one's door

Chapter 510

Chapter 510
"Is that your new weapon? I heard that you used this kind of steel whip when you were killing monsters."

Xu Fengyang followed Zhang Yan all the way to a square platform paved with special bricks not far from Dengyun Hall.I know that this should be the place where Zhang Yan said to learn from each other.Seeing that Zhang Yan suddenly had a steel whip in his hand, he vaguely remembered hearing about it from Baronka.

Xu Fengyang knew about Zhang Yan's ability to refine all kinds of powerful weapons by himself.The flags and fans in the past have now become steel whips, which appear endlessly and are also one of Zhang Yan's important strengths.

This is also a part of Zhang Yan's practice system, right?

Not only Xu Fengyang's eyes were hot, but Baronka, who was not ready to do anything, also looked at the steel whip in Xu Fengyang's hand with hot eyes.Anyone can feel the unusualness of this steel whip.As soon as it appeared, the air around it became restless, and there seemed to be a tingling sensation that seemed to be absent.

And the purple electric sparks lingering on the steel whip are not easy to mess with at first glance.

However, Zhang Yan waved the steel whip in his hand casually, and said with a smile: "Your Excellency Wu Sheng is not completely right. I did use a steel whip when I was training apprentices in the Yaozu before, and the one I have now This one is indeed exactly the same. But in fact it is not the same root."

"Huh? It's not the same root? Is this a double scorpion?"

"Hahaha, of course it's not the double scorpion. The previous one was called the "Little Thunder Whip", which was a transitional product. But now I have the "Thunder Whip", which is still somewhat different. Wait a moment, Your Excellency Wusheng You should be able to experience it for yourself.”

"Little Thunder Whip. Thunder Whip? Hehe, it sounds very interesting. It should also be a magic weapon for attracting thunder, right? I'm looking forward to it."

Xu Fengyang was not polite, let alone push himself too hard, his hands trembled, a gap opened in the space, he took out a pair of metal gloves from inside and put them on.This is his weapon or armor.Zhang Yan had seen it before when the God Realm was fighting against the Monster Clan.It is a protective gear whose toughness reaches the middle-grade magic weapon. It has no other special abilities, but it just maximizes the power of Xu Fengyang's own fist.

"Let me play some guest referees. The rules are very simple. You can't get out of the ring. If you get kicked out of the ring, you lose, or you can take the initiative to admit defeat. As for the size, you two can decide for yourself. Hehe."

Baronka stood beside him with his arms folded, his ferocious smile on his face was even more sinister.He was actually very happy.It is rare to see the depth of two people without using your own hands.What's more, if Zhang Yan worked harder, even if he lost, it would be even better if Xu Fengyang suffered some injuries.When the time comes, he will stand on Zhang Yan's side to check and balance Xu Fengyang, and at the same time, he will trick Zhang Yan to spit out something, so that both sides can benefit, wouldn't it be better?
Zhang Yan nodded with a smile, and Xu Fengyang on the other side did the same.

"Okay, then let's start!" With that, Baronka snapped his fingers loudly, indicating that the competition in the ring had officially started.

"Mr. Zhang, you have no eyes, you have to be careful!"

"Your Excellency Wu Sheng is the same. My Lei Gongbian has a hot temper by nature. If you can't help but hurt you, please forgive me!"

As soon as the words were spoken, the fighting spirit of the two immediately soared.But the difference is obvious.

Xu Fengyang was like a sharp sword out of its sheath, while Zhang Yan was like a dark cloud hiding a thunderstorm.


The first punch Zhang Yan did not dodge or dodge was to measure the strength of Xu Fengyang's fist, and at the same time, he also wanted to test how far his current semi-immortal body could withstand pure strength.

Of course, not dodging or dodging doesn't mean you have to puff your chest out and get punched, that's definitely courting death.Even if Zhang Yan set up the steel whip to block, he could still feel the huge force sent back from the steel whip, as well as the extremely aggressive vitality attack that he had never touched before!

Hush, huh, huh, Zhang Yan's legs seemed to plow through the ground, forming a ravine a few inches deep.It was only after being taken out by the force of the fist for three feet that he could barely stop his figure.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect the ground to be fancy. It can be repaired by yourself? What's the reason?" Xu Fengyang was surprised that the arena, which seemed to be stepped on by his feet, would quickly change back to its original shape after being plowed into a ravine.Did not pursue it.

"It's just some tricks, but it made Master Wu Sheng laugh."

Zhang Yan was not injured.He didn't know that Xu Fengyang's punch just now was a few percent of his strength, but it was still within the range of his physical body.Even his physical body now seems to be able to pour force through the power of rules naturally, just like the two ravines plowed out under his feet just now. Most of them are conducted to deeper underground along the plowed ravines.

"Your Majesty Wu Sheng doesn't need to keep his hands. I feel that this level of strength is not enough for the purpose of the exchange." Zhang Yan felt that even if Xu Fengyang's strength was doubled, he should be able to bear it.Stimulate the opponent's bottom line first, and then it's his turn to do it.

"Oh?" Baronka was startled.Although Xu Fengyang's punch just now was not full strength, it was at least [-]% to [-]% powerful.And Zhang Yan is not the kind of person who strengthens the body like warriors and monsters, so he resisted it so easily, and even made provocative words? !Are you so confident?
"Very good, Mr. Zhang's strength is unexpectedly strong. Then try to punch me a few more times!" Xu Fengyang didn't get angry in his heart, but raised his vigilance.From Zhang Yan's eyes, he couldn't see any pretentiousness or panic, but was calm.

Perhaps, this discussion will be different from what you think?Xu Fengyang suddenly had such a thought in his heart.

"Bang bang bang" The sound of the metal snare hitting the steel whip became more and more intense, and neither of them had the ability to move or move. It was so direct and rough as if they were wrestling.

However, Xu Fengyang's boxing strength was obviously increasing gradually, but the effect of hitting the steel whip that Zhang Yan blocked was not getting stronger, but gradually weakening.

The reason is only clear to Zhang Yan himself.Before, he didn't know that his semi-immortal body could instinctively use the power of rules to pour out force, which almost straight-up raised the strength of the physical body.Now he has gradually figured out the trick of pouring out his strength, just like learning to snap his fingers, naturally he can release Xu Fengyang's fist strength into the ground faster and easier.It even caused Xu Fengyang to work harder, but Zhang Yan seemed to be less strenuous.

"Mr. Zhang is really powerful." Xu Fengyang already had a little fear on his face. He used [-]% of his strength just now, which is the greatest direct strength he has now when he is injured.If you want to increase your strength, you have to use combat skills as a blessing.

"Mister's strength is beyond imagination, how about trying my Sky-breaking Fist?"

"Hehe, please, Your Excellency Wusheng!"

(End of this chapter)

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