one's door

Chapter 56 A Brief History

Chapter 56 A Brief History

Arrive at Huaiqing County, then pass through Chengping County, Changhu County, and finally head east all the way to Beijiang County in the northeast of Nanyuan Country.

It has been four and a half months since the last time Zhang Yan relied on the bean soldiers to fool around and saved dozens of people from bandits.

In retrospect, Zhang Yan also introspected a lot about his previous actions.Especially since he hadn't formally used the Dou Bing and didn't know how it would actually be used, he used it directly in a dangerous situation. There were too many uncertainties that made him almost play it off several times.

In the end, luck was on his side, otherwise he could barely save a few people and run away in the end, and it was impossible to take everyone away from that mountain road.

Even those bandits left a few empty cars for the convoy as a journey, and also left some fodder and rations along the way, which can be regarded as "the best of benevolence".It should be determined that there are "children of great people" in the team, and they will stay in the front line to wait for "big rewards" in the future.

However, the bandits might not allow the convoy to retreat, but let them continue forward. Counting the food and grass left behind, they could barely get out of this mountain road and reach the vicinity of Yongde City.

It seems that bandits are preparing to specifically pit the convoy from Xuanhua City. After all, Yongde City is located in the middle of Nanyuan Kingdom, and the traffic is more convenient. The convoy inside is bigger and has a deeper background. This kind of business near the remote city is easy to bully.

In fact, there is no need to go to Yongde City at all. As soon as the mountain road is out, the news spreads from the people of the Shunji Chariot and Horse Company. Yongde didn't suffer at all.

As for the twelve beans, Zhang Yan only recovered nine in the end, and three of them became waste products because the internal structure had been smashed.

However, Zhang Yan also learned the previous lesson. Twelve bean soldiers were indeed too many for him. He hadn't considered it properly before, and now the remaining nine are all for him to make a choice.Concentrate on continuing to "raise soldiers", and this bean soldier has given him a taste of the sweetness.

I still remember that on the way back, except for Zhang Yan, the rest of the passers-by who followed the car were confessed as "ancestors", because compared with the companions in the car who knew everything, these passers-by were obviously more likely to be "mysterious" identity".Even saved everyone's life.

As for why it wasn't Zhang Yan, it's also easy to understand.Because everyone knew Zhang Yan's identity before, and knew that he was a soldier who had just left Yubeishan Fortress and was about to return home.But would anyone who "has a mysterious identity" go to such a dangerous place as Yubei Mountain?So Zhang Yan was directly excluded.In the end, he didn't even have a share in the car, so he had to follow the coachman on foot until the car was full.

But the coachman surnamed Xiong has always kept close to Zhang Yan, and often said that Zhang Yan was his brother, because Zhang Yan clearly wanted to help him at the most dangerous time. Although this favor was not really useful, the surname But the bear's coachman remembered.Later, when he arrived in Yongde City, he dragged Zhang Yan to the tavern to treat him to a good meal, and he also saw Zhang Yan's scumbag drinking capacity.

After that, Zhang Yan didn't stay in Yongde City for long, and after two days of recuperation, he found another car dealership and continued eastward.

Walking and stopping along the way, although it can't be called "playing", it can also be called leisurely and leisurely, and I have also experienced many customs of Nanyuan Kingdom.

Another harvest is the extra books in Zhang Yan's luggage.

It is said that traveling thousands of miles and reading thousands of books, Zhang Yan is now practicing the motto of his ancestors.

Nanyuan Kingdom is not a big country, but it has a lot of history. Many things can only be seen on the surface, and the depth can only be reached through the combination of written descriptions.So along the way, apart from being interested in books on medicinal materials, Zhang Yan read most of the history books of Nanyuan Kingdom.And because there are very few people who can read and books are not popular, Zhang Yan can easily sell a book at a discount in the next city after he buys it and read it. All the books he left behind are books worth pondering over and over again.

Although Nanyuan Kingdom is small now, it has not always been so small.Even the name Nanyuan Kingdom actually only existed for more than 300 years.

Going forward, the current land of Nanyuan Kingdom actually belongs to the "Qiande Dynasty".And the Qiande Dynasty belongs to the "Shang Kingdom" in the Huangtian Territory, and its territory is more than twice as large as the current Nanyuan Kingdom.And now the Nanyuan Kingdom, which was separated from the Qiande Dynasty, belongs to the "Xia Kingdom".

To the north of Nanyuan Kingdom is the "Beiwu Kingdom", which once belonged to the Qiande Dynasty and is now independent, just like Nanyuan Kingdom.

Therefore, the Beiwu Kingdom and the Nanyuan Dynasty actually have the same historical context and inheritance roots.

Regarding the disintegration of the Qiande Dynasty, Zhang Yan has not found detailed historical books to understand it, but it can be generally judged to be the result of "the collapse of internal power and the squeeze of external crises".

The complexity of internal power Zhang Yan can only see some results from the books, but can't get a peek at the inside story. It is estimated that such things cannot be recorded in history books that can be bought from the outside world.But the external squeeze book is written very clearly.On the one hand, it is the offensive of the monster clan in the west, and on the other hand, it is the oppression from the Huayue Kingdom on the east bank of Yueshui, which is further east.

In the end, although the Qiande Dynasty fell apart and became the Beiwu Kingdom and the Nanyuan Kingdom, the two countries did not become friendly to each other because they both came from the same origin. On the contrary, they both regarded each other as thieves who stole half of the Qiande Dynasty's foundation.There was constant friction and the relationship was tense.

The reason why the Beiwu Kingdom and the Nanyuan Kingdom have not had a real war for hundreds of years is not because there is any bottom line on both sides, but because the Yaozu and the Huayue Kingdom in the east put too much pressure on them , Even if they don't like each other or even regard each other as a thorn in the flesh, there is no spare energy to fight.

Even after a long time, under the double pressure from the outside world, Beiwu Kingdom and Nanyuan Kingdom were forced to carry out some exchanges, whether it was state affairs or economics, even the exchanges between the Martial Arts Academy.

This is very interesting.It's like two brothers who have conflicts after the separation. They don't like each other behind closed doors, but they have to keep each other warm when facing the bullying outside.

Along the way, Zhang Yan saw goods related to Beiwu Kingdom in the markets of major cities. Among them, a special product similar to tea bricks from Beiwu Kingdom was very popular in Nanyuan Kingdom, and many markets were Hang a sign out, not in stock but can be pre-ordered.Zhang Yan asked about it, and the most outrageous thing is that you have to wait half a year for the goods to be delivered to you at the earliest after ordering. If you are unlucky, it is possible to wait for more than a year.

On the last way back to Beijiang County, Zhang Yan took the tea brick returning air convoy from Changhu County to Beijiang County to Xiangkou City.

Xiangkou is the seat of the Sheriff's Mansion of Beijiang County, and it is also the largest and most prosperous city in Beijiang County.Most of the convoys heading to Beijiang County will go to Xiangkou first, and then disperse.And Zhang Yan's final destination, Langyuan, is not far from Xiangkou.

(End of this chapter)

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