one's door

Chapter 64 Accept the move

Chapter 64 Accept the move
Looking up, Xiao Chongwen and four people were really looking around on the side of the road near the city gate in the distance. Before Zhang Yan could answer the younger sister's words, those four people had already seen Zhang Yan, and walked over quickly with a smile on their faces.

"Second brother! What should I do?" Zhang Huiyuan panicked for no reason.She wanted to drag her second brother away, but found that there seemed to be no place to hide outside the city.

"Don't be afraid, little sister, the second brother has his own measure, how can he be fooled by them again?"

"Second brother, be careful, those people's words cannot be trusted." Although she was still uneasy, Zhang Huiyuan followed her second brother closely. She felt that if her second brother was to be deceived again, she could just remind him not to be fooled again.

As soon as I arrived at the tea stall outside the city gate, I ran into Xiao Chongwen and the others.

"Hahaha! Brother Zhang, I finally found you!"

Zhang Yan smiled but looked at Xiao Chongwen who spoke first without saying a word. He was not at all surprised that the other party found him, and even felt that it was a bit late.

Seeing that Zhang Yan didn't answer, Xiao Chongwen was a little embarrassed, but immediately signaled the three people beside him to start talking.The scene was not so cold that it was difficult to speak.

"Brother Zhang came back with a lot of honor after taking off his armor this time! Great joy! Great joy!"

"That's right! It's been a few years since I haven't seen Brother Zhang's battlefield aura. It really shocked the brothers!"

These flattery were extremely embarrassing, so blunt that Zhang Huiyuan curled her lips when she heard it.It's hard for Xiao Chongwen and the others to continue talking one sentence after another, making the scene seem quite lively.

"Brother Zhang will definitely start a new life again when he comes back this time! Brothers and I have prepared a table of delicious dishes for you at Changjia Restaurant, and I will treat you as a welcome brother!"

Feeling that the little girl's hand on his arm was exerting strength, Zhang Yan turned to look at the little girl, signaling her to take it easy.Then he looked at the three of Xiao Chongwen again and said: "I don't dare to recognize these "brothers". Before, I was almost separated from my head, and I finally escaped from death to save my life. Now, forget it, You guys should go find someone else, I don't have much oil in my body, why bother?"

While talking, Zhang Yan led his younger sister to bypass Xiao Chongwen and the others.

"Don't! Brother Zhang's words are right, misunderstanding! It's all a misunderstanding! This is a brother's affair, should we give the brothers a chance to explain it? If Brother Zhang is worried, you can tell me where we are. I just want to have a few words of truth with Brother Zhang."

Hearing this, Zhang Yan stopped in his tracks, looked at Xiao Chongwen and the others with eager faces, and saw some signs in his heart.

These four people are absolutely inseparable from Zhang Yan's previous "arson and murder", and they were definitely directly involved in it.But these four people are definitely not the masterminds, because based on Zhang Yan's understanding of these four people in his memory, these four people will not let the local government help them to deal with them.Especially when he came back this time, the behavior of the official who was registered in the yamen opened Zhang Yan's mind.

However, Zhang Yan's predecessor was only a son of a wealthy family. Although he had been living in Langyuan City, he had never been in contact with the depths of this pool of water, and many things were not clear at all.Not to mention the strangeness about those officials in the local government.So he originally planned to take his time, stand firm first, and then find a way to eliminate the lurking threats around him.But the royal official gave a time limit of "three days".Zhang Yan understood that it was someone who didn't want him to settle in Langyuan City smoothly, and there would be disturbances within three days.

After thinking about it, it is more sure to put it in the open than to accept it secretly, and it will not affect the family.It also happened to see what tricks were coming from the opposite side.

"It's not impossible to go, but you have to answer me a question first, that is, who was harming me when I was convicted in the past?" Zhang Yan used the Taoist truth when he asked this question, and let his voice be heard in an instant. It has the power to shake people's hearts.

Xiao Chongwen and the others were just ordinary people, and they were defenseless, they were caught by Zhang Yan's low shout, their eyes trembled and their faces turned pale.

Ma Shan, who was the least courageous, shuddered and subconsciously said: "Don't care about our business, it's Wu Shao's harm."

"Shut up! What nonsense?"

Xiao Chongwen was shocked when he heard Ma Shan say the word "Wu Shao", and quickly pushed Ma Shan to wake him up, interrupting Ma Shan's half-spoken sentence.

"Young Master Wu? Yes?"

"Hahaha, Brother Zhang must have heard it wrong. In fact, the few of us didn't know about Brother Zhang's previous case until a few days later, and we were also taken aback. How about a misunderstanding? There are quite a few of them You have to explain it clearly to Brother Zhang."

The words spoken are water poured out, how can a sentence of "I heard it wrong" be perfunctory?
Wu Shao?

Zhang Yan searched for the memory of his predecessor in his heart, and soon there was a very suitable person who matched these two words.The identity and age of the person who can make the four of Xiao Chongwen the "young masters" is naturally clear, the identity is high and the age will not be old.Coupled with the behavior of the royal official in the local yamen before, a name called "Wu Qingling" emerged from the memory of his predecessor.

The previous understanding of Wu Qingling was only superficial. To him, it was just a high-ranking legendary figure. He had never dealt with him before and only heard about it in the words of others.

But it was such a person who made Zhang Yan understand that he might be facing the thickest arm in Langyuan City.

Wu Qingling, the only son of Wu Yuan, the governor of Langyuan City.This identity alone is enough for Zhang Yan to understand his current situation.

"Little sister, you go back first. Brother, go and see what they have to say. Don't worry, I'll be back in the afternoon."

"But second brother, you."

"Be obedient, the second brother won't be coaxed like before, this time I want to talk to them, we can't bear the guilt of the past, right?" whispered the truth in the little girl's ear .

"Alright then, second brother, be careful yourself!" Zhang Huiyuan finally nodded.She did feel that her second brother was different from before, and he would always give her a sense of peace and stability.It seems that Xiao Chongwen's clowns are not enough for the second brother to play.

Zhang Huiyuan left first, and Zhang Yan and the four smiling "brothers" walked towards the restaurant they used to frequent.

As soon as he entered the restaurant, Zhang Yan looked around, did not follow to the wing room, but walked to a table near the door in the lobby and sat down.

"It's very stuffy in the wing room, just sit in the lobby."


"Okay, okay, Brother Zhang, if you want to sit outside, you can sit outside." Xiao Chongwen replied with a smile, and then turned his head to ask the waiter to move the food and drinks to the table outside.

The shop waiter was nimble, and a table of dishes was ready outside in a short while.

"Come on! Brother Zhang, have a taste of this wine! Hahaha, don't worry, this is fruit wine. Even Brother Zhang, you can drink a pot of wine. Come, fill it up!"

(End of this chapter)

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