one's door

Chapter 540 Light and Dark

Chapter 540 Light and Dark
The world is changing again, and even ordinary people feel a kind of depression, let alone warriors from various countries and monks from the Cliff Camp of various countries who have just glimpsed the way?
But there are very few people who really understand the news that Huang Tianyu has begun to officially bite and fight with other worlds, and the creatures from the opposite world have followed suit.

Zhang Yan is naturally clear.He synchronously reported the scene of the invasion of the five thousand divine guards to him through the dozens of magic circles arranged around the snow-capped mountain by his former detectives who followed the three-eyed people.

Is it strong?
Zhang Yan's feeling through the magic circle is: very strong.

Five thousand three-eyed family, just looking at this number doesn't seem to mean anything.It has nothing to do with "strong".But you must know that one of the five-thousand-eyed family who was randomly picked out has the same strength as the three previous spies who came to the cliff mountain.There are also many stronger ones.

What are the strengths of the three former detectives?Zhang Yan's judgment is in the early and middle stages of the Fusion Realm in terms of cultivation alone.So looking back at the numbers is scary.

Five thousand monks at the beginning and middle stages of the combined body!

When Longhu Mountain was still in its heyday, there were not so many disciples of the Composite Body Realm.So obvious.After all, it is a tyrannical group that ruled a world. Although the evolution is not perfect, the basic strength is indeed nothing to say.

Not to mention destroying a demon palace.It was quite difficult for Zhang Yan to deal with this battle coming over the cliff mountain.He is still at the late stage of the Tongxuan Realm, even if he is only a little bit close to touching the threshold of the next big realm, he is still at the late stage of the Tongxuan Realm.Zhang Yan is also at a loss for the first and middle stages of the five thousand combined body states, and among them are even more powerful in the late stage of the combined body state.

To be honest, the strength of the three-eyed family somewhat exceeded his expectations.He guessed the opponent's level of strength correctly, but he didn't guess the number of troops that the opponent could bring out at this level of strength.

How to do?Although it is tricky to rely on the cliff mountain alone, it is another matter when adding the cliff camps of various countries.Especially when Zhang Yan knew that the army of the three-eyed tribe did not rush directly to the cliff mountain, although he was surprised at the tyranny of the opponent, he was confident to stop it.

As for him to come forward in person, or let the disciples of the cliff mountain take action, it is not yet time.Both Xu Fengyang and Baronka could see that these three-eyed people were probing, so how could Zhang Yan not see it?

The rush of the Demon God's Palace gave Xiao the most intuitive understanding of the top forces in the Huangtian Territory.Indeed, as the information said, there is no threat to the three-eyed people here.

And even the strong men in the Demon God's Palace never had any relevant clues about moving and migrating to the world in their memories.In addition, there are countless types of creatures that appear along the way.Only then did Xiao confirm that the creatures in the Desolate Sky Territory were indeed the original creatures here.

But Xiao still held cautious thoughts and didn't go to Cliff Mountain immediately.Instead, he returned to the snow mountain stronghold in the extreme north after destroying the Demon God Palace.

Xiao's idea is to report back the situation of the first battle here.Meanwhile wait for the moment.Because the purpose of his coming to Huangtianyu now is not to "wash the world with blood", but to hold the cliff mountain and take out the treasure land.But if it is too early, it is easy to be disturbed, and if the treasure land is damaged, it will not be worthwhile.And it is still unclear whether it will be "occupied" or "transported" in the end.We need to wait for the result of the fight between Huang Tianyu and Prism Realm.

However, there is no way to report the situation in the snow mountain stronghold.Because the space here is not something he can break through, even if the Prism Realm and the Desolate Sky Territory are already intertwined at this time, the space barrier is weakened, and the void is squeezed out.

It is necessary to go back to places like Hong Mingguo where the space changes are the most violent, and use the gap formed by the deep tearing of the two worlds to shuttle back.The method is the same as the previous exploration that returned to the edge once.

So in addition to hiding in the snow-capped stronghold, Xiao also sent a group of hundreds of guards to secretly go to Hong Mingguo under the leadership of a former detective.

Naturally, it took less than a hundred divine guards to send the news back.They followed along the way, besides escorting them along the way to make sure they were safe, they also had another task: to approach and investigate the status of the aura of Cliff Mountain.

Intelligence is intelligence, seeing is seeing.As the commander of the divine guard, Xiao still has this bit of rigor.Besides, the current him at the Demon God Palace can be regarded as weighing the strength of Huangtianyu's side, and he thinks that even if the cliff mountain has double the power of the Demon God Palace, it still can't pose a threat.

Be it Hong Mingguo or Duanya Mountain, they are all there, so the big one will naturally not be able to stop the actions of these three-eyed guards.No one wants to do that either.

But it was easy to come, but not so easy to leave.

After all, it has been a year and a half since Zhang Yan discovered the identities and traces of the five three-eyed family's former detectives.Although this time is not long, it is already a time span enough to start for the monks in the cliff camps of various countries.And for Wang Nian's Pill Artifact Hall, it is also enough for them to refine hundreds of arrays.

Under Zhang Yan's instruction, this experimental ambush was led by Shi Xuan, the former commander of the Eastern Army of Nanyuan Kingdom.Maintained Zhang Yan's usual style of "pretend to understand if you don't know it", and didn't point fingers at the "big military strategy" that he didn't understand at all.

Professional things are left to professional people to do.This is the most appropriate and safest way.

After all, Zhang Yan defined himself as an "indigenous strongman who suppressed the barren world" rather than a specific planner of strategies and tactics.

To put it bluntly, Zhang Yan felt that he should be the one who gave the creatures in Huangtian Territory the bottom line, instead of doing everything by himself.

And Shi Xuan was the first batch of strong men that Zhang Yan came into contact with after coming to Huang Tianyu, he was relatively familiar but also somewhat hypocritical, and Shi Xuan was also a serious general in the army.To be able to guard half of the territory of Nanyuan Kingdom when it was attacked on both sides is definitely a famous general.

Now Shi Xuan is no longer the commander of the Nanyuan Guodong Army.The new identity is the general of the Cliff Battalion of Nanyuan Country.At the same time, it is also one of the few dual identities in the Cliff Camp of Nanyuan Country who are both warriors and monks, and the threshold of monks has touched the edge of entraining energy, which belongs to the kind of talent that is considered high among short people.It's just that due to his age, it is impossible for Shi Xuan to start on the road of Taoism.

The older you are, the harder it is to draw in your Dao Heart, and the more complicated it becomes.The difficulty of enlightenment rises linearly when the Dao heart is complicated.This is also the reason why the cliff mountain has a strict age limit when accepting disciples.

However, Shi Xuan didn't care that his path of cultivation could not go far from the very beginning. His idea was similar to that of Xu Fengyang and Baronka, that is, he hoped to use aura to integrate his warriors.At the same time, the commander of the Eastern Army can then take charge of the Cliff Battalion, a new and bound to be more important military force.

(End of this chapter)

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