one's door

Chapter 556

Chapter 556

"Why can't you go in!"

Although he has tried over and over a dozen times, Lie Jing still doesn't understand why his space shuttle method fails.This is something that has never happened since the three-eyed race began to migrate between worlds.

It is actually not too difficult to take advantage of space mutations, the most conflicting position between worlds, to take a "free ride" between the two worlds.

But this simple method seems to be blocked now.

No, it should not be said to be blocked.It should be said that there is a general restriction of the filter.Three-eyed people are specifically filtered out.They can only watch helplessly as Hong Mingguo will be eroded by space mutations to take away a large area of ​​space from time to time, and they want to take the initiative to follow them, but they can't do it at all, and they will be blocked by an invisible force. .No matter how they use their means, it is useless.

More than [-] three-eyed clansmen have all gathered in the area where the space mutation occurred most intensely in Hong Mingguo, but they can only stare blankly, like homeless people who have been ignored by the space mutation.

"Let's form an formation, we probably won't be able to go back to the edge world for the time being." Lie Jing had to accept the worst result that he had never thought of before after trying several times.

There is no need to guess, the space is blocked, and the strange power that seems to have nothing but makes the three-eyed people helpless in front of the power of space rules must come from the strong man on the cliff mountain who has just passed the three-nine-day calamity. By.This also explains why the other party chose to let them go without showing up immediately at the time.People are sorting out the inexhaustible clues of the new realm, so there is no time to reason.But at the same time, there is a way to ensure that they cannot escape.

The possibility of being "crushed" that I had thought about before is now probably a fait accompli.

The faces of the six elders and Xiao, the commander of the divine guard, all turned pale. They knew what their divine king meant.Now that the Prism Realm can't go back, the only way to go is to fight to the death.

As for summing up?The struggle between the creatures of the two worlds is the power and space for survival.With you and me, there is absolutely no possibility of any peace talks.

"Your Majesty, the Huangtian Territory and the Prism Realm have now officially entered the fierce stage of biting. At present, the Prism Realm is clearly occupying the upper peak. As long as the origin of the world on the Huangtian Territory begins to become fragile, the space will not be sealed at that time." Live. My family still has a chance!"

"Opportunity? Yes, there is still a chance. Let the clansmen cheer up. The opponent is expected to come soon. But it will not be a large-scale enemy, it should be attacked by the strong. Everyone cheer up. Discovery is based on defense first, and warning at the same time, understand?"

Xiao naturally took the order and hurriedly arranged.Compared with Lie Jing and the six elders, his significance to the Sanjiu Heavenly Tribulation is much less.I just know that it is a natural moat that can only be crossed by a strong man stronger than a god king, but how strong will it be after crossing it?That's out of the question.Thinking that with so much power of the Three-eyed Clan in the Desolate Sky Territory, even if they lose, it should be possible to hold back, right?

But Xiao didn't know that although his God King Mian said that there was still "hope", the helplessness and powerlessness behind the words were nothing more than a final appeasement.

Xiao had just left here, and hurriedly greeted his divine guards to prepare according to the defensive battle formation they had trained on weekdays.But before the battle formation was transformed, an inexplicable sense of crisis suddenly fell under the hood, which made Xiao tremble all over. He wanted to find out, but suddenly found that he couldn't move.

Xiao's heart sank, and he realized that this must be the one who had survived the catastrophe on the cliff mountain.I didn't expect it to come so silently and without a word.

Xiao vigorously pumped up the spiritual energy in his body, wanting to release magic spells to warn him, but he was not reconciled to become a fish without even seeing the opponent's face.

But no matter how hard he struggled, the spiritual energy in his body seemed to be imprisoned in his own body, and he couldn't connect the heaven and the earth to form the magic power as usual.

It wasn't just that Xiao was directly fixed in place like this.Like him, all the divine guards within his field of vision remained motionless in the same position as before.

What Xiao still cares about is the six god clan elders and the god king behind him. Are they also trapped on the spot at this moment?

The physical body cannot move, and the perception is also locked in the physical body. Except for the vision of the naked eye, Xiao can't get other information at all.But the silence around him made him realize that things might be just as he'd guessed.

Right behind Xiao, the six god clan elders and the god king Lie Jing were all on the ground like stone carvings like him at this time, even the expressions on their faces were still the same as before.Only the horror in their eyes showed that they were all alive.

Compared with the protoss of the body-fitting realm like Xiao, the six elders of the protoss and Lie Jing are all capable of stepping into the Tongxuan realm, which is the so-called half-immortal in Taoism.The difference is that there are more cents.

So it was also a struggle, and it was meaningless for Xiao to struggle.But that was not the case for the six elders and Lie Jing. Although they seemed to be motionless, they had already found a way to break through the method of imprisoning themselves under the surge of immortal energy in their bodies.If they were given more time, they might really be able to break the imprisonment on their bodies.

Unfortunately, wanting a little more time is really an extravagant wish.Without warning, a figure appeared in mid-air not far in front of Lie Jing's line of sight.

I saw that figure was dressed in a white robe, with a golden crown on his head, looking at the three-eyed family with a smile on his face.Who else could it be if it wasn't Zhang Yan?
Now it is just as Wang Nian guessed.Zhang Yan has already roughly grasped his new state and situation, and the rest is naturally to have revenge and revenge.And now that the two worlds are at odds with each other, there are still many things to do in the future, and Zhang Yan doesn't dare to delay, moving here is necessary to understand these three-eyed people who have been raging in the wilderness for so long.

However, Zhang Yan did not kill directly, but first used the space rules that the opponent was best at to imprison the opponent in reverse.Even if those elders and Lie Jing had immortal essence, they would not be unable to break free even if they tried their best.But it takes time.And these times are enough for Zhang Yan to complete a large-scale super-delivery ritual covering all nations.

Over the past year or so, countless people have died in vain on the Huangtianyu human race. Even though it has become much more difficult to transform ghosts, there are too many deaths, and naturally there are many violent people.It is inevitable that these people will not be safe when they turn into ghosts after death, which is also a disaster.Moreover, Huang Tianyu is desperately trying now, but he can't afford to lose so much of the origin of the world.

"Dust to ashes, dust to dust. The incompleteness of the desolate world has caused this catastrophe for all beings. There is no place for resentment to dissipate. They gather today, grudges will be resolved, and resentment will be dispersed. Afterwards, they will return to heaven and earth to continue the cycle."

Following Zhang Yan's transcendence, a gust of wind blew up on the ground.It doesn't seem to be possible, but when passing through the imprisoned three-eyed family, it can blow the other party into fine dust like the wind blowing sand.
PS: One chapter will be released first, and the remaining two chapters will be added later in the afternoon.The main reason is that Kawenga is in poor condition.Allow me to slow down for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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