one's door

Chapter 586 Westward Journey

Chapter 586 Westward Journey
The humble dog was a little confused at first.He never expected that the sect master would assign him such a task: to teach the law.

In the words of the sect master, it is to convey the ideas and methods of the Taoist sect, and at the same time demonstrate the strength of the Taoist sect.

It is easy to understand the idea and means of "transmitting Taoism".But there is a saying about "showing the strength of the Daoist sect" later.Anyway, the humble dog's understanding is: whoever is not convinced, beat them until they are convinced.

Starting from the west, follow the order on the list and go to each place one by one.Then go around in a big circle and finally return to the cliff mountain.

The first thing a hound dog does is find someone.The door owner said that he can find staff by himself, and the number should be controlled within five people.So the dog decided to find another four people to go with him.

First of all, it needs to be able to pass the strength, at least it must be recognized by the humble dog, and then there must be clear complementarity.The complementarity here refers not only to the time of battle, but also to the need for complementarity in all kinds of matters during the westward journey.

For example, a humble dog is very good at fighting, but it seems powerless to deal with people.All the way westward is not only fighting and killing, but also wandering among various forces.

In addition, people who know how to plan and can carefully detect as many dangers and traps as possible are needed.

Of course, in the end, these people must be willing to run with the dogs.

The hound dog went through the people he needed to find in his mind first, and then listed all the names of people who met these conditions on a piece of paper.The last thing is to come to the door and ask one by one to see if the other party is willing.

After a round of tossing, the hound dog managed to find all the people.No one refused his invitation.So the four people he found were all the best candidates in Hingou's mind at the beginning.

Three of them are three-generation disciples like the hound dog.One is a disciple of the fourth generation.

Are there any characters among the four generations of disciples who can fall into the eyes of a dog?
Of course there is.The chief disciple of the fourth generation, the deacon of the Foreign Affairs Church, Zeng Youren.A disciple of the fourth generation who is in his twenties but has the strength not to lose to the top disciples of the third generation.

It is said that Zeng Youren was an introduction to art back then, and in the secular world, he was a relative of the sect master.The hound dog found this person because of his strength.The second reason is to take a fancy to the identity of the deacon of the foreign affairs hall and the ability to deal with people.In this way, it will be much easier to deal with the nations of the human race in the future.

After all the people are found, it is time to arrange the westbound route.

Originally, I wanted to find a map to mark all the places required to go on the copper strip, but it turned out that the only maps that could be found in the mountains were those of the human nations.However, the map of the demon country only has a minimalist map of the territory, and there is no way to use it to judge the geographical location.

So the five discussed and decided to make preparations first, and then go to the western border of Nanyuan Kingdom to search for a map.Even if you can't find it in detail, at least you should have a rough topographic map.Then go to the demon country to find it.Just look for it while walking.

It seems sloppy, but there is really nothing to prepare for.In the words of the brother of Hound Dog, that is, the dark-skinned fat man: Knock on the door to teach the Dharma, if you don't listen, hit.

The words are rough and the rationale is not rough.Especially for the Yaozu, no one in the group of five has a good impression of them.

Before leaving, the five people received three jade cards respectively.Jade cards are divided into three colors, blue, red and blue.The blue color comes from Liu Rui, the master of Chuanfa Hall, and the red color comes from Wang Nian, the master of Danqi Hall.The blue one is Yang Rui, the head of the Law Enforcement Hall.

The usage of these three-faced jade cards is to crush them directly.After being crushed, the hall master of the corresponding color will feel the heart, and then drive a flying shuttle to come.It can be understood as a "rescue card" with a certain time buffer.

On the day of their westward journey, Zhang Yan personally appeared at the mountain gate to see the five of them off.It also made the disciples on the cliff mountain who had been speculating about the purpose of the westward journey feel a little angry, secretly thinking that the master of the sect attaches so much importance to the westward journey? !

What is the purpose of going west?There are very few people who really know it, but it does not prevent it from being guessed slowly during the westward journey.

half year later.The five-person group has left the territory of the human race and entered and penetrated into the territory of the Haoyue Demon Kingdom.

The reason why the speed of advancement is not fast is not a problem of footsteps.It's because they don't know the way, and they do it on purpose.Because it is necessary to look for a detailed map and plan the route behind.Going too fast is easy to take detours.And along the way, they also need to set aside time to learn the language of the Yaozu.

Not every Yaozu can speak Mandarin.And if you just come to the Yaozu's side to fight and kill, there is really no need to learn the language of the Yaozu, just slash with a knife.If you live, you win, if you die, you lose, simple and clear.

But to teach the Dharma, you can't just rely on the knife in your hand, you also need your mouth.

In terms of Zeng Youren's plan: go to a place, cut down the group of strong people they think are the strongest first, not necessarily kill them all, but choose the most famous ones to kill.Then find the enemies of those monster clans who died after killing them, and pass on the Taoist methods.You can even leave some practice books and talent rulers as a basis.

You may be regarded as the enemy of life and death if you go to grab other people's land.But if you just kill a handful of the strongest people, leave behind something and leave without affecting the basic order of the local area, then you won't be raised to the level of "enemies" at all.

Moreover, the ethnic groups in the Yaozu are complicated, and the structure of the Yaoguo is loose.As long as you grasp their own internal contradictions, it is actually not difficult to tear open the hole and stuff things from the Taoist door.But it will take some time.

But let’s talk about teaching the Fa.It's not to pass on what the dogs have learned to the monster race.It was some methods listed separately by the sect master before leaving, as well as the breathing technique based on aura.

Different from what the disciples in the cliff mountain learned, what was given to the Yaozu was a way of practice called "physical cultivation" by the sect master.Although it is also based on spiritual energy, it pays more attention to the struggle with the physical body.This point is similar to Yaozu's previous path, and it is easier for Yaozu to accept.

And it's not just a means of "physical training" for the demon clan.For the countries of the human race that will definitely go in the future, this method of physical training is also passed on.

When the hound dog got this method, he tried it curiously.It turns out that the way of physical training is not easy, and requires a lot of time and resources to torture the physical body.If you want fellow practitioners in the art body, time and resources must be seriously considered.In the end, the hound dog chose to give up.He understands the principle of chewing too much.Or just go your own way honestly.

As for danger.At least the group of five has not met in the past six months or so.They even felt that there were no top monster powerhouses on the list.Coupled with their identities in the Cliff Mountain, the demon kingdom's corps might pretend to be deaf and dumb and turn a blind eye to them.It is an exaggeration to say that you are walking sideways in the demon country, but it is true that you can pass the law unimpeded along the way.

(End of this chapter)

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