing, you can only win, and you must win beautifully.Otherwise, it would be impossible to suppress Zhang Yan.And Baronka didn't want to fight Zhang Yan.It's not because I'm afraid, but because I don't want to block my way.He still wants to observe and observe.

Xu Fengyang glanced at Baronka. How could he not know what Baronka was thinking after being together day and night for thousands of years?It's just that he is more confident in his own strength than Baronka.His injury was much lighter than Baronka's at the beginning.Later, with the help of Zhang Yan's elixir, it is more than [-]% better now.

Counting the time again, even if Zhang Yan was improving rapidly, he still had the confidence to suppress him with one hand.It was just a sparring session, there was no need for him to argue with Baronka.Moreover, a proper display of strength can also make Baronka more peaceful and less careful.

"Balonka is right. When we are in the God Realm, we will exchange ideas from time to time. This is a good way to pass the time and help each other.

Then let's go, I am also very curious about what methods the monk represented by Mr. Zhang has.If it is still at the same level as in Langyuan City before, it is not enough. "Xu Fengyang kept smiling and stood up from the chair.

Zhang Yan didn't speak any more.He nodded, and walked out of Dengyun Palace first.He understood that after practicing all the time these days, he had hidden the natural power of his semi-immortal body so well that Xu Fengyang and Baronka didn't notice the slightest difference.

Perhaps if Zhang Shun was here at this time, he would no longer feel uncomfortable being around his second brother.

(End of this chapter)

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