one's door

Chapter 59 Bloodline

Chapter 59 Bloodline

Zhang Yan's memory is not clear about Zhuzui Lane, probably because he has only heard of that place before but never been there.After all, the Zhang family didn't need to live in a place like Zhuzui Lane when his predecessor was proud, but the Zhang family only went to Zhuzui Lane after his predecessor was convicted and exiled.

Although they now have fertile land obtained from military meritorious service, the Zhang family, who had just been affluent for two years, still did not move out of Zhuzui Lane, saying that they would wait for Zhang Yan to come back before thinking about it.

Walking to the entrance of the alley, along the way, Zhang Yan could clearly feel that the living environment here was very bad, not to mention the cross flow of sewage, at least there was always a lingering smell of excrement and urine in the air, which made people frown.At the entrance of the alley, there were a few idle Qingpis squatting by the side of the road, sticks in their mouths, looking around aimlessly.

It is estimated that so many green skins can be seen dangling in the west city.Because of the green skin, there are not so many honest and down-and-out people in the west of the city to bully them.Moreover, the more the corners are, the more natural it will be to hide dirt.

"Hey! Who are you?"

Just as Zhang Yan was about to enter the alley, he was stopped by a few green skins. He probably saw the bulging burden on his back and his strange face, so he came up to test the water. If he was a softie, wouldn't it be possible to gain some benefits?

Zhang Yan smiled, he didn't see such bastards uncommonly when he was on earth in his previous life.Without answering, he tightened the burden on his back, pinched the Qingpi's neck with one hand, the iron hoop made it difficult for the other party to break free, then raised his right hand, and slapped him twice across the face, using a lot of force, He slapped off the opponent's three back molars with two slaps, and when he was thrown on the ground, the person passed out, but the blood was still spitting out of his mouth, and his face was rapidly swollen.

"I don't know anyone and dare to talk to me like that? The demon soldiers on Yubei Mountain don't have such a voice. If you don't have eyes next time, I will help you all! Get away!"

You can't be reasonable when dealing with green-skinned bastards, because if you don't understand it, they will be regarded as cowardly.They only understand fists and kicks.

Of course, Zhang Yan never thought of defeating this opponent in one go.Don't look at these green skins being suppressed now, tomorrow, they will definitely recruit their accomplices to get back to the scene.If you can beat them up again, then it can be said that you have defeated them.

Several Qingpi weighed Zhang Yan's attacking posture just now, lifted his unconscious companion on the ground and ran away, but the hostility in his eyes was not small when he left.

"Young man, are you causing trouble for yourself? These people are like mangy dogs. Even if they can't bite you, they will annoy you to death."

How could such a loud noise at the entrance of the alley go unnoticed?A rickety old man saw Zhang Yan's good-natured face, so he tried to persuade him.

"Hey, mangy dogs are indeed annoying, but if you use some force, you can kill them. If one comes, kill one, and there will be no trouble." Zhang Yan replied with a smile, and walked into the alley.

There is no need to ask anyone, my sister Zhang Huiyuan has already stated the address of her home very clearly in the letter.Enter from the entrance of the west alley, go straight along one road, turn left when you see the first well, and count to the fifth door after turning left.

"Dong dong dong."

"Who is it? Wait a minute!"

Zhang Yan took a deep breath, and then knocked on the door. After a few breaths, he heard a voice answering from inside the door. The voice was a bit hoarse, and his breath was obviously lacking, and there was a sense of guard. It could be heard that it was an elderly woman.

At this time, Zhang Yan suddenly had mixed feelings, and an emotion he had never experienced quickly occupied his whole heart.


The dilapidated wooden door opened a small crack from the inside, and an old woman was showing half of her face behind.

"Mother, the child is back."

"You, Yan'er?! You are back!" The old woman's eyes widened, and she slammed open the wooden door with a look of ecstasy.The little son she had been looking forward to day and night finally came back.

"Mother! The child's unfilial piety made you worry!" Zhang Yan knelt down on his knees, his head pounding loudly.

Before Zhang Yan didn't know how he would feel when facing a "strange" mother, and he was also entangled.But the moment he saw the old woman, all hesitation, speculation and even anxiety disappeared, and finally all that gathered in his heart was the instinctive affection and guilt.

This may be the influence of the inherited physical body, or it may be Zhang Yan's regret as an orphan in his previous life.Now he regrets that he was traveling leisurely and leisurely all the way before, but it was too unreasonable for his mother to worry about him every day.

Seeing her son kowtowing to herself, Wang Lanping burst into tears, and hurriedly hugged her son's head in two steps to prevent him from continuing to kowtow.He kept saying "It's good to be back, it's good to be back"

For Wang Lanping, her son really "survived a near death" this time, and came back after several twists and turns in desperation. Isn't this the blessing of the ancestors?
"Yan'er get up quickly, the ground is cold, let's go inside and talk, your elder brother will be very happy if he knows you are back."

"Good mother." Looking up, Zhang Yan realized that his face was already full of tears, but he didn't know it.At this time, the old woman in front of her was no longer "strange" at all, so how could there be any false connection between blood?

Before entering the door, Zhang Yan looked back at the people around who were sticking out their heads to watch the excitement, nodded to these people, and then followed his mother into the house.

"Is that Wang Lanping's youngest son?"

"Didn't it mean that arson is beheading? What's going on?"

"I heard that he was exiled into the army? Could it be that he escaped from the crime and came back?"

"Tsk, escaped crime? It's possible in a small place. We in Langyuan have never heard of escaped death row inmates coming in. It's probably because they were exonerated after being exiled from the army, right?"

"It's possible! No wonder this kid is so ruthless. When he entered the alley, he was stopped by Liu Ganzi and asked a question. Without saying a word, he slapped all three of Liu Ganzi's back molars. This anger looks like he came back from the frontier." .”

There have never been any secrets in Zhuzui Alley, and the news of the beheaded Zhang family reached everyone's ears faster than wings.Even Qing Pi, who came to inquire about the news at the alley, soon found out the news, and trotted back to invite someone.It turned out that he was just a soldier, so he thought he was great because he knew how to punch and kick?Don't take them seriously!This time, let him taste the power!
Also receiving the news were some people who had been paying attention to Zhang Yan's news.

For example, the thin young man who was drinking with his arms around a singing girl in the flower building, the smile on his face became cold when he heard the words of the entourage below.

"He's really back? Heh heh, it's not easy to attack in other places. Now that we're back in Langyuan, let's kill him again. Go find Xiao Chongwen and the others, and say that I'm looking for them for a drink." .”

(End of this chapter)

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