one's door

Chapter 63

Chapter 63
Early in the morning Zhang Yan asked his younger sister Zhang Huiyuan to take him to the fields outside the city.

"The land in front of the second brother belongs to our family!" Zhang Huiyuan was bouncing around very happily. Zhang Yan's return relieved most of the burden on her shoulders, and more importantly, the psychological pressure was reduced a lot. She also returned to her usual laughing appearance.

Following Zhang Huiyuan's guidance, Zhang Yan saw a large piece of land with a wooden sign in it from a distance. According to Zhang Huiyuan's gestures, he probably estimated in his heart that the two military fields are really not small, about [-] mu. look.

According to the farming output of Huangtianyu, generally speaking, it takes at least four acres of land to feed a person, so their current rations for a family of four would require at least sixteen acres of land.Now the extra fourteen acres can make the family's life much more comfortable.

Now Wang Lanping is no longer busy with spinning, even if she is spinning, she just kills the time and spins some for her own use, and rarely sells them.And Zhang Huiyuan no longer took on female celebrity jobs day and night, but only took some big jobs to subsidize her family.

And now that Zhang Yan is back, the Zhang family will definitely get better and better under his management.At present, his first idea is to expand the source of income at home.

The simplest, most direct and safest source of income increase is the military field in front of you.

Military merit field is a very special kind of real estate in the wild world.Its ownership is not in the hands of the local yamen like other land properties, but in the hands of the army.However, the army has no direct management power over the military field, but is managed by the local yamen.The two sides form a mutual restraint balance.

Unless the field of military merit is bestowed, neither the army nor the local government has the right to buy or sell it.However, official food can be planted on unowned military merit fields.Farmers are appointed by the local government and are paid according to the harvest, which is also a very important subsidy item for local farmers.

If the land of military achievements is insufficient, the army will repurchase and hoard it at the edge of the city, or negotiate with the local government to reclaim new land.

Such a policy on military merit fields has also been used for hundreds of years.After continuous improvement, it is very mature and effective.But if you study hard, you can actually find some ways to make money behind the military merit field.Zhang Yan had heard Huagou talk about these things when he was in Yubei Mountain.These are actually no secrets in various places, and Nanyuan Kingdom has never issued a prohibition law on this, it seems that it is deliberately left open.

This has resulted in high-quality fertile fields such as military meritorious land being often bought from military meritorious individuals at high prices, and then kept in their hands, waiting for the army to pay a higher price to buy them back.It is not uncommon to double the income once and twice.

The army also increased the selling price of hard goods such as demon tendons due to the soaring price of military merit fields.And Junwu is Nanyuan Country's largest supplier of monster tendons, and when they increase the price, the monster tendons on the market will naturally rise accordingly.

So who is the loser in the end?

Of course, the latter part was deduced by Zhang Yan's own analysis, not by Huagou.But this is also the current reality of Jun Gongtian.

That's why Zhang Yan felt that Xiao Chongwen and the others would come over and ask Zhang's family to sell these two military fields.Mostly want to get some benefits from it.

But as long as the Zhang family doesn't sell it, these two pieces of military merit will be made with iron, and no one can take them away.It is a property that can be passed on.

And compared to other means to increase the income of the family, changing the harvest in the field is the most acceptable method that will not attract covetousness.

These Zhang Yan had thought very clearly on the way back from Yubei Mountain.

"Second brother, what is this? Is it a wild boar? It looks so strange!" Zhang Huiyuan, who was bouncing around, saw that her brother suddenly took out four small three-inch stone sculptures from her arms, and curiously took one of them and put them on the table. Look at it in your hand.

The stone carving is more than three inches long and one inch high. It looks very delicate overall, and it looks like a strange animal.

It is very similar to a wild boar, but with two big ears erected, the whole body is thickly haired, the tail is long, and the four big teeth stick out from the mouth backwards.

"This is not a wild boar, it's called Dangkang."

"Dangkang? Second brother? What is Dangkang?"

"Hehe, it's a magical monster that can make the crops in the fields abundant."

"Ah? Is there such a powerful monster? Then it is a good monster!"

"Well, it's a good monster. We buried its statue in the four corners of the field, and this year's harvest at home will be more than in previous years. But this is a secret, only the two of us know, understand?"

"Yeah! Second brother, I won't tell anyone!" Zhang Huiyuan shrank her neck with a smile, clutching the small stone sculpture in her hand, as if afraid of being seen by others, and finally couldn't help asking curiously: "Second brother , is this also the skill that magical old grandpa taught you?" Although Zhang Huiyuan has a strong temper and is sensible, she is only a teenager after all, and she is also convinced of the words of the so-called magical monster under the superimposition of curiosity and her second brother's magical experience. No doubt.

"Haha, that's right, that magical old grandpa taught me too. Let's go, let's each hide two, shall we?" Zhang Yan gave another stone carving to his younger sister, and then the two separated and walked away carefully. Stone carvings are buried in the four corners of the field.

It was not an ordinary small stone carving, but a small magic weapon with Zhang Yan's aura engraved with talismans on it.It can also be regarded as a minimalist and weakened version similar to Dou Bing, which does not have the ability to evolve concretely, but has a mild buff power exuded.It is also a product of the combination of Shinto and art.

There are actually many similar things in Taoism.In fact, it is not complicated. The only threshold required is actually the cultivation level of the caster and the concentration of the surrounding aura.

According to Zhang Yan's estimation, after the four Xiaodangkang stone carvings landed, they can be connected into one piece to supplement the crops in their fields. Even if the harvest is imminent, the production can be increased by at least [-]% during this period.In the coming year, production will increase by at least [-]% throughout the year.This is equivalent to the normal harvest of at least six acres of land, which is already a lot for the Zhang family today.

After that, Zhang Yan and his younger sister greeted the farmers who happened to come to work, and got to know each other.These peasants are the ones who are in charge of the Zhang family's army's meritorious fields. They are all out-and-out farmers with good craftsmanship, otherwise they would not be selected by the local government to work in the military's meritorious fields.

On the way back, Zhang Huiyuan was still excited about those small stone carvings.

"Second brother, you said that with those small stone carvings, how much will our family's harvest this year be?"

"I guess it's okay to add [-]% more."

"Wow! Are you so powerful?! By the way, second brother." Zhang Huiyuan stopped abruptly, and pulled Zhang Yan's clothes. "Brother, look over there, it's Xiao Chongwen and the others!"

(End of this chapter)

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