one's door

Chapter 53

Chapter 53
The guards in charge of guarding all around blew the whistles hanging around their necks one after another. The piercing sound broke the silence and made everyone in the convoy feel their hearts jump.

"Bandits! Bandits are here!"

The guards did not continue to stay at the high place to guard, but rushed back and announced the reason for the alarm whistle.

"What?! Bandits? Why did bandits appear at this time?"

"Bring it over? What, what does this mean?"

"Don't be afraid, our car and horse company has friendship with all the cottages in this mountain. Maybe it's the people from the wolf village. Didn't they show up before? Maybe they came here to collect the toll?"

When Zhang Yan heard the police post and saw the sentry guards rushing back, his first feeling was that these bandits were too arrogant.

What can the ten guards guard against?If the bandits wanted to be invisible, they could send powerful warriors in to kill the guards as sentries first, and then show their blades when they got close.These are all-too-common tactics in the military.But these bandits just came over loudly, without covering it up at all.

Perhaps as far as the bandits were concerned, they never thought that a convoy of just fifty people could have any resistance in front of them.It's like when you step on an ant, you never think about any strategy.

Although he looked down on these rabble in his heart, Zhang Yan felt a little more confident at this time. After all, it was easier to deceive a group of fools than a group of scheming villains.

The ten guards looked so thin at this moment, even if they were surrounded by the car formation, they could not bring any sense of security to the rest of the team.

And the most panicked ones were the convoy leader and the guard leader.They had exchanged opinions before, thinking that the bandit forces in this mountain were likely to be reshuffled as they were five years ago, and they also believed that once they were encountered by chaotic bandits, they would probably be close to death.So I planned to turn back to avoid the limelight tomorrow after putting on a show, but who would have thought that the danger would come that night.At this moment, I can only keep hoping that my guess is wrong, or that the bandits will not do the thing of killing them all this time.

run?Where are you going?There are mountains all around, and the mountains are the hunting grounds of bandits.Not to mention the convoy, even if the army of Nanyuan Kingdom enters the mountain to encircle and suppress, they can't clean it up, because the mountain road here is rugged and complicated. Once the bandits disperse and run away, they can hide in a cave for a month or two. Can the army afford it?As soon as the army left, they came out again.

What's more, it is surrounded on all sides now, and there is no place to run.He could only stand behind the car formation and wait for his fate.

Even the people in the convoy panicked to this point, those people who spent money to follow the car like Zhang Yan were even more frightened, their faces were green and black, and they hid in the innermost trembling like frightened chicks.

Zhang Yan didn't panic, but silently took out a short knife from his bag. In fact, it was transformed by Wanxiangzhu, and it also fit his identity as a soldier who returned home from Yubeishan Fortress.It's just that he lacks the evil spirit that the soldiers of the Yubei Mountain Fortress have always had.

People who practice Taoism pay attention to peace of mind, and evil spirits cannot stay on him.So Zhang Yan should be the only one who has stayed in Yubei Mountain for more than two years but has no evil spirit at all.

"Brother, if, if there is something wrong later, can you, help, help me?" The driver surnamed Xiong saw Zhang Yan with a calm face and a knife in his hand, and found it immediately. one to rely on.He knew that Zhang Yan, who had just come out of Yubeishan Fortress, a place where people die every day, was much more reliable at this moment than someone like him. Maybe he could rely on him to save his life .

"Brother Xiong, don't worry, stay by my side, I will try my best to help you. But it shouldn't be necessary to do it, right?"

"Thank you, brother! But brother, don't be careless. Bandits never attack the camp in the middle of the night. I'm afraid today will be difficult!" At this time, the uneasiness in his heart came to his heart, making him terrified.

After only a few words, Zhang Yan felt a lot of fast approaching breath in his perception.The breath is strong and weak, but it is not the strength that ordinary people should have. It is a warrior, and the master of bandits is here first!
With the light of the fire, you can see that there are suddenly many figures on the nearby trees on the surrounding mountains, standing or squatting on the branches of the trees, holding long and short weapons, and looking at the people trapped in the middle of the car formation with a playful expression. These dozen or so people.

"That seems to be the third head of the wolf village! The second head of the Heidao village next to him? Why did they come together?"

"There are still some people I don't know!"

"The ones over there are people from Huanshanzhai!"

"Well, people from Bad Wolf Village, Heidao Village, and Huanshan Village are all here? But why didn't you see their master? It's strange!"

Seeing some familiar faces, some team members were slightly relieved.But people who had guessed in their hearts like the head of the convoy and the leader of the guards were on the contrary. Seeing this mixed face, they fell straight to the bottom of their hearts.

Although the three big bandit forces on this mountain road are not hostile, they are definitely not in a relationship that can be mixed together for business.Now that the people are mixed, and the big bosses of the cottages have not been seen, the problems here are basically obvious.

The village of the three bandits was in chaos.

You can't wait for bandits to attack, at least you have to figure out the other party's intentions first.And it seems that the bandits who came here should not come out in full force, there were only about twenty warriors who arrived first and showed up, and the rest of the bandits who followed should not exceed two hundred.

"Heroes! We are the convoy of the Shunji Chariot and Horse Company in Xuanhua City. We are connected with all the villages in the mountains. Everyone in charge is here. If there is any shortage, you can open up. Although our owner is not here, we can We can also take back the words of the masters and let the masters know.

Hehe, it is unnecessary to put up such a big battle. "

The back of his head was already soaked in cold sweat, but his face was really calm. He climbed onto a carriage and stood on it and shouted loudly at the bandits surrounding him not far away, hoping to keep them safe. They all agree first, and then they can go back alive.

"I know you are Shunji, but do you know who we are?"

"I know, you are from the Wolf Village"

"Wrong! The wolf village is gone! Now it is Qingyue village! So what does your Shunji car and horse shop have to do with me? How dare you come to make friends with me? Now that so many people have come here, you just want to rely on three Send me away with two sentences?"

"No, no, no, everyone in Qingyue Village, please don't get me wrong. Our car and horse business is always here, and it's not a one-time transaction. If you have any requests, please ask, and we will definitely bring them to you. And the toll fee this time It won’t make you short, you can let it go.”

"Okay, okay, you are the leader of the team, so I don't bother to tell you."

"Then I will take the words with me"

"Hey, don't talk too much, I'm here today to collect things, not only your goods, but also your lives, as well!"

(End of this chapter)

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