one's door

Chapter 587 Haoxue

Chapter 587 Haoxue
The white snow-capped mountains are endless, and there are many large and small buildings hidden in the mountains.These buildings all have the same kind of coat of arms on the doors: moiré background, with a minimalist shape of rotating snowflakes in the middle.

This kind of coat of arms is called "Snow Pattern in the Cloud", and it is the coat of arms of Haoxuemen, the number one sect of Dahongtian.

In the middle of the snow-capped mountains is the tallest mountain, which is so huge that it reaches into the clouds, and the height of the mountain is more than a thousand feet high.Taking into account the height of the terrain, ordinary creatures would not be able to reach the mountainside at all, and would lose their mobility due to suffocation, and would soon die of the severe cold here.

And this huge mountain peak is the main peak of Haoxuemen.

Even monks with a cultivation level below the Dao Dan realm would not be able to last long on the main peak of Haoxuemen.Because this mountain is not only thin air and severe cold, but also the five elements of water that gather naturally are under the rule of ice cold.The closer you are to the top of the mountain, the closer you are to the cold limit in the rules.

It is precisely because of the particularity of the main peak that most of the disciples do not live here, but are scattered among the peaks of this vast snow-capped mountain complex.Follow your master, or live freely on your own, you only need to go to the place where the Dharma is taught regularly to complete the assessment of the practice and receive the resources issued by the sect.

So Haoxuemen is said to be a sect, but it is more like a huge ice and snow kingdom with free rules.Its huge number of hundreds of thousands of disciples can be seen.

Those who live on the main peak for a long time are the several elders on duty and the sect master who are in charge of specific affairs in Hao Xuemen.

Lin Yong came out of the space shuttle and subconsciously took a deep breath when he saw the white world.Xue Qi behind him almost did the same thing as him.

When they were in Huangtianyu, except for the few days in the cliff mountain, Lin Yong and Xueqi were not used to the turbid air there.It doesn't matter if the aura is thin, there is still a lot of turbidity mixed in it.For them who have lived in Dahongtian for a long time, it can be regarded as suffering.

"Huh! I'm finally back!" The smile on Xue Qi's face finally spread completely.I could even feel a sense of relief from her.

Lin Yong laughed and said, "What? Are you scared this time?"

"Hmm! A little bit. This is the first time I've seen immortals outside the alliance. Compared with the immortals in the alliance, I have a feeling that I can't explain. When I stay with them, I always feel uncomfortable like being cut by a knife.

And what method did Zhang Yan use to partition the space?I feel that even the magic weapon given by the master may not be able to break through it.It's so wicked! "

This is the first time for Xueqi to leave Dahongtian, and it is also the first time for Xueqi to enter an incomplete world that has not evolved completely.I thought it was a small thing to increase my knowledge while hanging out with my senior brother.Unexpectedly, he was taken aback by the sudden situation.Xue Qi even had a flash of panic in her heart at a certain point, which she had never experienced before.

Lin Yong is much calmer than Xue Qi's feelings.He even felt that although there were many accidents in this experience, it was a meaningful field trip for the junior sister.Seeing immortals who can't flatter or be friendly is the first step for junior sisters to understand the true face of Xiujie.It is also Master's original intention.

"Hehe, it's really surprising, but that method is not some evil technique, but the power of space rules from the seriousness. It's just that the depth of its use is beyond our cognition, so it will give us such an obvious separation As for whether the magic weapon given by the master at that time could break his space isolation, it will be known after the master has reported it to the master.

let's go.Let's go see the master first. "

"Well! Brother, do you think Master will like the gift I prepared for him?"

"Should be?" Lin Yong was also amused when he thought of the huge pile of miscellaneous things that his junior sister had bought back.

Both of them have the cultivation base of Tongxuan Realm, so it is natural that there is not much pressure to climb the main peak of Haoxuemen.It's just that when you get close to the top of the mountain, you still feel obviously cold.Of course, this kind of cold is no longer just a physical feeling.It's more "cold" at the soul level.

The two also arrived at a temple near the top of the mountain, which was still about a hundred feet away from the top of the mountain.Over there, even those who are at the Profound Profound Realm like them are not allowed to go there.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Lin Yong bowed and said in a loud voice: "Disciple Lin Yong and Junior Sister Xueqi are back today, and I have something to ask Master for!"

"come in."

A somewhat magnetic voice sounded directly from the heads of the two of them, and at the same time, the stone temple door opened left and right.

Entering the hall did not become warm because of the room, and there was still obvious frost when exhaling.It needs to be eliminated with magic power frequently, otherwise a layer of ice crystals will form on one's face soon.

Of course, you can also integrate yourself into the ice rules around you as much as possible, so naturally you won't produce ice crystals due to breathing.It's just that not everyone can bear the deep cold that penetrates the body.It can even be regarded as a kind of self-sharpening.

Anyway, Lin Yong and Xue Qi didn't have the guts to melt themselves into the ice rules.Finding death is not the way to find it.

"Disciples pay homage to Master!" The two senior brothers and sisters entered the main hall, and then went to the door of a quiet room with familiarity, pushed the door and went in, and saw an old woman in white sitting on a big chair made of ice. There was a cup of steaming tea in hand.

This hot and cold seems really abrupt.You must know that the environment here can freeze instantly even if it is boiling water.

"Well, it seems that your trip is not going well?" The old woman took a sip of the hot tea in her cup.Then put down, with a smiling expression on her face, she beckoned Xueqi to sit beside her.

Lin Yong knew that his master doted on his junior sister very much, so he had already seen the strangeness, so he nodded, and then he gave a detailed account of the trip to Huangtianyu, including the final agreement he reached with Zhang Yan on the cliff mountain. Those intentions were also laid out.

"Immortal?" The old woman's expression was also full of curiosity.Because in her long life cognition, she has never heard that a fairy can appear in a world that has not yet evolved completely.

No matter how talented that person is, it is impossible for him to understand the "reason" enough to cross the boundary of immortality if the world is incomplete.After all, after all, we should pay attention to the word "enlightenment", not just take it from the world.This is one thing that subverts cognition.

"You said that he still has a method that can divide the space and retract it freely. It is also this method that makes you feel that the magic weapon I gave you may not be effective? Is that so?"

"Yes, Master. That method of spatial regulation is very strange, as if the original space is directly independent into an irrelevant fragment, and there is no sign of connection with the normal space outside. It is like "Lin Yong was a little stuck for a while and didn't know how to describe the feeling at that time.

"The cage, isn't it?" said the old woman suddenly.

"Yes! It's the feeling that the master said, the method is like dividing a space into a separate cage!"

(End of this chapter)

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