one's door

Chapter 596 Underworld

Chapter 596 Underworld
As I said before, if you are born in a hurry, how can you be happy in everything?Frustration is the main theme of life, and success is a small probability event. Otherwise, how can success be remembered forever?
Regret, reluctance, unwillingness, how many of them have turned into negative jealousy, greed, and resentment?

A mix of dark and bright.The continuation of life was left behind, and all kinds of strange crimes were also buried.

Yangjian made laws to curb and punish evil.But no matter how perfect the law itself is, the people who enforce it are still living beings, so there will inevitably be room for maneuver.This effect naturally depends on luck and cannot be guaranteed.

Just a few words of complaint in my heart.If it is really the golden belt of the wicked and the roadside bones of the good, it will inevitably be chilling, and it is hard to say in the world.

Isn't there a place where all sins of all beings can be judged fairly and justly?
There was no such place in the first place.But in the legendary age of the earth, there really was such a place called: Hell.

The word "fu" can actually explain many things.

First, the underworld is a place where power is concentrated.Detection, judgment, execution, the trinity.

Secondly, local power is centralized but also has a clear division of labor, and subordinates operate efficiently.

In the end, the underworld is underground, so the ones being judged are naturally not the creatures of the underworld.It is not the law of the world, it is self-contained and free from interference.

It is hard to say who is in charge of the underworld.At least in the legends known to Zhang Yan, there are two sayings of "returning to Tianting" and "returning to Dizang" in the underworld.It is also said that the underworld is self-contained and no one can control it, and the highest ruler is the ten palace princes.

From Zhang Yan's point of view, there may be two opinions.

One may be that the legend is untrue and some fallacies have appeared.Second, it may be that the affiliation behind the underworld is very complicated, and it is intertwined that there are different opinions.

But no matter which one is, the existence of the underworld in the legendary age of the earth is an important part that cannot be ignored.It is even the only man-made component in Daoist scriptures that really participates in the rotation of the origin of heaven and earth.Its importance is self-evident.

There is no underworld in Huangtianyu, but what Zhang Yan wants to do is to build one here.

This is the fastest way to resolve the hostile state between Yangjian and Huangquan, that is, to make Yangjian have an involuntary and irreplaceable "demand" for Huangquan.

Because apart from the power of setting and positioning like the underworld, there is no place in Yangjian that is completely fair and just and does not omit to judge all living beings and give rewards and punishments.

What can the sun room get?The power to persuade people to do good, the iron fence to restrict evil, and finally the means to punish evil and promote good.

Psychological comfort is often more desirable than real things, because it is impossible for you to get it in life.

Once the underworld is established in Huangtianyu, the relationship between the ghost domain and the world will naturally take a big turn.When the Huangtian Territory has evolved completely and Da Hongtian really comes over, it will be enough to achieve unity after all.

However, although the idea is very good, it is rare that it is not ordinary big if it is to be implemented.

As for the underworld in the legendary era of the earth in the book, there are different opinions on its establishment, and no one can tell for sure just like its affiliation.But several core parts of it are things that Zhang Yan can't get around if he wants to set up a dungeon in Huangtianyu.

For example, Nie Jingtai and Book of Life and Death.

The mirror of evil has passed before, and the evil will finally be revealed.It is talking about the evil deeds committed in the life before the Nie Jingtai after death, one after another, no matter how big or small, they will not be missed.

The book of life and death is more like a ball of thread, one end is pinched in the hands of the Lord of the Underworld, and the other end is holding all living beings.Life, or death, is only a stroke.

Another example is the story of sacrificing one's life for six roulettes.Later, the six realms were transformed into the earth, and since then the six realms have been clearly defined and will no longer interfere with each other, and all living beings can reincarnate in an orderly manner.And rewards and punishments can be cashed in this way.If you do good, you will enjoy the glory in the next life.If you do evil, you will fall into the realm of hungry ghosts, the realm of animals for ten or a hundred lives, or even never be reborn.

Of course, there are many other things that are full of details but seem to be full of deep meaning, so I won't list them one by one.Because if Zhang Yan wanted to build a dungeon in Huang Tianyu, he would have to find a way to solve these three things from the very beginning, otherwise building a dungeon would be a joke.

Regardless of the Nie Jingtai or the Book of Life and Death, the most important root is not any magic technique, but comes from heaven and earth.Because these are aimed at sentient beings, they are originally the evolution and operation category of heaven and earth.It is equivalent to extracting this evolution and operation from the hands of heaven and earth.

Can heaven and earth be willing?Unless someone becomes a part of heaven and earth in a "harmony" way, and then intervenes in the operation of heaven and earth in turn, and agrees to bring this part of things into the so-called evil mirror and book of life and death.

In other words, magic weapons are just appearances, and the key is whether the world will let go or not.

Zhang Yan is still looking for a breakthrough in the middle stage of the Immortal Realm, so it is naturally impossible to look far away at the level of power beyond the Golden Immortal, such as "He Dao".

But Zhang Yan has his way.He had already communicated with Huang Tianyu once without joining the Dao.And understand that the world is not really a mechanical one, it is also a choice that will seek benefits and avoid disasters.

In other words, if there are beneficial things, Huang Tianyu will be easy to talk about.What's more, Zhang Yan was called an "odd number" by Huang Tianyu.

So even if there is no Nie Jingtai and the book of life and death, Zhang Yan can directly obtain some power through "negotiation" with Huang Tianyu.There is a lot of room for negotiation.

The second is the six realms of reincarnation.Zhang Yan doesn't have the ability to agree with the Dao, and he doesn't even have the ability or courage to transform into a cycle of six realms so selflessly.At the same time, the reincarnation of the six paths cannot be realized in the barren sky.What he needs is a controllable channel that can lead the repetition of life cycle.

The so-called six ways.Except for the Human Realm and the Animal Realm, the other four realms are too advanced for Huang Tianyu.Let alone a world like Huang Tianyu that has not yet evolved completely, even if it has evolved completely, it may not be able to evolve the other four ways.Especially Shura Dao and Tian Shen Dao among them.According to Zhang Yan's judgment, even the bluffing Da Hongtian didn't have that ability.

It is conceivable to know how far the world has evolved in the legendary age of the earth in the book?

It is required not to use the Six Ways, so it can be simplified and simplified, and finally it can even be dealt with together with the previous issues of the book of life and death and the platform of evil.

What Zhang Yan has to do now is to wait for Jiang Ziwen to completely wipe out Huangquan, and then he will propose a new deal to Huangtianyu.

It's just that this time there won't be a "show-and-go" exchange like before with the three-eyed family.Instead, the "return" is prepaid in advance with the vision of the future in the way of drawing cakes.

(End of this chapter)

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