one's door

Chapter 541

Chapter 541
Shi Xuan came from a family in the military, so it can be said that he grew up in the military since he was a child.Barracks, school grounds, weapons, corpses and blood ran through most of his life.Of course, there are inseparable tricks.

In fact, the generals of various countries who can be the general manager of the military affairs are all similar to Shi Xuan's resume, and some are even more gorgeous.But Shi Xuan still occupied two very important points, otherwise he would not have been able to stand out from the generals of the Nanyuan Kingdom and ascend to the throne of the general of the Cliff Camp.

Firstly, Shi Xuan's luck is good enough.Not only does he have the talent for cultivating Taoism, but he is also not slow to improve at such a great age. He has been in the cliff camp for more than a year and nearly two years, which can be regarded as a relatively upper-middle cultivation position.And you must know that he is still a warrior in the late stage of Duanshan Realm, and his strength can be regarded as a top-notch group of people in the human race.

The second is that Shi Xuan's fortune is very good.He had known Zhang Yan a long time ago.He even recommended Zhang Yan to live in the Taoist Academy.Although the two cannot be said to have a close relationship, they definitely have a good relationship.There are relationships.

He is a famous general, he is both a warrior and a monk, and he has an old relationship with Zhang Yan.Coupled with Shi Xuan's contacts and background in the Nanyuan National Army, Shi Xuan stood out from the encirclement and won the position of General of the Cliff Battalion.

The twists and turns and the compromise of interests are enough to write a script and put it in the theater.But in terms of the whole Nanyuan country and the whole human race country, Shi Xuan's "general" is not a big splash.

But who made the situation unexpected and among the people Zhang Yan knew, Shi Xuan was the only general who had some contact with him?So a heavy burden was placed on Shi Xuan's shoulders.To be honest, he was a little caught off guard at the time.

What Shi Xuan considered was Nanyuan's domestic power structure and the continuation and development of the power of his family behind him, and even some mutual compromises with the imperial power.Unexpectedly, Zhang Yan raised him to a new height in the entire human kingdom.

The heights are so cold!
But high places can see farther and reach higher!

Without even thinking about it, Shi Xuan took the task that Zhang Yan threw over.

Commanding nearly 35 Cliff Camp monks from Nanyuan Kingdom, Huayue, Qiye and other nine countries, choose a suitable place for ambush in the middle area south of Hongming Kingdom and north of Bluff Mountain to deal with the extraterritorial creatures invading the Desolate Sky Territory. Give an ambush.

Temptation is also a trial.Temptation to deal with, test yourself.

Others don't know about the catastrophe that Huang Tianyu is going through now, how can the people in the cliff camp not know?In other words, all the real "upper class" in all the countries of the human race now know more or less about the "heaven and earth catastrophe".

But the reason why there has been no chaos is not that those real "upper class" are calm or have some kind of nonsense.But what can we do if we know about a catastrophe of this scale?Who can think of any way to change things that even the king of a country can't change?
wait to die.Or wait for a result that no one knows.

In fact, Shi Xuan asked him to integrate first before he got the order to lead the Nine Kingdoms Cliff Camp.It took half a year for Shi Xuan to connect the power systems of the nine countries.

One is not in the military system of each country but starts from scratch.The second is to form a daily interaction system that is relatively acceptable to all parties without the forced drive of the cliff mountain.The nearly 35 monks of the Cliff Camp in the Nine Kingdoms barely seem to have a unified pace.

Just like that, those who were not optimistic about Shi Xuan and even waited to see his jokes shut up.If someone with poorer coordination skills and less strategic means comes in, let alone half a year, three years may not be able to glue such a complicated power relationship together.

Even if it is only temporarily "together" on the surface, it is a great step.

Even Shi Xuan himself was very proud of himself for being able to achieve this step in half a year, but he wouldn't just say it to everyone.

In the future, Shi Xuan is going to deepen his prestige in this nearly 35 cliff camp.For example, looking for trouble, provoking trouble, establishing prestige, appeasing.He also has a lot of experience in this set of seemingly old-fashioned but practical methods, but how to use it requires a good timing and entry point.As long as he finds two or three such opportunities, Shi Xuan feels that he should really be able to use this platform to jump out of Nanyuan Kingdom and reach a height that he himself has never imagined.

But Shi Xuan's plan was interrupted by a new order from Duanyashan before he had time to plan the details.

War order!

Shi Xuan didn't expect to come so fast, and in such a hurry.It took only ten days from when he got the war order to when it was written on the order.Obviously, in such a short period of time, it is impossible to mobilize all the nearly 35 and widely distributed Nine Kingdoms Cliff Battalions.Can only be done sequentially.

First determine the specific location of the ambush.Then mobilize the nearest cliff battalion to build the first ambush force.Then build a second layer of ambush forces a little further away.

Shi Xuan's step-by-step approach bought him relatively more time.It also made him personally feel the first difficulty of the battlefield of "Heaven and Earth Tribulation" for the first time: the area is too wide and the time is too urgent.

This time is not bad, after all, you can choose a place relatively close to Nanyuan Kingdom, ten days is enough.It can also give Shi Xuan the possibility to "drag back" to arrange a second ambush circle.

But if the distance is farther, with the opponent's ability to fly into the sky, Shi Xuan feels a little cold behind his back.

"This battle is not easy to fight!"

Although Shi Xuan, the governor of the nine kingdoms of the cliff camp, has a false title, he has real power immediately after receiving the order from the cliff mountain.In addition to the relationship between time, transmission speed and the region, in the end Shi Xuan could only set the ambush point in the territory of Nanyuan Kingdom, in the mountains near Tonghu Pass and Beiwu Kingdom in the north.

In terms of manpower, Shi Xuan had no way to keep it, so he directly transferred all the monks from the cliff camp in Nanyuan who could be deployed within ten days, a total of 1, and stuffed them all into the ambush point.The [-] troops urgently dispatched by Huayue Kingdom will arrive at Tonghu Pass on the ninth day, and then rush to the ambush point on the tenth day to form a second ambush force.

Pushing back from this, more distant countries will arrive later.Shi Xuan prepared a total of four layers of ambush circles for those extraterritorial creatures inside and out, with a total of 12 monks.

And the goal is one hundred.

Such a huge difference in quantity could not give Shi Xuan any sense of security, on the contrary, it gave him a kind of extreme depression. The disparity in the number of 12 against the opponent's 100 people represents the disparity in individual strength.

But Shi Xuan is not without a little comfort.He also has a hole card in his hand, it depends on whether this hole card works or not.

Ps: There are a lot of chores these two days.Two chapters will be released in the morning, and another chapter will be added in the afternoon.Normal update will resume tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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