one's door

Chapter 60 Adventure

Chapter 60 Adventure
Zhang Yan followed his mother into the house, and what he saw was the minimalist furnishings, except for tables and stools, there was nothing else.Even the paint on the tables and stools is badly peeled, and some obvious repair marks look even more old.In Zhang Yan's memory, there has never been such a dilapidated piece of furniture at home, presumably it should be the old furniture that he brought with him when he rented the house.

But the house was very clean, not to mention spotless, it was definitely much cleaner than the inns that Zhang Yan stayed in along the way.Even the musty smell in the house was mostly masked by the fresh lemongrass on the table.

"Mom! Who is it?"

Hearing the sound, Zhang Yan glanced at the old mother beside him, then quickly followed the sound into the back room, and saw a skinny man sitting beside a plank bed, with a beard on his face, and the empty space below his knees. Tie it tightly with a rope, and look outside with a worried expression.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Zhang Yan's big brother Zhang Shun?
"Brother, I'm back!"

"You! Zhang Er?! Zhang Er! You, you are finally back!" Zhang Shun's eyes turned red.He opened his hand, put his arm around his brother's shoulder, and patted him hard several times.

"Just come back, just come back!"

Not long after the door was knocked open, the younger sister Zhang Huiyuan also came back, and there was another tearful greeting.

At noon, the little girl went out to buy good food and came back. After a lot of preparation, it was a hearty meal. She even made fruit wine. That kind of sweet wine seemed to know Zhang Yan's slag wine capacity.

"Zhang Er, you have settled the affairs in the army cleanly now, but we have to thank our family for the favors we owe." Zhang Shun is also a family man, and he knows that the longer the debts are owed, the more troublesome they will be.Return it sooner if you can.What's more, that big man like a city guard can't be neglected.

These words were actually stuck in Wang Lanping's heart, but she didn't have time to say it first.Only Zhang Huiyuan, who was still young, didn't understand these things. Anyway, she was happy when her second brother came back. Could other things be worse than before?

"Brother, mother, you don't have to worry. I have made serious military achievements on Yubei Mountain. Whether it's the fertile land I exchanged or the money tickets I gave you just now, you can use them without any worries. , and there will be no saying that we owe favors, they are all things our family deserves."

"Second brother, what credit have you made? Let alone clearing your crimes, you can still exchange so many fields and have a lot of money?" Zhang Huiyuan blinked curiously, wanting to know how her second brother lived on that scary Yubei mountain. What happened in the fortress, and how did they make meritorious deeds.

"Hehe, little sister, do you still remember the time when you and I went to catch rabbits in the mountains and got lost?"

"Yeah, remember!" Although it was a long time ago, Zhang Huiyuan remembered it very clearly. She was terrified at the time, and she is still afraid, so Zhang Yan nodded repeatedly when he mentioned it.

"You remember the old man who saved us when we got lost in the forest, don't you?"

"Remember! Later, my parents wanted to go to him to thank him, but they didn't know where to go."

"That's right, the old man is not ordinary, he is a strange man who roams around. Afterwards, he came to me secretly many times and taught me a lot of things. This time he was able to make meritorious service in the army because of what the old man taught. .”


The whole family was actually curious, but they never expected that Zhang Yan would come up with such an explanation.

"Then why didn't you say that before?"

Zhang Yan said with a smile: "When the old man taught me before, he said that it is absolutely necessary not to expose the things he taught. After arriving at the Yubei Mountain Fortress, it is really hopeless. It is too difficult and too long to come back and fight alone. , so I found an opportunity to use what I learned to solve a few troubles in the army, and then I made meritorious service and cleared my crime."

It's not that Zhang Yan is too hasty, but the only solution he can think of right now is this.And the "miscellaneous knowledge" he knows will one day need a clear source, and it is better to think about it sooner than later.And in front of the family, there is no point in concealing emotion or reason.It would be better to let this "mysterious" experience spread from the family first, so as to increase the "credibility" of the outside world in the future.

Suspect?This is not the emotion that the family members would have on this matter. The doubts in their hearts naturally found an outlet after Zhang Yan told this matter.

"Ah!? No wonder you always can't find anyone later, and you don't tell me where you went. So there is such a reason?!" The first one who spontaneously looked for "traces" for Zhang Yan was the little girl Zhang Huiyuan, staring Zhu Zi, with a look of surprise and relief, seemed to understand the truth of the greatness.

In fact, in Zhang Yan's memory at that time, it was because he simply avoided his sister and went to Hualou to see her. How could this matter be said?
"Then what tricks did you learn?"

"I don't know, but there are all kinds of them. This time, it worked well in the Yubei Mountain Fortress. General Song said that my methods are the means of "miscellaneous learning."

"General, general?!"

"That's right. General Song Qinghe. This time, Langyuan City Guard Zhou Cang's relationship is General Song Qinghe's confidant, and also my direct Shangfeng Lin Zedong at the time. The general contemporaneity, such a circle around Zhou Da Talented people will take care of our family.”

"Miscellaneous studies? This, this knowledge seems to be very powerful!"

The younger sister, Zhang Huiyuan, was too shocked to speak, she blinked and looked at her second brother as if she was curious.On the contrary, the boss, Zhang Shun, separated himself from the subordinate positions of "general" and "general manager", and grasped the key two words: miscellaneous learning.

That miscellaneous learning should be the key to Zhang Er's ability to survive this time.

Zhang Yan saw that these seemingly hasty explanations were accepted smoothly in front of his family, so he was relieved and at the same time continued to push the matter forward, diverting everyone's attention from "Adventure", saying : "I asked Boss Lin to take care of the family before. In return, I transferred some of the essence of miscellaneous studies to Boss Lin. So Mr. Zhou's favor will be repaid by Boss Lin. We will not owe anything.

However, the relationship with Mr. Zhou still needs to be maintained. In terms of face, I will take care of it later. Mom, brother, you don't have to worry anymore. "

"Okay, Yan'er, it's good that you have your own opinion. Mother will feel at ease when she sees you now." Wang Lanping suddenly found that her youngest son had really grown into a man, even more stable than before, especially The breezy aura on her body gave Wang Lanping a subtle strange but comforting feeling, which was very strange.

"Yeah, second brother, Mr. Zhou is fine, you remember to thank him. If it wasn't for him, Xiao Chongwen and the others don't know how long they'll be making trouble at our house!"

"Xiao Chongwen?" Zhang Yan frowned when he heard the name.

(End of this chapter)

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