one's door

Chapter 579 Hello

There are some people who you know as soon as you see them are absolutely extraordinary.And some people even if you stand by your side, it is difficult for you to find the shining points in him.

As the saying goes, "outstanding" and "ordinary" are like this.

Early in the morning, a group of guests who watched the ceremony all dressed up and climbed up the upper half of the cliff mountain.The direct feeling is that the richness of aura here is nearly [-]% higher than that in the middle and lower half of the mountain!
And as the steps gradually rise, there will be an invisible and inexplicable pressure that seems to be slowly oppressed from the top of the mountain looking up at the head, and finally pressed into the heart.

However, most people will attribute this oppressive force to their awe and reverence for the cliff mountain in their hearts, a similar sense of oppression that ordinary people feel when they approach the palace.Out of awe of strength and power.A kind of psychological self-repression.

But some people understand that this sense of oppression does not all come from self-repressed psychological reactions.It is an oppression that is real but at the same time suspended in the invisible.

Oppression from the level of life!
"Brother, I feel very panicked. There won't be immortals on the top of this mountain, right?"

"Feel familiar?"

"Hmm! It's the same feeling as when I went to Jiushishu's place. But if you feel it carefully, it's not as strong as Jiushishu."

"Hehe. Uncle Ninth is still holding his breath. It will be fine when Uncle Ninth breaks through. But I am afraid that there are real immortals on this cliff mountain. It is a bit different from what I thought before that the strongest is only at the Tongxuan realm. what!

How could such an incomplete world produce immortals?It's unbelievable. "

It is not the first time that Lin Yong has helped Zongmen run such a task.He has been to nine incomplete worlds like Huang Tianyu.The time span almost covered the 3000-[-] years since he stepped into the Tongxuan Realm to the present.

What Lin Yong has seen in such a long time is simply innumerable.Whether it was danger or surprise, there were so many that he himself could not remember clearly.

But there is one thing Lin will never forget.That is, in all the worlds similar to Huangtianyu that he has been to, there has never been a true immortal.At most, it's just the same as him at the Tongxuan Realm at this time.Relying on the sect's various means and the magic weapon in his hand, Lin Yong has always turned danger into good fortune.

So before coming here, even before he climbed the upper half of the cliff mountain, Lin Yong always thought that the strongest person in the Huangtian Territory was the same as him in the late stage of the Tongxuan realm.Not even middle school is out of the question.Then he was able to win steadily with his own means and magic weapon, and with the help of his junior sister, he must be free to come and go.

But who would have thought.How could a serious immortal come out of a world where the heavens and the earth are supposed to be incomplete? !
Didn't it mean that the world is incomplete and the truth is difficult to understand?Or is it that the talent of the immortal on the cliff mountain is so high that he can forcibly tear out the "truth" from the incomplete way of heaven and earth and put it into his own cognition?Thinking about it this way, the relaxed attitude that Lin Yong had been maintaining before suddenly disappeared.

No matter where they are, immortals can be called strong.Even in Lin Yong's sect, there are not many immortals.

Of course, a fairy is not enough to scare Lin Yong.He is sure that even if there are immortals in the cliff mountain, they are at most in the early or middle stages of the human fairyland.Relying on the magic weapon in his hand, even if he loses, he can lead his junior sister to retreat completely.

It's just a world where immortals sit in charge.There must be a lot of changes in Zongmen's previous plans.

Be vigilant in your heart, although the accident caused by a fairy in the cliff mountain is unexpected, but Lin Yong doesn't need to think about the countermeasures afterwards.He just had an idea in his mind.In the end, he reported the news to Zongmen, and what kind of decision he made had nothing to do with him.

Not only did Lin Yong change his previous relaxed attitude, but Xue Qi became straightforward and honest.Completely gone from the naughty look that she had before when she was alive and kicking, hoping to find her for something.Followed closely by his senior brother.She is not stupid, this is the territory of a fairy, although she won't be taken advantage of by the magic weapon in her hand, but the awe of the fairy is not a joke.

Climb to the top.Looking around at the well-regulated sect layout.Not too grand, nor shabby.At least in the eyes of brothers and sisters Lin Yong, it is not worth looking twice.The only thing that caught their eyes was that the top of the main peak still followed the same architectural style as the middle and lower half of the mountain.

The crimson columns, the blue bricks with withered flowers, the cornices and the bright yellow glazed tiles are all very novel.Not only is it different from all the architectural styles that Lin Yong brothers and sisters have seen, even Huangtianyu itself is the only place with this style of architecture.

And although it is novel, I have to admit that this style of architecture looks very grand and solemn.Especially when the sun climbed to the top of the mountain, the golden light shining from the glazed tiles directly rendered the whole mountain top like a dream, adding more mystery.

But it is a pity that the sect master of Cliff Mountain did not attend the grand ceremony that day.Instead, his eldest disciple Wang Nian presided over all matters.

Although the outside monks who came to watch the ceremony expressed regret in their hearts, they could not raise any objections.I knew in my heart that Zhang Yan really didn't need to give them any face at this time.If you want to show your face, you can show your face. If you don't want to show your face or if you have some understanding in practice, who would dare to say one, two, three if you don't show your face?

Afterwards, the Lin Yong brothers and sisters were even less interested in the arena.Although some of those techniques and methods are quite innovative, they are eye-catching.But the cultivation level is there, you can't expect a group of monks who are cultivated at the Qi-Entraining Realm or Profound Vein Realm to play a ring that makes Lin Yong brothers and sisters at the Profound Realm applaud or be interested.

However, although it seemed that the two brothers and sister Lin Yong were drowsy, they still cheered up and did not choose to leave or stay in the house.Maybe they would do this when they didn't know that there were immortals sitting in the Cliff Mountain.Now, it's better to hang around honestly for three days, then go down the mountain and leave.

"They're all babies, their hands are slightly jerky, and their experience is immature, which made the two of you laugh."

Just when brothers and sisters Lin Yong were about to finish watching the ceremony on the last day, they left.Suddenly, there was another person beside them.He doesn't have any aura that belongs to a monk, but it gives an inexplicable oppressive force to his surroundings from the bottom of his heart.Those who can't feel it are okay, but the ignorant are fearless.But those who can feel this kind of oppression like brother and sister Lin Yong felt their hearts tremble instantly.

Turn your head and look over.I saw a man in a white robe, who looked like he was in his early thirties, wearing a golden hair crown, with a handsome face, his hands folded on his chest, and he tilted his head and looked over with a smile.

Lin Yong subconsciously pulled his junior sister behind him.With one hand on a piece of jade pendant at his waist, he slightly bowed and asked, "Who are you?"

The man smiled and replied, "Hello, my name is Zhang Yan."

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