one's door

Chapter 571 Begins

It was like waking up suddenly in a dream, and Zhang Yan's epiphany was also interrupted by being kicked out due to the sudden contraction of the edge boundary, allowing him to return to a normal state of consciousness.

"not good!"

Zhang Yan, who just came back to his senses, immediately discovered that the world around him had undergone tremendous changes when he fell into an epiphany just now, and the destruction had already affected the final space stability.If he doesn't want to be trapped among the corpses in Prism, he must leave quickly.

With a thought, Zhang Yan grabbed the last connecting channel with the space of Huangtianyu. Before he turned and left, he took a deep look at the edge boundary that had turned into a sea of ​​flames and the space was rapidly shattering. He nodded deadly.

Back in the Desolate Sky Territory, the place we were in was actually not far from the cliff mountain.It's just that this is not a place Zhang Yan is familiar with.

Because this is a "new land".

Just before Zhang Yan went to the Prism Realm to witness the destruction of one world, he discovered that there were also some huge "space pits" in the cracks of space around the cliff mountain.Now with the death of Prism, these deep pits have also begun to be filled directly, and present a novel appearance that not only has some characteristics of Prism but also maintains the environment of the Desolate Heaven Territory.

Before he had time to sort out the epiphany he gained after running to the edge world this time, Zhang Yan first looked at the "new land" around him.

At first glance, there is not much difference from the original regional environment around Cliff Mountain.The area is about three times the size of the cliff mountain itself, and it is also dominated by mountains.Among them, the five peaks that are slightly shorter than the cliff mountain are the highest, and the rest are hills less than [-] feet high.

If you cover it with divine sense, you can find that there are also some differences in these mountains.Mainly on top of those vegetation.It should be a creature evolution similar to Prism Boundary.However, these mountains are just beginning to appear now, and it is still unknown what new creatures will evolve in the future.

With one thought in Zhang Yan's mind, these large areas that were created out of thin air were all enclosed within the range of the magic circle of Duanya Mountain.Anyway, the extra land is just used to expand the depth of the cliff mountain.

Zhang Yan had just expanded the scope of the mountain protection formation, and the disciples guarding the mountain gate on the other side immediately noticed it, and quickly reported the situation.

"You can handle the extra space yourself. Be sure to make good use of it."

After Zhang Yan left a thought to Wang Nian's second-generation disciples, his body flickered, and he returned to Dengyun Hall to retreat.He just started sorting out the things he learned in the Prism Realm this time.

At the same time that Zhang Yan was retreating again.According to Xu Fengyang's previous judgment, Huangtianyu is undergoing unprecedented changes.

It's not just the forest land of these peaks around the Cliff Mountain.Compared with other places, the "Xindi" on the cliff mountain is not even the size of a sesame seed.

The largest piece of "new land" appeared at a place where the monster race and the human race met.There is not only land but also a large inland sea, and the appearance of this new land does not seem abrupt. On the contrary, it is walking along when it merges with the original geographical environment around it. There is no sudden appearance of a desert on the edge of a desert. Situation of snow mountain.

Land is the most precious resource for ordinary creatures in the barren sky.Whether it is planting, living, or mining, the foundation of a country is not much. These are the most basic conditions.

But at this moment, when facing this large new land, it is the Yaozu who really have the opportunity and confidence.The human race obviously has more than enough heart but not enough strength.

The main thing is the lack of people!

Once upon a time, the human race relied on their fertility to barely resist the scourge from the monster race.Keep your family alive.But now that the populations of all countries of the human race are withering, it is impossible to return to the previous state within three to fifty years.

Not to mention the distance, let's talk about the Nanyuan Kingdom where the cliff mountain is located.It is not too much to say that the whole country has ten rooms and three empty spaces.Even some areas that were plowed all the way by the three-eyed tribe back then are still uninhabited for hundreds of miles.The ruined city has long been the territory of wild beasts, and when it is rampant, most people dare not approach it.

The lack of population, especially the lack of young and middle-aged people, is a very difficult problem for people in most countries of the human race, but there is basically no way to get immediate results.

I can't get any more people on my original site.Where is the strength to manage the new earth?
Moreover, the fragmented distribution of the human kingdoms is not as huge as the demon kingdoms one by one. It is much easier to go to a new place, and there is no need to consider the issue of crossing other territories.

So not long after the appearance of Xindi, its name appeared, called "Tianci Continent", which means the place bestowed by God.It is also named Yaozu, and has already started horse racing surveying and mapping for this new continent.Where is the grassland, where are the mountains or basins, swamps must be found out one by one.And leading this matter is the re-established Demon God Palace.

The Demon God Palace is in the lead, but they don't dare to step into the "Heaven-sent Land" in person blatantly, and can only let the Demon Kingdom charge forward.They didn't even change the location of the Demon God's Palace, but chose to rebuild it on the original site that was wiped out by the three-eyed clan.Many people said that it was the Demon God Palace that was destroyed and then rebuilt without forgetting its roots.But in fact, the concerns of the Yaoshen Palace are the same as those of Xu Fengyang who went to the cliff mountain to find Zhang Yan to ask for a "promise".

"Heaven-given land", it's fine for the general desolate world forces to set foot here, but if the Demon God's Palace and the Martial Arts Institute dare to step in easily, it may be a life-threatening situation.At least both Xu Fengyang and Baronka think so when they judge others by themselves.

But Cliff Mountain didn't seem to respond at all from the very beginning, and didn't even send anyone to the "Land of Heaven".It seems that there is no interest in this new continent.

Half a year later, a sect named "Lingwu Mountain" set up a banner in the "Land of Heaven", and its flag was the last batch of old hands from the martial arts institutes of the previous human race countries.

Xu Fengyang's seemingly inexplicable move has aroused various speculations from all sides.Naturally, the nations of the human race kept their mouths to stay and send them off in their hearts, but the Yaozu felt that it was extremely subtle, especially the Yaoshen Palace, whose jaws dropped in shock.

But Xu Fengyang dared to do this, but Baronka didn't dare to follow.First went to the cliff mountain to ask to see Zhang Yan, but was told that "the master of the gate is in retreat and no visitors are welcome", so he had no choice but to return.

After that, Baronka didn't have the courage to imitate Xu Fengyang in the end, and moved the Demon God's Palace to the "Land of Heaven".Although doing that was very meaningful to Baronka and the entire Yaozu, he gave up in the end.

It was only because Xu Fengyang's "Lingwu Mountain" had received the promise of Duanya Mountain in advance.But the Demon God Palace did not.

Such a desolate realm is struggling to evolve, absorbing the world of the remaining monsters, and at the same time directly integrating part of the edge world into itself.

And in the wild sky.With the emergence of the New World, the game between forces has changed from external to internal again.

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