one's door

Chapter 578 Seeing

I saw a little fox squatting under a tree and looking at Lin Yong and Xue Qi with round eyes.

"I don't know what it's called. But it's really beautiful, and it seems that its intelligence is not low." Lin Yong didn't recognize foxes as animals.But the other party's furry body and beautiful fur color are really attractive.

Compared with Lin Yong's simplicity, I feel "beautiful".The woman Xueqi was completely fascinated by the little fox's appearance.

"Little guy, come here, come here, there is something delicious!" Xue Qi said while taking out a stewed goose from the storage ring.The fragrant smell immediately made the little fox squatting under the tree look straight at the braised goose in her hand.

"Come here, I'll give you braised goose to eat!"

I thought it was just an interaction between a woman and a small animal.At the same time, there is no malicious intent, I just think the little fox is cute and amusing.The stewed goose really wanted to feed it to the other party.But the brothers and sisters never expected that the little animal in front of them would actually play tricks on them.

"Huh? Brother, do you feel it? This little thing seems to be using a charm technique on me! No, it's not a charm technique, but it's very similar! It's a very rough charm method! Look at its eyes!"

After the little fox approached her, Xue Qi tore off a goose leg and threw it over, but the fox jumped up and bit her.Then she took the opportunity to take a few steps closer, and seeing that the other party seemed to have no intention of running away, she reached out and touched the other party's head.The smooth fur feels particularly good.

However, when the big watery eyes of the little fox who raised his head up after eating the goose legs looked over, Xueqi looked at him, and suddenly felt a desire to give all the delicious food in the storage ring to her. Such an idea of ​​the other party.

After a momentary trance, Xue Qi immediately woke up.This level of charm is still too much for her.If she hadn't been really unprepared just now and was really fascinated by the other party's cute appearance, she wouldn't be able to accept the charm of that moment.

"I feel it." Lin Yong's magic power covered the past without leaving any traces. Under the cover of the power that was definitely not limited to the Qi-entraining realm, there was no chance for the little fox to scream or escape, and it was fixed in an instant. In situ.There was a fright in the cute big eyes.But the half-braised goose in its mouth did not let go.

"Brother, is this a spirit beast?! There are still spirit beasts here!"

Just like the excited Xueqi, Lin Yong never expected to meet a spirit beast in the cliff mountain.

With this knowledge, the brothers and sisters carefully probed the immobilized little fox with their senses.They found that everything in the little fox's body was not just as simple as having aura, but a very clear flow of movement.The two of them are no strangers to this kind of situation. Isn't this the "meridian" and "kung fu track" on the monk? !
"Brother, it seems that it is not just a spirit beast, but a demon cultivator?!"

There is an essential difference between demon cultivators and spirit beasts.

The root of spirit beasts lies in the word "spirit", which belongs to naturally powerful creatures.The strong one may be spiritual intelligence or a certain kind of special ability.Some powerful spirit beasts can even be inseparable from immortals.Legend has it that there are even terrifying void spirit beasts that can devour the world.

But the key to demon cultivation lies in the word "xiu".This has the same meaning as the "repair" of monks.It is a way to actively complete life evolution bit by bit through exhaling spiritual energy.Although the essence is the same as that of a monk, but because it starts from the "beast" practice, there will be many differences in details.So it is different from monks, and it is called a "demon".

Of course, the little fox in front of him is not yet a real demon, but there is already a clear path of aura in its body.And the demon power has already appeared at the core, which is a manifestation of having embarked on the road of demon cultivation.As long as there are no accidents, this little fox will definitely grow into a real demon.

Suddenly, the brothers and sisters turned their heads to look in the same direction, one after the other.There appeared a creature that was the same as the fox they had settled on, but it was much larger in size, and its eyes were more agile, and it seemed to be able to speak.

However, the big fox did not approach, but looked over vigilantly after stamping its feet in the distance.Then it actually opened its mouth and said: "Let it go, the creatures in the cliff mountain are not for you to mess around with!"

The voice actually has a seductive female magnetic tone.And the tone of the warning is still sharp.

Speak human words in the body of a beast.This is no longer an ordinary demon cultivator. At least one needs to condense the demon core, only then can some structures of the physical body be changed and words can be spoken.

Lin Yong and Xue Qi exchanged glances.Immediately Lin Yong let go of the little fox that was held by him.And the little fox whined twice towards them with half a braised goose in its mouth, probably meant to speak harshly, but Lin Yong and Xue Qi couldn't understand it at all, and couldn't even sense the "vicious" reaction. .On the contrary, Xueqi smiled brightly, bent down and touched it again.

When the little fox ran back to the big one, the big fox raised a front paw and knocked on the little fox's head a few times.Then she nodded towards Lin Yong and Xue Qi, then turned and left.

After a while, Xue Qi blinked and looked at her senior brother who was also surprised.Said: "Brother, there are even demon cultivators here. And it seems to have formed a group. The big ones take the small ones. Do you think this is also part of the inheritance?"

"It's possible. But to be honest, I'm also confused now. How can a inheritance be so complicated? Not only does it have the practice of monks, but it also includes demon cultivators? Or are the demon cultivators here evolved by themselves?"

"Evolve by yourself? Brother, it is possible elsewhere, but it is impossible in this cliff mountain. Without the acquiescence of the master of this cliff mountain, these demon cultivators will be wiped out in an instant." Xue Qi shook her head and continued curiously Go down the road.Because the appearance of the demon cultivator just now made her really have a new interest in this cliff mountain.Every plant and tree is under her observation.

Soon, Xueqi discovered that what the disciples of the cliff mountain said before, "all are spirit species", was really not an exaggeration.Although the vegetation here is not a "good thing" in Xueqi's eyes, it has a lot more aura and spiritual effect than ordinary vegetation.And besides demon cultivators, there are also real spirit beasts here.It's just that there are not many of them.

The brothers and sisters went around the place where they could go.Finally, they went back to their respective houses to rest.Tomorrow morning will be the internal contest of Cliff Mountain.It is said that there will be a simple ceremony, at which time Zhu Yan, the leader of the cliff mountain, will also appear.

"Brother, what do you think Zhang Yan is and what does he look like?"

"I don't know. But the cultivation level should be about the same as ours. In terms of age, if the rumors here are true, it will not exceed a hundred years old."

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