one's door

Chapter 51 Mountain Rain

Chapter 51 Mountain Rain
Hearing this, Zhang Yan knew it in his heart.

There is a high probability that something major has happened if the people from Bad Wolf Village did not show up, and the head of the team suspects that Bad Wolf Village is not the only bandit that has an accident, but the three groups of bandits in this mountain. The same goes for shuffling.At that time, the result that everyone knew was that, in order to show off their prestige, the bandits who had just appeared, that is, those bandits who might have had an accident this time, chose to eat both human beings and goods, leaving no one alive.

If something really happened now, it might be considered karma.Zhang Yan thought so in his heart.

But even if he felt the danger, the team leader didn't dare to take the team back immediately, because no matter how you look at it, the matter is not so sure. The leader of the guards definitely doesn't have to do it anymore.

But if you continue to move forward, you may lose your life. Money is more important than life.So I also thought of a compromise method, which is to rest early, prolong the trip for a day, and then send a few people forward to spy and fumble forward the next day, and turn back when it is almost the second pass.In this way, there will be something to say to the boss after going back and forth.It's not that I'm greedy for life and afraid of death, but I walked halfway in a row and found something was wrong before returning.This can be said to be cautious and adaptable.

Because according to the bandit reshuffle five years ago, it was an accident in the second pass, and this time it was also a reference for the team to consider.

Although Zhang Yan was eavesdropping, he didn't think about making public.He also agrees with the reaction of the team leader.If he knew that there might be danger ahead and rushed forward bravely, Zhang Yan would probably make a move to stir it up.Now, just follow the idea of ​​the team leader.When it dawns tomorrow, I will move forward a little bit, and I will be able to turn back when I have an excuse.

At that time, Zhang Yan would have to think of another way, anyway, he was not in a hurry to hurry.Whether to follow back and make a detour, or to steal it by yourself is a choice.

The team chose a relatively open place to camp.The horse was unhitched from the cart, and then led to the side to be fed and rested.As for the vehicles, they will be surrounded in a circle with two floors, and the personnel will concentrate in the circle to rest.When the weather is fine, they burn a fire and sleep on the ground.If the weather is bad, tarpaulins will be pulled up and tents will be set up.

The weather has been pretty good all the way out of the city for the past few days, except for one night when there was a strong wind, it has been going smoothly.Not too hard at night.

As for the food, Zhang Yan didn't prepare it himself, he paid for the team to eat with the team, usually three meals of dry biscuits and one meal of jerky.Don't even think about it being delicious, it's just enough to fill you up.

Zhang Yan sat on the edge of the fire, watching the leader and the head of the guards come back after discussing, both of them were quite calm and did not show any timidity, and they called their staff to set up guards for the night or organize the cargo in the convoy.After a while of busy work, the sky darkened, and everyone sat together and started eating around the nearby fire.

Zhang Yan baked the dry biscuits by the fire to soften them, making them easier to bite.

"Brother, why are you rubbing those beans one by one? It's like the rations for the horses in the team?" The driver surnamed Xiong has been getting close to Zhang Yan these days. As for the car, Zhang Yan is eloquent and the driver is talkative, so the two get along pretty well.From the first day, I saw Zhang Yan holding more than a dozen dried beans in his hand, and he was free to ask. It's just that he didn't know it well at first, so he couldn't ask more questions. Now that he is familiar with it, he can't help asking.

Zhang Yan didn't stop the movements in his hands. Holding twelve round beans in his left hand, he picked them up one by one with his right hand and twisted them a few times, repeating these movements over and over again.It is indeed strange for others to look at it.

"Hehe, Brother Xiong, there's nothing to do here. The day before yesterday, I saw people from the motorcade feeding the horses, so I grabbed some beans and threw them away. Hehe, I'm used to coiling them now." Zhang Yan He explained with a smile.

"Habit? Tsk, your habit is very special. By the way, don't sleep too deeply when you go to bed tonight, and be careful."

"Ah? What's wrong?"

"Hey, didn't you see that all the guards are guarding out today? In the past, they were guarding the night in threes and threes. And the place to rest today is not right. I always feel that something is wrong, and you should be careful."

The driver surnamed Xiong looked worried. He has been with the car for more than three years. He used to drive in other car dealerships. He has seen many things. Today's events are very abnormal in his opinion. Inexplicably, I always feel a little panicked in my heart.By reminding Zhang Yan, I can also vent my uneasiness.

"Huh?" Zhang Yan was sure that the coachman beside him would not have heard the conversation between the head of the convoy and the leader of the guards like him. Now that he reminded him, it should be a premonition.

So Zhang Yan looked at the other person's face intently, and tried to figure it out by means of physiognomy.As a result, I don’t know if I don’t know, I’m shocked.

The face of this coachman surnamed Xiong turned out to be an ominous omen, and he was full of blood!
A good face-to-face hexagram technique is generally impossible to use on yourself, but you can use the similarity of "peers" to find short-term fortunes that may be related to you from other people's hexagrams.

Undoubtedly, Zhang Yan and the coachman beside him in this barren mountain are absolutely "people on the same boat". The other side is the same, but it will definitely be affected.

What will happen so that the driver next to him will have blood in his eyes?Zhang Yan might not have guessed this at any other time.But now there is no need for him to guess, because there can only be one reason for the bloody disaster here.

The bandits are coming!

Zhang Yan had to pay attention to this.Calmly, he calculated the faces of the other coachmen beside the fire. It would not take much effort to calculate the short-term fortunes of these ordinary people based on his current cultivation base of profound veins. I can count it all over.In the end, there were no exceptions, all of them were the same as the driver surnamed Xiong, a sign of great evil and bloody eyes!
The so-called "current" word, in fact, seems to be vague but it is not the case. Generally, the word "current" refers to "within the day".

At this time, it was already night, and it should have just passed Xu Shi, and there was not much left for this day.

In other words, the danger is imminent, and it is possible to fall head-on at any time, smashing blood and blood!
Zhang Yan had to make quick calculations in his mind.It's not a big problem for him to get away by himself, but what about the dozens of people in the convoy?Watch them die?
But if it is to save people, I have no idea at all.That's not one or two bandits, but maybe hundreds of thousands of people, even if there are only [-]% warriors, it's not a huge force that Zhang Yan can resist today.

Zhang Yan thought about the solution quickly, and finally he set his eyes on the twelve beans that he had been holding in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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