one's door

Chapter 54 Suspicion

Chapter 54 Suspicion
In the eyes of bandits, reshuffled the cards and changed their identities, which means that the rules in this mountain need to be re-established. How can they gain prestige if they don't kill them first?

Besides, the former three villages have now been disrupted and reorganized into a large village. How can the road purchase cost not be increased by three or five times?
So it's not against Shunji Car Horse Company, but only blame Shun Ji Car Horse Company for being unlucky and just met.

During the conversation, the rest of the bandits also arrived. They are not warriors, and their footsteps in the mountains are much slower than those of the twenty or so leaders. It was about the same as what Zhang Yan had guessed before, more than two hundred.

"Everyone who is in charge, this, this is not enough! If you have something to say, you can keep it! We can keep the goods and money as congratulations. The superiors are very happy. The lives of us who are suffering are worthless. Let us go!" He bowed his head, and his face finally couldn't hold back, not only the bitterness, but also the cold sweat all over his head.

But as the leader said, their lives are worthless, and it doesn't make sense to keep them or not, it depends on which one can bring benefits to these bandits.But now, in the eyes of bandits, it is more useful to kill people to establish their prestige than to let these people go back alive to spread the word.After these people are dead, someone will come to investigate later, and it will be the same when they send the message back.

So the leaders of the bandits didn't talk anymore, but waved their hands, ready to end the massacre quickly so that they could go back and celebrate.


The mob is just the mob, there is no battle formation, no queue, let alone ranks, they just come in such a disorderly manner, Zhang Yan, who was standing in the car formation, curled his lips.He felt that if there were thirty soldiers with Yubeishan here, they would be able to kill the two hundred or so bandits in front of them, and their own battle losses would not exceed [-]%!
Unfortunately, this place is not Yubei Mountain, and the people around are not soldiers from the fortress on the mountain.

Looking around, Zhang Yan saw that eight out of ten people were trembling in their legs at this moment, and those guards were also pale and had no will to fight.This kind of person has already collapsed psychologically. How can there be any possibility of resistance in a fight later?Only the few people around the leader of the guards gritted their teeth and still had some blood on their bodies, but they couldn't change the atmosphere of despair.

The cries had risen.Even the coachman surnamed Xiong who was familiar with Zhang Yan was shocked at this time, but he was better than others, knowing that he couldn't hide, so he took a machete from under the car and held it in his hand, although his hands were shaking violently. But the knife never fell.

Originally, Zhang Yan was going to watch the battle on the convoy's side first, and then find an opportunity to intervene, but now the desperate posture around him can't stop him for a moment, and he can't help him to continue to wait and see.

So with a thought, the twelve bean soldiers that had been placed more than ten feet away in advance began to tremble slightly, and then one by one sprouted roots like sprouts and plunged into the soil, and then passed through the ground one by one from the surgeon Zhang Yan. Absorbing spiritual energy in his body, he grew rapidly, and within a short while, twelve burly men stood up in unison.

These twelve men were covered in pitch-black leather armor, with tasseled helmets on their heads, and long knives in their hands. As soon as they appeared, they were full of fighting spirit and had an indomitable momentum!
When the Dou Bing appeared, the people in the convoy were the most surprised. They didn't know when they had these powerful warrior assistants on their side.A ray of hope suddenly ignited in my heart.

The smile on the face of the bandit leader on the opposite side froze.They also didn't feel how those twelve eye-catching warriors appeared, as if they had been there before but escaped their eyes and senses.

"What kind of cultivation are those people?"

"Huh, the posture is quite good, but the cultivation base is just like that, in the tempered body state, both in the early and middle stages."

"I'm wearing leather armor, which looks like a standard one. And it seems to be able to attack together, and the aura is not like ordinary warriors. I'm afraid the origin is not simple."

"Let's take a look first. Who of you will try them? I'm afraid the brothers below will not be able to take them down."

"It's enough to go to a few in the quenching state, we won't make a move yet."

"That's fine."

The bandit leader quickly reached a consensus, and whistles and screams rang out urgently, and then ten bandits who were also in the Body Tempering Realm came out in greater numbers, and fiercely went straight to the twelve bean soldiers who had just settled into the formation. go.

"Kill kill kill!"

But the first to come into contact with the bean soldiers were the ordinary bandits who rushed to the front.Although almost every one of them has a murder case on their backs, they are regarded as murderers, but they are better than ordinary people who live an honest life.A single combat skill can pull them far away.

However, the huge advantage in numbers made the bandits fearless for a while, not to mention that their leader had already caught up with them, and when everyone rushed up, wouldn't these warriors be cut into pieces?

If ordinary warriors in the early and middle stages of Body Tempering Realm encountered this kind of black and white battle, there were really not many ways to do it. Even if they could kill people, they wouldn't be able to resist for long.Because even combat skills are difficult to cover such a large area to cause damage, and the Tempering Body Realm can't use a few large-scale combat skills.

But Dou Bing is not an ordinary warrior, or they are not comparable to ordinary body-hardening realm warriors under Zhang Yan's control.Because Zhang Yan was able to fight, his stay in Yubei Mountain for more than two years was not in vain.


The light of the knife flashed, and the sound of cutting was inaudible, but the sound of blood gushing from the neck was particularly shocking.

The significance of the battle formation is that the most rigorous offensive and defensive fronts can be formed with the least number of people.And can combine the power of everyone and bring it to the extreme.There are even many tricks in the changes of the battle formation, Zhang Yan doesn't know many, and he has learned them by ear, which is completely enough to deal with these mobs.

The screams sounded and disappeared, but the sound of splitting and gushing continued.In just ten or so breaths of time, there were nine more corpses with their heads separated from each other, and the ground was stained scarlet in patches.

"Go away!"

The arrival of the ten Body Tempering Realm bandit leaders chasing after them also relieved the ordinary bandits who had been killed for a while and were a little timid.Even the bandits on the side stopped outside the car formation and did not enter.Everyone could see that these twelve black-armored warriors were the backbone of the team, and if they were broken, they could easily wipe out all the team members present as usual.If they rush to attack the chariot formation, it is hard to say how many people inside will die if they fight back. Bandits are not stupid, just wait.

"Where is the man, report your name! If you die, I will find a good place for you to bury!"

"Let us go or die!"

Facing the bandit leader's question, a bean soldier suddenly opened his mouth, and replied with a bumpy voice, as if his throat had been scratched by a knife.

(End of this chapter)

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