one's door

Chapter 557 Wild Food

Chapter 557 Wild Food
Using the rules of space to lock the action, at the same time also lock all the connection between the other party's physical body and the external environment.

It can be regarded as a cage, a cage that shields all action and energy transmission and guidance.

Afterwards, use the newly mastered destruction rules and space rules to cut and annihilate, and finally show a scene of "wind blowing sand and flying sand", but the flying "sand" is made by those three-eyed people. body and soul.

In the category of pure energy beyond the naked eye's field of vision, those three-eyed people who have been "weathered" are far from being blown away by the wind as it seems.

The three-eyed tribe who invaded the barren sky this time were all the elite of their group, and those with the lowest strength had cultivation levels equivalent to those in the early stage of the Composite Realm.And these cultivation bases in turn represent the huge energy accumulated by these three-eyed people over an unknown period of time.

Zhang Yan's original idea was to follow the same example and treat the three-eyed clan as the monster clan back then, using the characteristics of the "round ball" to swallow it first and then transform it, and finally form liquid aura.Although this is still a lot worse than Xianyuan, it also reduces Zhang Yan's steps to condense Xianyuan, and can produce a lot more liquid aura for obtaining.

From Zhang Yan's point of view, compared to the demon clan, if the three-eyed clan were converted into energy, they would definitely be bigger.

It's a pity that the "ball" can't transform into "Xianyuan", which is a higher-order energy than liquid aura.But it's reasonable to think about it.Otherwise, the "round ball" would not be a living thing, and it would be reasonable to call it a fetish.And in that case, it would have been impossible for Zhang Yan to catch the "round ball" back then.

But regarding the "round ball" Zhang Yan, even in the realm of immortality, the various "principles" of the world in his cognition have far exceeded the scope of living beings.But even so, he still couldn't deduce the formation and evolution direction of life like "round ball".The only thing that is certain is that the previous engulfment of the demon clan really made the "round ball" full, and now it is still digesting the gains after more than ten years, and it is also slowly changing its own life while sleeping. level.

"Ball" is a creature that can evolve by itself, which even makes Zhang Yan a little envious.There is no need to practice, no need to go through calamities, let alone enlightenment, just "eat" and "sleep".

But just before Zhang Yan crossed the catastrophe, the three-eyed tribe sent two teams of divine guards to rush into the formation and were killed on the spot.Although this matter was done by the disciples who presided over the formation in the mountain gate at that time, and Zhang Yan was attacking the barrier with all his strength at that time, the ins and outs of this matter also fell into his perception.

At that time, Zhang Yan was at a critical moment, and he didn't have the energy to care whether the deaths of the dozen or so guards would be wasted, and it wasn't his focus at the time.He just needs to see these three-eyed guards who broke through the formation die.In this way, it will be a huge barrier and a test for the three-eyed people outside the mountain.

Unless Lie Jing entered the formation in person at that time, Zhang Yan would not have taken over the body protection formation in person out of the rhythm of his own practice.

But such a seemingly insignificant matter made Zhang Yan see another scene.That is, after the dozens of three-eyed people were killed in a row, a seemingly invisible "sucking" suddenly appeared next to each corpse, and the dead were swallowed in a "gobble" way. All the energies of the Three-eyed Clan except the physical body were instantly swallowed up.It was less than a breath of time before and after.

When the disciples of Duanya Mountain in the mountain went to clean up the corpses, they still felt an inexplicable stench. They didn't know that it was the result of rapid decay after the energy was drained and only the flesh was left behind.

Although it was only for a moment, Zhang Yan was sure where the sudden devouring power came from: it was Huangtianyu itself!
Why didn't we find a similar situation when the elves died before?

Thinking of the similar stench from the corpses of the Elf clan, Zhang Yan suddenly understood.Maybe it's not that a similar situation didn't happen, but it happened, but he was still in the fit state at that time, and he didn't have the ability to notice it at all.

The half-immortal body is after the Tongxuan Realm, Zhang Yan only realized it.

Just a momentary thought.At that time, Zhang Yan's most important thing was to pay attention to every move of the three-eyed family outside the mountain on the one hand, and to seize the time to break through the realm on the other hand.Therefore, he didn't put too much effort into the behavior of "hunting wild food" thrown by Huang Tianyu.

It wasn't until the three or nine days of calamity passed that Zhang Yan officially became a fairy.Only at this time did Zhang Yan have time to sort out some things that he had left behind from his busy practice and impact on the realm during this period of time.Among them is the matter of Huang Tianyu's "wild food".

This is actually not surprising when you think about it carefully.When the creatures in the desolate world die, all the energy will return to the heaven and the earth.Those who disobey will become ghosts, and the loss that belongs to heaven and earth will offer a reward for "recovery".

Regardless of the Elf clan many years ago or the three-eyed clan at this time, they are all extraterritorial creatures.When you die in the wild world, it is naturally a "wild food".

It is also attributed to the heaven and the earth, the creatures evolved by oneself are "recovery", and the creatures outside the territory are "gain".

The gain is still the origin of the world, which is self-evident for the incomplete Huangtian domain itself.So it would give Zhang Yan a feeling of "gobbling up".

If it was in a situation similar to the invasion of the elves, Zhang Yan would not pay attention to the so-called "buffs" from Huang Tianyu.Because Huang Tianyu had the upper hand at that time, whether it had "wild food" would not have much impact.Some words are just icing on the cake, and it doesn't matter if they don't.

But the situation is different now.The wild world is at a disadvantage.The sneak attack on the edge of the front has begun to show signs of failure.

Zhang Yan learned a lot about the erosion between worlds when he was in the soul-devouring three-eyed family.In fact, the outcome between the two worlds will not be a stalemate for too long.Once the origin of the world of one side starts to collapse, it will be a situation of defeat like a mountain.If it is fast, you will see the result in three to five years, if it is slow, it will be ten years.It's just that it takes a long time span of hundreds of years to completely devour the opponent after victory.

It's like a venomous snake can kill its prey in minutes, but it can take days to swallow and digest it.

Zhang Yan doesn't want to be a homeless man in the world like the three-eyed family.Because that would lose the accumulation of principles that a life evolved normally.It can be seen by looking at their single Dao Xin.Although it can survive, it is definitely not the best choice.

In Zhang Yan's opinion, it is best to evolve and progress along with the original world. "True" plus the universal reward of evolution, this is what Zhang Yan pursues.

What's more, when the evolution of a world is completed, the legendary "Hongmeng Purple Qi" is really enticing Zhang Yan.

So for these three-eyed people at present, Zhang Yan didn't take it back to do "round ball" work.Instead, directly annihilate the opponent, and instead let these massive energies flow into the origin of the world in the barren sky domain.

(End of this chapter)

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