one's door

Chapter 55 Confused

Chapter 55 Confused
No one noticed Zhang Yan standing in the crowd of motorcades.No one noticed that there was already a thin layer of sweat on Zhang Yan's forehead at this time.

On the one hand, it is due to the consumption of his spiritual energy to maintain the bean soldiers to withstand the power of the Shinto, and on the other hand, it is the mental energy consumed when manipulating the bean soldiers to use the battle formation to face the enemy.In the end, controlling Dou Bing to speak was much more difficult than Zhang Yan expected.Under the superimposition of several aspects, Zhang Yan felt very hard at this time.

"Manipulating twelve bean soldiers at a time is still a little bit reluctant." Zhang Yan thought to himself.But there is no turning back when the bow is opened, and now I can only bite the bullet and continue acting.

That's right, it's just acting, Zhang Yan wants to use twelve bean soldiers to act out a play, let these bandits use their weapons, so as to help the team members find a chance of survival in the desperate situation.

Outside the chariot formation, the bandits and the people in the chariot formation were all focused on the twelve bean soldiers.In addition to the nine corpses still alive on the ground, the fighting strength displayed by the bean soldiers also shocked many people.Naturally, the convoy was ecstatic, while the bandits on the other side temporarily stopped their attack.

The content of Dou Bing's speech was okay, but the voice and tone were very strange, as if someone who hadn't spoken for a long time suddenly spoke, ugly and jerky.

"These people are weird!"

"That's right. That voice should have been intentionally damaged. I'm afraid these people have a lot of background."

"Scared! Try it before you talk!"

The following Kaiyuanjing bandits exchanged opinions again. They all had major cases in various places and then fell into the grass.It can be said that he is well-informed and understands that this kind of standard leather armor and tasseled helmet is definitely not equipped by ordinary forces.So look again, if the strength of those warriors is not simple, maybe the scale of the killing tonight has to be carefully considered.

In the words, the battle formation ahead has already come into contact with the ten body tempering bandits.

If you say let him go, let him go?Who wouldn't say harsh words?Only after passing it by hand can you know whether it is blowing air.

Originally, these ten Body Tempering Realm bandits were very confident, because three of them were late Body Tempering Realm, and there was no late Body Tempering Realm on the opposite side.So they felt that even if they had two fewer people than the opponent, they should be able to quickly find a breakthrough in the fight, and then hack these pretending guys to death.

But the actual action was completely different from what the bandits had expected in advance.

From the very beginning of contact, they found that the twelve black-armored warriors were like a whole, although they didn't say a word to each other, they cooperated closely without any flaws.And after blocking the late-stage assault of the three Body Tempering Realm members in the bandits, they began to organize an effective counterattack.He even caught the bandit's cooperation mistakes and omissions and directly cut off half of one person's arm.

Of course, although Dou Bing had the overall advantage in the situation, it was not completely harmless.Although they avoided the bandits' swords, they could only resist with some combat skills, and the sound of bone cracking would be heard from time to time, but this did not affect the movements of the bean soldiers.But this scene is quite different in the eyes of others.

"That kick broke at least three ribs. If you're unlucky, it's not surprising that it pierced into an organ. Hey, that guy didn't say a word, and didn't even shake his hands. Don't these people know it hurts?"

"The tacit cooperation is outrageous! I'm afraid these people have been training together for five or six years? Maybe longer? It's rare to see such a tacit cooperation in the army!"

"Five or six years? Have you ever thought that they might have known each other since birth."

"Huh?! What do you mean?"

"Dead warriors. Have you heard of them? People who have been cultivated by big families or powerful forces to fight for themselves. Don't you think those black-armored warriors are very similar?"

"Dead man?!"

"If it's really a dead soldier, why would it appear here? Who are they desperately protecting?"

"I don't know. But it must be in this convoy."

Speaking of this, these bandits in the Yuan Kaijing couldn't hold back anymore, and moved forward to distinguish the people in the convoy.But just by looking at their appearance, they couldn't tell who was the one that these black-armored warriors, who were most likely dead soldiers, were desperately guarding.

"Why didn't they take that person away? Why did they choose to show up and fight with us?"

"Perhaps, the person they secretly protect doesn't even know his identity. Don't those big families like to hide their real sons in inconspicuous places?"

"I don't understand. But it can be seen that they are keeping their hands. Otherwise, those injured would not lose their arms but their heads."

"Then shall we go or not?"

"What a fart! To cause such a big trouble for a little money, the boss didn't take your skin off me? It's not worth it."

"Try their tone again. If it is what we think, then this deal will only take money and not take life. It can be regarded as giving face to the forces behind them."

"Well, just do it."

Several people agreed.It's not a big deal at all, just let go of a group of people who were thought to be "kill it" before, and Liwei can just find another group of people, it's just a bit of effort.

A few people came forward, and three of the besieging bean soldiers had their arms cut off, and some of the Body Tempering Realm bandits, who were unable to get off the tiger, all heaved a sigh of relief.The bean soldiers put too much pressure on them. The perfect cooperation that can be called one has no loopholes at all, and the ability to seize opportunities is outrageous.If the fight continued like this, even the three bandits in the late Body Tempering Realm would not dare to say that they would be able to retreat in the end.

As for avenging your companions?If they were so close, they wouldn't have been so unbearable when they fought with Dou Bing just now.The three forces were originally reorganized, and the relationship is slightly stronger than that of strangers. Who cares about your life?
"Everyone, can you tell me your identities? This time, let's treat it as if we don't know each other, and let you take me away."

Zhang Yan stood in the crowd, with a smile on his face like the people around him, and seemed to be surprised that the situation had turned around.In fact, his inner monologue is: finally caught!
The spiritual energy needed to maintain the twelve bean soldiers is really a heavy load for Zhang Yan. Although it has been less than half a stick of incense from the beginning to now, nearly [-]% of his spiritual energy has been drained.If these bandits are dragging on, he can only give up the original plan and choose to take a few people with him to kill them out forcibly.

After stopping his hands, although Zhang Yan's spiritual energy was still being consumed by the bean soldiers, at least he could relax a little bit.So he threw out the bean soldier who had spoken the formula he had prepared a long time ago.

"Master, it is not convenient to disclose that if you can do something convenient today, you will be rewarded in the future."

"Hehe, it's easy to talk about." The leaders of the Kaiyuan Realm said their names while laughing, counting themselves as self-reported, waiting for Dou Bing to say "there will be good rewards in the future".

(End of this chapter)

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