one's door

Chapter 631 Night Chapter

Chapter 631
Talking about business is not easy.Especially under the premise that Da Hongtian hadn't seriously and successfully put pressure on Huang Tianyu once.Not to mention fighting for every inch, at least not giving up an inch.

It was not Wang Nian or Liu Rui who talked about this matter, but Yang Rui.

Because compared to Wang Nian and Liu Rui, Yang Rui is better at studying and judging strategies in this general direction, and at the same time has a keen ability to observe various details in the general direction.Coupled with the assistance of Wang Nian and Liu Rui, it really caused headaches for the Dahongtian people headed by Li Yan.

It's not like I haven't encountered such a difficult business negotiating opponent before.But every time there is no agreement, external pressure can be used to force the other party to make concessions.In the end, you just need to keep some of the opponent's bottom line.After all, what Da Hongtian wants is a long stream of water rather than killing chickens and taking eggs, and he will not force a certain attached world to death.

Now there is no way to exert pressure on Huangtianyu's side, and the verbal confrontation on the stage just made Li Yan, an immortal who seldom worked so hard, get burned.

Li Yan went to Fang Shiwen several times, hoping to get help, but was directly blocked from the door, saying that he was "not available".

No. No time? !
Li Yan was dumbfounded.After inquiring about the entourage disciples arranged by Da Hongtian for Fang Shiwen, I learned that Fang Shiwen has been shutting himself out since he brought back a set of books two days ago.

What kind of book would fascinate an earthly immortal like Fang Shiwen without asking about worldly affairs?Or let him forget about the important matters of the sect?

How puzzled I was, but I didn't dare to have any dissatisfaction.At the same time, I don't believe that Fang Shiwen will really ignore the major affairs of the sect.

One is out of trust.The second is the difference in status.Although they are both elders of Haoxuemen, the status gap between Li Yan and Fang Shiwen is huge.Even counting carefully, she is several generations behind Fang Shiwen.

Fang Shiwen in the house didn't know that Li Yan came outside his house a few times, and it didn't mean that he really put aside his official duties and did not take care of his personal affairs. In the eyes of Fang Shiwen at this time, what he was doing was official business, and he was more than just coming out to find a reason to give to the cliff. Hill puts pressure on more important things.

A "Journey to the West" has nearly a million words, plus those derived miscellaneous notes, although Fang Shiwen has the ability to see ten lines, but it still took several days to study it carefully and repeatedly.

At the beginning, Fang Shiwen read this book as a glimpse into the past history of the Great Desolate World.I think that although there will inevitably be some exaggerated words in it, the general context should be credible.

As for the saying that "Journey to the West" is just a story compiled in idle time, Fang Shiwen completely scoffed at this statement.Because there are too many things in it that can be found in reality.This is true no matter the means or the division of forces.

For example, the two biggest forces in "Journey to the West", Tianting and Xitian.

Based on Fang Shiwen's knowledge, he heard the news about Xitian and Tianting early in the past.Although what Fang Shiwen knew before was very one-sided, but some of the sayings in "Journey to the West" were confirmed and came alive immediately.

And Fang Shiwen dared to say that this book seems to promote "the light of the Buddha in the Western Heaven", but it is actually mocking the "hypocrisy of the Buddha" and at the same time mocking the "weakness of the heaven".

The resulting "Journey to the West" has only one theme: to expose the truth.

This is the conclusion that Fang Shiwen came to after careful consideration many times.He even felt that it could be seen where the inheritance of the Great Desolate World in Zhang Yan's hands should come from.

First of all, exclude the forces of Xitian. After all, from the beginning to the end, it is all insinuations against Xitian, and it has never stopped.Then exclude the demon cultivator system, because the situation revealed by the demon cultivator and the cliff mountain is very different.Finally, there is the power dominated by the heavenly court.

Although "Journey to the West" also has a lot of sarcasm towards Tianting, but compared with "hating iron but not steel", it has a stronger taste.In addition, the means are close to the inheritance of the cliff mountain.So Fang Shiwen felt that the inheritance of the Great Desolate World in Zhang Yan's hands came from the Heavenly Court.

In fact, if you just read "Journey to the West", there are not many descriptions of Tianting, and it is very sloppy.But some of the things mentioned made it seem that Heavenly Court is not as simple as described in words.

For example, hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers.Another example is holding the treasure of heaven and earth like "Peach Garden".There is also the authority to control the arbitration of the Three Realms.Which of these things is so simple, if it is as weak as the book says, it will be overturned long ago.

Later, Fang Shiwen discovered more clues when he watched it together with the miscellaneous notes derived from "Journey to the West".It also reveals an extremely obscure struggle for world control hidden in "Journey to the West".


Fang Shiwen put down the last miscellaneous journal in his hand, and let out a long breath.The expression on his face was cloudy and uncertain.Finally, it took a long time to call in the disciples who were waiting outside the door.

"You go to Master Zhang and tell him that I have something I want to talk to him about now."

The accompanying disciple, Ying Shi, trotted quickly to find Liu Rui, who was meeting them visitors from outside the region, and told Fang Shiwen's request.Then Liu Rui went to Dengyun Hall to report.

After a stick of incense, although it was already night, Fang Shiwen still saw Zhang Yan on the back terrace of Dengyun Hall.And there was no one else around, just the two of them.In front of him was a small table with two jugs of wine and three dishes of side dishes.

"Elder Fang must not dislike some wild game and rough vegetables in the mountains."

"Master Zhang is being polite. It's really wrong to disturb you late at night, but I'm too suspicious, so I can only be presumptuous knowing that I shouldn't." Fang Shiwen picked up the wine glass on the table to toast, and then drank it all .

Zhang Yan also had a drink with him, filled the cup for the other party, and then asked with a smile: "Elder Fang has any doubts, you can speak up, and Zhang Yan will try his best to answer."

"Recently, Master Zhang must also know that I am reading Guizong's "Journey to the West" and related miscellaneous notes. I am deeply touched. I am also shocked by the grand background of the story. So I want to know Master Zhang's evaluation of these um, stories What is it?"

"Evaluation? Journey to the West?"


Seeing Fang Shiwen's serious expression, Zhang Yan inexplicably felt absurd.Of course he knew Fang Shiwen's latest every move.But as far as Zhang Yan knows about "Journey to the West", it has the author's roots.Although the contents are almost all based on some things from the legendary era of the earth, how true the outline of the story is remains to be seen.At least Zhang Yan does not dare to view "Journey to the West" as a pure story, nor as a pure historical fact.

But this powerful Earth Immortal in front of Dahongtian seems to be completely serious? !
After considering his words, Zhang Yan also put away the smile on his face, and said seriously: "Elder Fang, "Journey to the West" was originally written in words, and a hundred people will understand it when they see the words. So my evaluation is not important , the important thing is that the person who reads it can get some insights from it."

(End of this chapter)

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