one's door

Chapter 597 Burning Books

Chapter 597 Burning Books
Jiang Ziwen's movements were compact and fast. After eliminating the biggest threat, the sweeping speed became faster and faster.When the fifth year was still less than half a year away, the suppression of Huangquan had already been completed.Then he combed the ghost domain for the second time, and found out all the fish that slipped through the net.

In the end, Jiang Ziwen kept the number of ghost cultivators under his command at around 1.

In fact, Jiang Ziwen was thinking about the future before completing the sweep and suppression of Huangquan.The huge ghost domain is naturally suitable for ghosts to live and practice.There is even no need to compete with other creatures here.

Perhaps it was the influence of being content with the status quo and dullness when he was a ghost in the early years, or maybe it was because he had a keen enough view of the various forces in the Huangtian Territory today.Jiang Ziwen is very conservative in his thoughts about Huangquan in the future. He even wants to build Huangquan as a branch sect of the dead attached to the cliff mountain.Follow the lead of the cliff mountain, and at the same time take into account the responsibility of helping Yangjian clean up ghosts.

This idea has put the foundation in the hands of the cliff mountain from the very beginning.But Jiang Ziwen didn't think there was anything wrong.He even worried that this "confession" was not enough.I was worried that the teacher would look down on these ghost cultivators like Huang Quan.What if you are ready to transcend the invisible to the pure together?Can't tell.

So when Huangquan was completely wiped out, Jiang Ziwen was very disturbed.

So that when Jiang Ziwen suddenly saw Zhang Yan in his residence, his first reaction was to kneel on the ground in fright, only knowing how to kowtow but not knowing what to say for a while.The sense of fear that seemed to exist but was squeezed out from the bottom of his heart made it difficult for him to control himself.

The difference in the level of life is too great. Zhang Yan has followed the path of the Chunyang Immortal, and the body of the fairy is still hammered out by thunder. Let alone a ghost cultivator like Jiang Ziwen, even a ghost fairy will inevitably feel uncomfortable in front of him.

"Human Domain has been wiped out?" Zhang Yan looked at Jiang Ziwen who was trembling in front of him expressionlessly, and had already evaluated the other party's actions over the years in his heart.Overall, he was quite satisfied, otherwise he wouldn't have made the trip himself.

"Yes, teacher. It has been cleaned up inside and out. Now ghost cultivators have been dispatched to guard all the dead paths in the ghost domain and Yangjian, and ghost hunting in Yangjian has resumed."

After panic and embarrassment, Jiang Ziwen quickly poured out the rhetoric he had prepared in his heart.Not only the current status of Huangquan, but also some of his thoughts on Huangquan's future.Originally, there were some things that he wanted to ponder over before he said them, but now when he got nervous, his mouth was stopped and he said everything.

Regarding Jiang Ziwen's address to him, Zhang Yan did not correct him.Because there is nothing wrong with calling him a teacher.The lineage of ghost cultivators was originally passed down by him.Although it is only an introduction rather than a foothold, it is still affordable.

"Don't be nervous, your idea is very good. The geography of the ghost domain is unique. It was originally a place for ghosts to be arranged by heaven and earth. In the past, ghosts were rampant and wreaked havoc. They were a disaster for creatures. Stealing the origin of heaven and earth should be used to rectify the universe. But there are often resentments in the world. , there are endless ghosts. Now that the tens of thousands of ghost cultivators in the ghost domain have received gifts from heaven and earth, they should also shoulder the responsibilities in the future instead of expanding wantonly. You can see this very clearly.

However, the role of ghost domain is not limited to these.You now arrange the rest of the ghost cultivators.Let them leave the middle area of ​​the ghost domain, I want a place with a radius of a hundred miles. "

Zhang Yan has no way to explain it to Jiang Ziwen for the time being, and it is not even known whether his idea will be realized in the end.He can only try first, and if it doesn't work, he can think of another way.

However, Zhang Yan felt that he was more than [-]% sure.After all, the establishment of the underworld is definitely beneficial to Huang Tianyu.It's up to you whether you want to make the exchange.

"It's the teacher, the disciple will make arrangements now to ensure that nothing will disturb the teacher within a radius of five hundred miles from the central area of ​​the ghost domain."

Although I don't understand why Zhang Yan suddenly came to Huangquan and cleared out an area hundreds of miles away.But Jiang Ziwen didn't dare to ask, he just put this matter into practice as soon as possible.

Zhang Yan didn't wait for Jiang Ziwen to finish cleaning up before he acted. He was already in the center of the ghost domain, and it was also in the tower of a great ghost king.

With a flash of his figure, he came out of the tower and stood on the top of the tower with his hands behind his back, looking up at the dark sky of Huangquan above his head.

Although, like the God Realm, it is a gap in the space of the Desolate Sky Territory, it is a relatively independent small space, and it also has its own characteristics.But Ghost Realm is obviously more pure than God Realm.After all, the God Realm is Huang Tianyu's mouth when it bites other worlds, and the Ghost Domain is more like a poison sac that gathers most of the evil spirits and yin energy.

Zhang Yan took out a long paper scroll from the storage bag, and wrote ten thousand words on it, all of which were his thoughts on setting up the underworld in the ghost domain.At this time, the hand trembled, and the long scroll began to burn, turning into green smoke and slowly floating upwards, leaving no trace after a dozen or so breaths.Even the ashes that were supposed to fall went up along with the green smoke, and soon disappeared under the dark sky.

This is the method that Zhang Yan finally found out from the corner of his memory and can be used to express his thoughts to Chaohuang Tianyu.And he tried it when he was on the cliff.Those burned words will be taken away by the original power that can only be directly invoked by heaven and earth.This means that although Huang Tianyu hasn't come out since the three-eyed family, it doesn't mean that he doesn't pay attention to Zhang Yan any more, but just ignores him.

Now that the text can be read by Huang Tianyu, Zhang Yan believes that with Huang Tianyu's purpose of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, he will never be unresponsive this time.

After waiting for a long time, Zhang Yan finally had the feeling of being stared directly at by Huang Tianyu during the three-eyed family catastrophe after many years.

"How?" Zhang Yan looked at the pair of eyes that suddenly appeared obliquely in front of his head and asked with a smile.

There was scrutiny in those eyes.It looks cold, but it doesn't look lifeless. It's like an extremely cruel villain looking at you with a look of indifference to the world's creatures.

"Your ideas are very peculiar. If these ideas can be fulfilled, it will indeed be a good thing for me once and for all. But the price is not small, and it is not equivalent to what I get."

As always, there is no half-sentence.Zhang Yan liked this way of communication very much.Talking to him, it means that Huang Tianyu is interested in the idea of ​​setting up a hell.The reason for the disagreement is that the "price" is not equal in Huangtianyu's view.

That means there is still something to talk about.

Zhang Yan: "What I want is the underworld, a stable place where ghost cultivators can be cultivated. Ten thousand ghost cultivators are enough. What I want is to resist the invasion of creatures from other worlds in the future. It's for self-protection. The price you pay is just to let go It's just the evolutionary context of creatures that you don't care about at all.

This price is not too much, right? "

Zhang Yan originally thought that Huang Tianyu was bargaining, but he didn't expect the other party to say;
"The evolution of letting go of creatures is not as simple as you think."

(End of this chapter)

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