one's door

Chapter 57

Chapter 57
When I got off the convoy at Xiangkou, I went to a restaurant and prepared to go shopping after a casual meal, and then I had a two-day rest before going back to the corridor.

I don't know why, but Zhang Yan always feels a little nervous about being close to his hometown.I don't know if it's because he hasn't experienced anything related to "relatives" in his two lives.

In his last life, um, he was already dead on earth, so it should be called his last life, right?

Zhang Yan was an orphan in his previous life, and was adopted by his master from the orphanage.Later, he once regarded the master as his father.And the death of his master also made him a loner again.

Now that he is reincarnated as a human, regardless of the process, this body has become one with Zhang Yan's soul, and he should inherit everything from this body, good or bad.

Although the soul of the original owner has dissipated, some memories left in the physical body make it difficult for Zhang Yan to calm down every time he thinks of the word "home".

In the end, Zhang Yan, who had no experience in this area and could not learn from anyone, could only bite the bullet and take a step forward.During the two days in Xiangkou, he bought some special products here and packed them up to take home as gifts.

The night before his departure, Zhang Yan was sleepless all night, inexplicably irritable, unable to calm down.Barely finished the day's homework, and then sat by the window, watching the light rain outside who didn't know when to float, full of thoughts.

In the past two years, Zhang Yan has always been in touch with the family in Langyuan, and he has a good grasp of the family's situation.According to the most recent letter from the family, life at home has been much better than before, and they have been taken care of by Mr. Zhou Cangzhou, the guard of Langyuan City.Those fertile fields exchanged by Zhang Yan's military achievements have already been cultivated by someone. Last year's harvest was not bad, and the family members gained weight.

From the lines, Zhang Yan could feel the emotion different from the "forced smile" in the first letter before, but the true joy from the heart.He even joked with him in the letter, saying that my mother told him to tell him about a daughter-in-law when he got home.

Following the car all the way, the only thing that could make Zhang Yan slightly less anxious on the road were the nine remaining bean soldiers in his hand.Only by being silent in the spell can Zhang Yan calm down temporarily.

Starting from Xiangkou, we arrived in Langyuan five days later.Zhang Yan had a detailed understanding of his new hometown before.

Because of the special geographical location of the entire Beijiang County, to the north is the important gateway "Tonghuguan" with Beiwu Kingdom, and it is an extremely important communication gateway between Nanyuan Kingdom and Beiwu Kingdom.Goods from Beiwu Kingdom, including "tea bricks", will enter Nanyuan Kingdom from here, and an equal amount of goods from Nanyuan Kingdom will leave here and then flow into Beiwu Kingdom.

In addition to Tonghuguan, Beijiang County is also close to Yueshui in the east. It can be said that it will directly bear the pressure of soldiers from Huayue Shangguo on the east bank of Yueshui.

Therefore, Beijiang has formed a special regional pattern with a rare double proportion of "soldiers" and "merchants".

Under this pattern, apart from Xiangkou where the county guard’s mansion is located, big cities like Langyuan are not general capitals and big towns in the general sense, but rather have the meaning of "military stronghold".

In my impression, the city of Langyuan is not prosperous, and even the main body is not large, but it has very tall and thick walls.There is also a full battalion of garrisons in the city stationed all year round.

It can be said that Langyuan is more like a town with high walls and heavy soldiers compared to the big cities in the counties that Zhang Yan has visited along the way.

Even compared to Yubei Mountain Fortress, the city wall of Langyuan is higher.It seems that for Nanyuan Kingdom, the threat from the monster race from the west is not as great as the threat from Huayue Shang Kingdom across the river to the east.Of course, it is also possible that the terrain of the Yubei Mountain Fortress is inherently dangerous and there is no need for a wall that is too high.

From a distance, I saw a county tablet with the words "Beijiang County" outlined in red paint, which meant that Zhang Yan finally returned to his hometown slowly from Yubei Mountain.

When Zhang Yan saw the city gate, countless memory fragments flooded his mind.

"Ximen." Zhang Yan murmured.He also walked through this door when he was exiled into the army.

When the convoy was about to enter the city, Zhang Yan walked down first consciously, he didn't have to follow the car, and the paperwork in his hand also needed to be approved by the guard at the gate first, and then he had to go to the local government office to register.

The soldiers in the city gate looked at the documents and then at Zhang Yan, with a smile on their faces.People who came back alive from places like Yubei Mountain were naturally respected in the army.Leading Zhang Yan into the city guard box, a team leader inside checked the paperwork in Zhang Yan's hand again, and then asked Zhang Yan to wait, while he took the paperwork and went to the resident to check the registration order with the clerk. .

This round trip is the time of a meal.There was an extra seal on the document brought back, which was the "Langyuan City Guard Seal" and the personal approval of the city guard officer "Zhou Cang".

At this point, the relationship between Zhang Yan and Junwu officially came to an end.All that is left is to go to the local yamen of Langyuan City to register.

Although Zhang Yan is "the first time here", his body is already very familiar with Langyuan City. Every time he takes a step in, corresponding memories will come up, telling him where to go to the left, and where to go to the right. Where is it, and how far ahead is there any delicious snack shop
While Zhang Yan was busy accepting these new memories, he found that the uneasiness in his heart didn't seem to be getting worse. Instead, he felt a lot more stable after entering this city.

"Hey, this yamen is bad enough." Under the guidance of memory, Zhang Yan quickly found the gate of the local yamen of Langyuan City in the city.What caught his eyes was a dilapidated front door.

Although the two gates were tall, they were obviously worn out. Most of the red paint on the gates had fallen off, and some corners even directly exposed the wood inside.The copper nails on the door are also green, making one wonder if anyone has ever trimmed them?
Anyway, this is the worst yamen gate in the big city that Zhang Yan has been to all the way.

There were two yamen servants standing guard outside the door, and when they saw Zhang Yan approaching, they asked aloud, "What are you doing?"

"You two servants, I'm here to register."

"Registration? What about the documents?"

"Hehe, here, look." Zhang Yan took out the document and handed it to the other party.

"Hey! My brother is amazing! A place like Yubei Mountain can allow you to come back alive after being cleared of serious crimes? Tsk tsk, this is the first time I've seen you. All right, take your things and come with me, Wang Guanren just happens to be idle right now."

"Okay, I'm going to trouble this poor man." Zhang Yan took back his documents with a smile, and followed the other party into the yamen.

As soon as you enter the door, the inside is not much better than the door, and it is also full of dilapidated appearance.On the contrary, a lot of flowers and plants are planted along the road, and they bloom beautifully.

After entering the door, he didn't go far, and stopped at the door of a public house.

"Mr. Wang, someone came to register with the military's paperwork. Shall I bring it in for you?"

"Well, bring him in."

(End of this chapter)

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