one's door

Chapter 52 Bean Soldiers

Chapter 52 Bean Soldiers
The beans in Zhang Yan's hand are not just something he used to pass the time when he was bored as he explained to others just now, but actually it is another new method he has learned now.

But there is one thing that Zhang Yan did not lie, that is, he did grab these twelve beans from the grain and grass bags of the motorcade. Before they entered his hands, these beans were no different from ordinary beans.

But now these beans have a new name: Doubing.

Dou Bing is actually very famous in Taoism.There are countless related legends.It belongs to a spell with high growth rate and low threshold.

It is also because of the high growth type and low threshold, so there are many users, which makes it famous.

In fact, "Doubing" is not only a magical method, but also a divine method. It is a representative spell formed by the combination of Taoism and divine method.Moreover, the threshold for the practice of "Doubing" is the same as that of alchemy, which is the Profound Vein Realm.During the few days when Zhang Yan was consolidating his foundation, he searched for the detailed method of "bean soldiers" in the tower of Wanxiangzhu. If there is nothing to do along the way, it is better to try the method of "bean soldiers" first, so there is his strange behavior of holding a dozen or so bean dishes along the way.

This is the reason why Dou Bing has a low threshold. It only needs to meet the cultivation level of Profound Vein Realm, and there is no obstacle at all in terms of materials.The most common beans will do.

Dried beans, of course, but not fried beans.

And Zhang Yan's non-stop "pan beans" in the past few days is actually transferring his aura into the beans bit by bit through a special method, and depicting subtle lines inside them to meet the mysterious changes later. need.

This process is called "raising soldiers".The longer the soldiers are raised, the more powerful the "bean soldiers" can carry.This is also the growth of "Doubing".

Generally, the height of "bean soldiers" can be seen from the color of the beans raised.The original color of ordinary beans is the lowest level of "bean soldiers", and then the so-called "copper bean soldiers" become brass, and then the bright gold is "golden bean soldiers", and there is also the legendary white jade color "sacred bean soldiers".

The bean soldiers in Zhang Yan's hands only made him trade for four or five days. Although he successfully turned the beans into "bean soldiers", they were only the lowest-level "bean soldiers".

But the lowest level does not mean useless.

As I said before, "Dou Soldier" is a Taoist spell that combines the magic of Shuxiu and the method of the Divine Dao.Therefore, art is the foundation, and it is the method of the divine way that truly explodes the power.

Some are like a simplified version of "God's Arrival".Use beans to carry a small portion of divine power, without the need to lose a portion of lifespan as a price like the "God's Arrival Technique" once used.

Perhaps the monk who created this spell thought out this second-best spell based on the rejection of the price of "God's Arrival"?

Take the twelve beans in Zhang Yan's hands as an example. Although they are only the lowest "bean soldiers", they still have the most basic ability of "bean soldiers", that is, the ability to carry the power of the divine way.The difference is only in how much power it can withstand.

Taking "God's Subduing Technique" as a comparison, Zhang Yan can bear a fraction of the power of the heavenly soldiers and gods, so what the "bean soldiers" in his hand at this time can only carry is a bit stronger than ordinary people's divine power, and Zhang Yan needs to consume spiritual energy to maintain the activation state of "Dou Bing".

According to Zhang Yan's deduction, he believes that the twelve "bean soldiers" in his hand can now maintain the strength equivalent to that of a warrior in the early or middle stage of Body Tempering Realm, and the up and down errors will not be too large.

Even so, if you encounter hundreds of bandits swarming in, you still can't resist it, not to mention that the warriors among the bandits are not vegetarians, so it is rare to be able to protect some people from escaping.

But what Zhang Yan wanted to save was everyone in the entire team.So even if "Dou Bing" is a good card in his current hand, he can't play it out to fight the bandits. He needs to talk about some rules and strategies.

If it is still futile in the end, then Zhang Yan will take some people to rush out, and he will have to try whether he can save him before he is reconciled.

"Brother Xiong, help me watch some pancakes so they don't burn. I'll put some water over there."

"Okay, let's go, don't go too far, maybe there are monsters here."

"Okay, don't go far."

Zhang Yan already had concerns in his heart, got up from the edge of the fire, said that it was convenient to go, but did not suppress his voice, deliberately let the people around him hear it.So no one was curious about his departure.What's so good about a big man going to pee?

But when Zhang Yan left, he only peed incidentally. What he had to do was to throw out the twelve "bean soldiers", so that he could clean himself up in case something happened.At the same time achieve the purpose of confusing everyone.

However, the bean soldiers can't be spread too far, based on the limit of Zhang Yan's current aura sense, close it a little, about [-] feet away.He can activate and control these bean soldiers within this distance.

After confirming that the arrangement was correct, Zhang Yan rolled up his trouser legs, and put a piece of magic amulet on each leg to hide it.Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.The fact that Zhang Yan almost capsized in the gutter because of his agility when facing Li Gui before is still fresh in his memory. Although he can't improve his agility in a short period of time, he can rely on the magic amulet to increase his movement speed. You can make use of it.

"Brother! Are you ready? Your pancakes are all baked!"

"I'm coming!"

Zhang Yan laughed and packed up and trotted back to the side of the fire.He took the pancakes that were handed over by the other party and began to eat them.

Soon after Xushi passed, it was Haishi.The voices in the convoy also quickly fell.I have to get up early tomorrow, and Haishi is already very late for the people in the team.They each found a warm place, took out the quilt, wrapped themselves up, and then fell to the ground with their clothes on and fell asleep.

Some people did not sleep.For example, the guards who were told to be on full alert, the head of the convoy, and some people who felt something was wrong like the coachman surnamed Xiong.

Of course Zhang Yan was also included.

Slowly, only the crackling of the fire was left in the surrounding area, and the rest was quiet.

Suddenly, a piercing scream sounded, which was an alarm issued by the guards around the night, waking up the entire convoy that had already fallen into a deep sleep.

"Enemy attack!"

"Bandits! Bandits are here!"

The police whistle sounded once and twice, and soon it was ringing non-stop on all sides.It heralds the official arrival of the "big omen" calculated by Zhang Yan before.

(End of this chapter)

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