one's door

Chapter 603

Chapter 603 Hundred Worlds
Ants live for three to five years.People live for a hundred years in a hurry.

Without martial arts, cultivation, and longevity, the lives of ordinary humans are actually extremely rushed.

But it is these hurried days, and because of the abundant emotions and emotions, as well as the desire feedback to the outside world, and the countless possible contacts between people, there are thousands of different results.

Or there are always people who say that life is a play.They each play their own roles, although they may not all be protagonists or wonderful, but they must all be unique.

In fact, there was no such thing as "one life, one life" in the former Huangtian Territory.After the death of the creatures in the Huangtian Territory, all the energy will be returned to the origin of the world.It means being crushed and restored to the most granular original power, and then re-evolved from the original power into a living being.There is no connection between the new beings and the previously dead ones.There is no such thing as "reincarnation".

Now with the reincarnation disk, after a creature dies, it will not be directly included in the source of heaven and earth for recycling, but will directly start its own reincarnation in the next life.This is the real possibility of reincarnation.

At the beginning, Zhang Yan felt that the biggest beneficiary of the establishment of the underworld should be the Huangtianyu, because after the establishment of the underworld, it would no longer have to face the problem of the world's origin being endlessly intercepted, which is equivalent to a cure for a stubborn disease.But in the end Zhang Yan discovered that the biggest beneficiary was not Huang Tianyu, but himself.

"The hour has come! Slash!"

A slightly piercing drake voice rang out behind Zhang Yan, and then he felt himself being kicked down on a smelly wooden stake.The stake was about two feet high and nearly a foot in diameter, and it was right under his neck and cheek.

Zhang Yan struggled, and a sea of ​​fear gushed out of his heart. He wanted to shout and even beg for mercy, but because of a thick straw rope tied around his mouth, he could only make a whining sound.

Then there was regret, regret that he shouldn't have killed the mother and daughter so quickly.Not to mention going to flower houses after fleeing for pleasure and fleeing to other places.As a result, he showed his feet and was arrested quickly.
There is also unwillingness, unwillingness to die like this. And full of hatred. Hate everyone who looked down on him, bullied him, or lived better than him in his memory
There was a burst of pressure from his back, and it was obvious that someone had pressed his body tightly against the smelly and dirty wooden stake.

Then the back of the neck felt cold, it seemed to hurt and it didn't seem to hurt, and everything around seemed to be fixed at this moment, and the consciousness disappeared forever before the thought in the mind became clear.

A drop of sweat dripped from the cheek of Zhang Yan, who was sitting cross-legged in Dengyun Hall, and smashed on the lapel of his chest.

Everything that was real and "unreal" just now came to an end completely in an instant.Consciousness is also drawn from a "silk thread".


It took a while for Zhang Yan to open his closed eyes. The sweat stains on his face had disappeared, but the knots between his brows were still knotted. It would take some time to completely calm down the emotional ups and downs in his heart.

"Ma Wei really deserves the good description of the reward given to him by the government. Heinous and vicious. It turns out that after a villain is evil to a certain extent, there really is no conscience or humanity at all. The darkness and darkness in his heart The tyranny has frantically killed all the possibilities of goodwill.

The darkness and madness of this kind of villain can actually be connected with the rules of destruction. Although it is only superficial, the entry point is unusually high.It's just too extreme.If you really fully understand this way, sooner or later you will walk on an evil path and become an evil cultivator. "

Zhang Yan made a simple summary of the life of a death row prisoner named Ma Que that he had immersed himself in just now.At the same time, I found the places worthy of attention and also saw the disadvantages.

Counting it, this is already the life journey of the hundredth creature that Zhang Yan has comprehended.

There are ants, animals and fish and shrimp inside.There are also monster races and human races.

Zhang Yan doesn't care what kind of creature the "silk thread" he picked out belongs to, he is always happy to look at Huangtianyu, time, and feel the change of things and all kinds of good and bad from different perspectives.

Of course, the higher the spiritual intelligence, the more things will be experienced, and the more emotions and perceptions will be produced.And these insights are the unexpected gains that Zhang Yan gained from the establishment of the underworld.Even now he feels that this harvest may be greater than Huang Tianyu's harvest.

The size of the harvest cannot be simply divided into "amount", but depends on "demand".

What is Zhang Yan's most urgent need or desire?Naturally, it is to have one's own "reason" comprehension context, not just those "reasons" that Huang Tianyu instilled in him along the way.

I thought it would be necessary to slowly realize it by myself after the establishment of the underworld.But unexpectedly, there was a path.

Isn't it because I was eager to rush to the realm before, so there was no result of self-enlightenment?Although there is no chance to do it again now, but there is a chance for Zhang Yan to comprehend it again and again from countless other angles.

The feeling of being on the scene and being completely brought into the life of other creatures in the "silk thread" is no different from the sense of being reincarnated once.

At first Zhang Yan was not used to this kind of sensory "reincarnation".It took him a long time to adapt to the huge flow rate and flow of information in the "spiritual evolution context" in his consciousness.

Gaining again and again, I obtained the "truth" that I wanted but was difficult to obtain by myself.

And during this period, he became more and more adaptable to the evolution of living beings. After a "reincarnation" in the senses, Zhang Yan's emotional recovery and comprehension became faster and faster.At the beginning, he even experienced a "rebirth" with huge ups and downs, and there would be a recovery period of several months, otherwise it would be difficult to separate himself from it.Now it only takes two or three days to fully return to normal.

After hundreds of "reincarnations", Zhang Yan's concept of time is getting weaker and weaker.Because in the life of "reincarnation", after opening one's eyes, only one meal has passed.The length of time alternates between true and false, Zhang Yan often forgets his surroundings in a daze, concentrates on sorting out what he has realized, and even half a year passes like this.

Having experienced different life cycles in this way, and Zhang Yan himself has a deep understanding of the "truth" from the wild world, and then enlightened the Tao with the eyes of a majestic immortal, he will naturally gain a lot.Every reincarnation can leave a new "truth" in the consciousness.To be juxtaposed or replaced with the previous ones, or to be discarded as useless.

If it really counted, Zhang Yan felt that the accumulation of "truths" in his consciousness at this time had already equaled that of a monk who had comprehended the Tongxuan Realm, that is, the strength of a half-immortal under normal circumstances.If it continues, he is confident that he will continue to grow until he truly matches the level of a fairy in his fairyland.

However, even if the harvest is quite good.But Zhang Yan still didn't find his "Tao Heart".This is unbelievably odd.

(End of this chapter)

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