one's door

Chapter 604 Enlightenment

Chapter 604 Enlightenment
Thunder billowed on the cliff, and the black clouds were almost pressing on the eaves of Dengyun Hall.

The terrifying coercion enveloped the entire cliff mountain from top to bottom.But the disciples in the mountain were not panicked at all, they even gathered on the mountainside, separated by the magic circle, raised their heads, looked excitedly and longingly at the thundercloud that seemed far away but seemed very close to them .

Especially in some places where you can directly see Yingtiantai, it is overcrowded.

"Senior Brother Chen, then, is that Jieyun?"

"Hmm! Although it's the first time I've seen it, it must be Jieyun! Because it's exactly the same as the one described in the Daoist book!"

"Okay, it's scary!"

"Of course! What Jieyun brings is destruction and trials, which are hurdles that all of us monks must face!"

"I hope Hall Master Wang can get through this smoothly!"

"It's definitely possible! This is just a nine-day calamity, Hall Master Wang must be fine!"

The disciples who had just started came to watch the excitement, and looked up curiously and anxiously behind the brothers and sisters who were close to them.At the same time, feeling the remaining prestige from the sky, it was only at this moment that I had the most intuitive and awe-inspiring understanding of the word "power".

Of course, there are also worries about the Hall Master Wang who is always smiling and very friendly on weekdays.Is Tianweihuanghuang really human power capable of resisting?

There are also many people standing on a viewing terrace on the mountainside, but compared to other places, there are fewer people here.Because the first two people on the terrace were the other two second-generation disciples of the cliff mountain.Liu Rui and Yang Rui.

There are two second-generation disciples here. Although the location of the viewing platform here is good, it will naturally prevent most disciples from coming to join in the fun.Those who are with them are also their own direct disciples.

"Senior brother, I thought you would hit the body-fitting state first, but I didn't expect senior brother to be one step ahead." Liu Rui smiled and supported the stone railing, looking up at the Yingtiantai protruding from the cliff at the end of her line of sight. There was no figure on the stage, but the background was the dark clouds of robbery. The visual impact was so strong that she had already experienced it, so she couldn't help but feel a little trembling in her heart.Because she knew that what the elder brother experienced today would also be what she would face in the future.

Not timidity, but a kind of excitement to face the challenge.

As for worry?In fact, Liu Rui also has it in her heart.After all, Heavenly Tribulation is no joke.There are too many unpredictability and variables, and a little carelessness will overturn it.But Liu Rui still has more trust in her elder brother, this is something she was sure of in the Nanyuan Kingdom's palace back then.

It's just that there are still accidents.Because although the elder brother has been practicing all the way, he has been stuck in the late stage of returning to the gods, and has been like this for decades.So much so that he was caught up by himself and his second senior brother.I thought it was because of the gap in talent so far, and the cultivation of the senior brother would be overtaken later.But in the end, the elder brother was still one step faster.

Yang Rui didn't turn his head, but focused on the robbery cloud above his head, with a golden light shining in his eyes, which was a kind of pupil technique practiced by Yang Rui, a method for more detailed observation.

"Why would my younger sister think that I will be one step ahead of my senior brother? The higher the level of talent, the less it matters. What depends on chance, Dao heart, and understanding. Senior brother's Dao heart is the most stable among the three of us. Senior Brother Shang's comprehension is also superb. He was able to walk ahead of you and me when relying on talent all the way. Now it is natural to be one step ahead more steadily, which is really normal.

And Junior Sister, it may not be easy for you and me to step into this step. "

Liu Rui was a little surprised.But before she had time to think about it, she felt that there was a change in the robbery cloud above her head, and the pressure in the sky was even greater, and a hole was opened, and then the first robbery thunder slammed down!

The power of Jielei scattered in all directions, and a carpet of purple light spread out on the roof, with Wang Nian standing in the center of it.

After more than [-] years of practice, and more than [-] years stuck in the late stage of returning to the gods, Wang Nian finally took the last and most critical step to the state of integration today.

But the situation was not what Wang Nian expected from the very beginning.Full of confidence, it disappeared after the first tribulation thunder fell.

All that is left is to grit your teeth and hold on, and stabilize your Dao heart.

Only then did Wang Nian remember the words his master said before he was about to cross the catastrophe: To cross the catastrophe, you have to do your best.

This is the end of the thoughts in my mind.Wang Nian didn't dare to think about anything else, and focused on resisting the next tribulation thunder.Just the first tribulation thunder made him feel as if his body was completely turned over and he wanted to vomit blood. He was really hopeless.

But who is not like this?
Zhang Yan is not far away, he is on the top of Duanya Mountain, but at this time he will not be discovered by anyone, because he has already merged into this world at this time, saying that he is now in the robbery cloud above Wang Nian's head It is not impossible to say that he is a part of the mountain or that he is a certain rock in this mountain.

This is also the reason why Zhang Yan dared to stand within the range covered by the power of the robbery cloud when his apprentice was crossing the robbery.

For more than a hundred years, Zhang Yan is no longer the fairy in the early stage of the fairyland who just passed through the three or nine days of calamity.Not only did he formally step into the mid-stage of the Human Immortal Realm in terms of cultivation, but he also achieved an achievement that he himself thought was remarkable in terms of enlightenment.

Not to mention that Zhang Yan has experienced the lives of ordinary creatures in the world and all kinds of encounters in these life journeys, but he has indeed experienced most of the situations that can be compared.

Thousands or eternity?Even more times of "reincarnation", Zhang Yan himself could not remember clearly.That's why the "truth" he now self-realizes has equaled to that of the Immortal Realm, and is on par with his cultivation.

So Zhang Yan's comprehension of Dao in his consciousness now is not only the "reason" given to him by Huang Tianyu, but also the "reason" that he will make up for later through "reincarnation".The total amount has long far exceeded the perception of "Tao" that a normal mid-fairyland immortal should have.Even nearly doubled.

So much so that now just relying on the life encounters of ordinary creatures to pretend to be "reincarnated" has limited the improvement of Zhang Yan's enlightenment.It also means that the "benefits" Zhang Yan accidentally obtained when he set up the underworld will be completely consumed by him.If you want to continue enlightening, you need to find a new way.

For Zhang Yan, the "reasons" that ordinary beings can understand have been almost scratched by him, and changing the path is naturally to explore towards a higher level of existence.For example, the most direct thing is to understand the world.Whether it is the sun, the moon, the wind and frost, or the mountains and rivers, it seems ordinary but also hides the "reason".

Of course, it also includes the rare "Heavenly Tribulation".So Zhang Yan blended into the world and accompanied Wang Nian to cross the catastrophe. In fact, it was the first time he faced other people's catastrophe and felt it from the perspective of a bystander.He didn't know if he could learn anything from it.

(End of this chapter)

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