one's door

Chapter 572 Chapter News

There is no sun and moon in the mountains, and it has been a thousand years in a flash.

This sentence seems exaggerated, but it is not.Even the more advanced the cultivation base, the more feelings he will have for this sentence.

It has been 20 years since the Primal World collapsed.

In the past 20 years, Huang Tianyu replaced the previous habit of "swallowing all" with "swallowing part and merging part".What they brought was the "God-given land" and as many as a hundred scattered "new lands" in the barren world.

Unlike the "Heaven-given land", the scattered "Xindi" in various places are of different sizes and irregular in distribution.The small ones are as big as a city, and the big ones are as vast as a country and a county, and they are scattered among the monster countries and human countries.Although these "new lands" are not as large as a whole new continent like the "land given by heaven", they are actually quite impressive when added together.

So even though most of the human nations have more than enough energy for the "God-given Land", they don't seem too frustrated. The "New Land" around them is enough for them to think about it.

If the newly gained land is surrounded by one's own land, it is easy to say, it is equivalent to meat in a bowl, which cannot be snatched away by others, and can be digested slowly.But it would be tricky if it happens to be in a position where it borders with other countries.

According to the past situation, once there is a dispute between several countries, and it is land that no one will give up, it will inevitably lead to war.There will never be anyone backing down if there is no winner.

But Weiwei is that Weiwei appeared in Xindi just in the early stage of recuperation after the catastrophe of heaven and earth.Even if countries want to fight each other, they have no confidence.

But it is useless to rely on verbal warfare.No one will admit that the "new earth" has someone else's share.And if it is directly occupied, it seems very good to form a de facto "half of one person" with the opposite party, but it is not reconciled.Especially those relatively weaker parties.Even if you want to be "half of one person" with the other party, you are worried that after the national strength of both sides recovers in the future, the half of the "new land" in your hands will not only be unstable, but will also become a big hidden danger.

After the last excuse was raised and quickly responded by countries, it caused the calm for the next 20 years.Of course, not everyone is willing behind the calm, and many are forced to refuse this excuse out of fear.

"Xindi is the reward from heaven after the catastrophe of heaven and earth. It is the affirmation of heaven and earth based on our resistance to the invasion of alien creatures. And the cliff mountain is the biggest winner in this victory. Therefore, the new geography should belong to the cliff mountain!"

Just such an excuse, everyone knows that the style of the cliff mountain is too lazy to bother.People didn't even take a look at the "Heaven-given land", let alone these fragmentary new lands?

And another reason why this excuse can continue to be implemented is that countries are now rapidly gaining momentum and their status faintly exceeds that of monks who are warriors.As well as the Cliff Camp, which exists in all countries and has always been named Cliff Mountain.

Cliff Mountain settled in the controversial "new land".However, in the absence of Cliff Mountain, countries took the initiative to "manage" Xindi.A part of the proceeds will be used as the income of Cliff Mountain and sent over. …

Pay a portion of the benefits, get a piece of safe land, and don't worry about being taken away by a powerful country or doing bad things.Where can I find this deal?
This is a rare victory in the relatively long history of the human race in Huangtianyu, where the weak defeated the strong without bloodshed.

Xindi is Tiandi's "return" to Yashan?In fact, no one really thinks so.Although Cliff Mountain was the most important winner in the previous Great Tribulation, that's right.But how many people died in order to resist the three-eyed tribe before the cliff mountain shot?Which one isn't trying its best to get in there?

Xindi should be the reward that all races deserve!

On the other hand, the Yaozu, they didn't do anything during the Great Tribulation, they just took advantage of it.Not to mention the fact that there are new lands in the Yao Kingdom, the huge "Heaven-given land" was unexpectedly set foot by them first.This is the most unacceptable thing in my heart.

The previous hatred surged up now even more than before.And in the 20 years of fermentation, it can be seen that a new pattern has been formed.

The human race is relatively stable internally, and the overall focus is on recuperation.After all, 20 years cannot make up for the population lost during the Great Tribulation.

But for the monster race, the nations of the human race are accumulating power in a tacit understanding.Once all the countries recover, the "Land of Heaven" must not allow the Yaozu family to dominate.Otherwise, how strong will the Yaozu be with the resource supply of the "Land of Heaven"?Will there be a day for the human race to turn around?
Not all the confidence of the human race countries holding their breath to compete with the monster race in the "Heaven-given Land" comes from their own rapidly growing group of monks and strength.More is the "Lingwu Mountain" established by the human race in the "Land of God" except for the martial sage Xu Fengyang who sits like a nail.There is also the Cliff Mountain of the power that lives at the top of the Desolate Sky Territory.

So, why should you Yaozu take it away?

Did Yaozu really take much advantage?
It really depends on which angle you look at it from.

From the bottom to the top, the Yaozu did rely on their previous luck to retain most of their strength in the Great Tribulation, and then took the lead after the appearance of the "Heaven-given Land".But how much benefit can these opportunities really bring to the Yaozu?In other words, what you get now, will you be able to hold it securely in the future?
If you count from top to bottom, whether it is "Xindi" or "Heaven-given land", these are actually not "rewards from heaven and earth for victory" at all.Huang Tianyu doesn't care about the life and death of the human race.It's just because he changed his habit of devouring and merged the space and the origin of the world that he didn't have time to slowly digest in the edge world.It is for itself, and has nothing to do with the creatures in it.

And the only one who can really talk about "return" with Huang Tianyu is Zhang Yan.

Huang Tianyu didn't play tricks.In the third year after Prism's complete death, it handed over the promised "return" to Zhang Yan.

Different from the previous merit and spiritual energy, Huang Tianyu's reward this time did not directly pour into Zhang Yan's body along with Zhang Yan's daily practice.Instead, it appeared in front of Zhang Yan in a form similar to a real object.

It was a colorful ball the size of Zhang Yan's fist.Surface Ambilight seems to be alive.But floating lightly in mid-air exudes a mysterious aura.

"This is the context of rules that I have evolved so far, and it is also the return I promise to you."

That's what Huang Tianyu said in Zhang Yan's consciousness when the ball appeared.

And Zhang Yan has often been unable to retreat in these years because of the "rule of rules" that Huang Tianyu said.

PS: I will make it up at noon after one chapter.hand over.

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