one's door

Chapter 632 Wanted

Chapter 632 Wanted

Fang Shiwen raised his brows, he was quite surprised to hear Zhang Yan's answer, and then asked: "So Master Zhang is throwing out the light and dark narration in "Journey to the West", but let the disciples understand it by themselves? What if? What should they do if there is a deviation in their comprehension? For example, they pursue the Buddha's light and despise the law of heaven?"

They are all talking about "stories", but Fang Shiwen's words have nothing to do with the "story".

Moreover, Fang Shiwen was not worried at all whether Zhang Yan could understand or not. In his opinion, the so-called "Journey to the West" must be a warning work inherited from the Great Desolate World, but it was disguised by Zhang Yan and presented as a "story". Showing people, avoiding the embarrassing problem that the prehistoric world has disappeared from its heyday to now.

But Fang Shiwen didn't care, he was sure that he knew the little trick of Duanyashan.The Great Desolate World has long since disappeared.He understood what Cliff Mountain did, but he couldn't really listen to it as a story.Otherwise, wouldn't it seem that Da Hongtian is too closed-minded to even guess these things?

Zhang Yan leaned back on the chair back with complicated eyes.

"It seems that Elder Fang hasn't read "Journey to the West" thoroughly enough. It doesn't matter whether it is the Heavenly Court or the Western Paradise. It is all in the book, so what has it to do with reality? It is difficult to save the world by being alone. Even Sun Dasheng can only roll around and be trapped in Leiyin.

With such an ending and such a style, how could the disciples of Duanya Mountain yearn for it?It's just summing up the gloom and hardships, keeping them in mind, and warning ahead. "

Fang Shiwen's questions are all based on the fact that "Journey to the West" was first taken out by Zhang Yan as a "leisure and amusing" story to coax his apprentices.Although with the improvement of practice, the things in "Journey to the West" are no longer as "false" as they were at the beginning, but instead become "realistic".But Fang Shiwen's understanding still caught Zhang Yan by surprise.

But apart from Zhang Yan's own understanding of "Journey to the West", he didn't know much about the various versions he had heard.It is more than enough to deal with Fang Shiwen.

It's just that Zhang Yan needs a way of thinking that can answer Fang Shiwen's words.

Heavenly Court and Xitian, in "Journey to the West", are actually the references of the two major powers.The former is an "institution" launched by Taoism to manage the Three Realms.The latter represents Buddhism and is the headquarters of the latter.

But in Zhang Yan's understanding, the Heavenly Court is an institution introduced by Taoism to rule the Three Realms on its behalf.But it does not represent the whole of Taoism, and can only be regarded as the tip of the iceberg of Taoism.

Watching "Journey to the West", for students with little experience, what they see is the fantasy and fun of Sun Dasheng's rebelliousness and ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, and what they appreciate is the moving of mountains and seas and the hardships and dangers of the road in practice.

And after a little bit of experience, what you see in "Journey to the West" is the game and innuendo in it.Understand that the world is not black and white, let alone good and evil at a glance.

In the future, when you have made some achievements in your own Taoism and cultivation, you will look back and watch "Journey to the West", and you will find, oh, it turned out to be just a cutscene for the world to see.All the participants inside are like fighting dogs in the arena, biting or running, they can't help themselves, they are just tools for the game between the two sides watching coldly from the outside.

Zhang Yan practiced Taoism, so he was not interested in Buddhism.He didn't even get to know it carefully.Anyway, I don't know how to go that way, so what's the point of understanding it?
So when Fang Shiwen stood on a question based entirely on "Journey to the West", he didn't stand on either side of Tianting or Xitian.

Faced with Zhang Yan's answer, Fang Shiwen froze for a moment.Then he asked curiously: "So Master Zhang thinks that Tianting and Xitian are not worth mentioning?"

"Elder Fang, why is practice so good or bad? Learn from it, use the good ones, and throw away the bad ones. You have to piece together a path that suits you. Otherwise, you will be forced to follow the old path of others. It’s not suitable for me. Over time, my obsession suddenly arises. How can I resist the invasion of Heavenly Tribulation? Not to mention resisting demons from outside the territory to maintain my Dao Heart.”

Fang Shiwen understood this time.So he said with a smile: "It turns out that Master Zhang's inheritance is to take the essence of heaven and the west and discard the dross? Is it a new way of gathering the strengths of all the families?"

Zhang Yan didn't answer questions honestly this time.Instead, he asked: "Didn't Haoxuemen's cultivation methods be based on the strengths of other families?"

Fang Shiwen laughed and did not continue this topic.Because he felt he had got the answer he wanted.That is, what is the origin of the inheritance in Zhang Yan's hands in the Great Desolate World.

After that, Fang Shiwen moved the topic from "Journey to the West" to the business negotiations that have been stalemate in the past few days.Although he ignored Li Yan's request for a meeting, Fang Shiwen also knew about the difficulties encountered in the following negotiations.He understood that the solution actually depended on the attitudes of himself and Zhang Yan.

"I heard that Li Yan said that there have been many differences in business affairs recently, mainly focusing on the laying of business routes and the issue of maintaining an intermediate token. Generally speaking, the meaning of the noble family is still not in favor of free trade, but tends to be more in control.

Master Zhang, to be honest, we all understand your concern, but from now on, we will be in the same alliance and belong to our own people. It is not appropriate to be so cautious. It is easier to create barriers for ourselves and add obstacles, which will affect the future It is a very bad hindrance to the evolution of

Fang Shiwen's remarks gave Zhang Yan a feeling of deja vu.

But let him talk sweetly, just focus on the benefits he can get and the price he will pay.If you believe in the cakes drawn by others, then all the pickles in your hands will be taken away.

"Elder Fang, the freedom we understand is freedom based on the fact that there is no impact on Huang Tianyu. If you don't do anything and don't care, Huang Tianyu will be overwhelmed by the impact of goods and trade from more than ten worlds at the same time. Destruction Not to mention the resource transfer system of Huangtianyu itself, it will also cause the worlds of the alliance to not enjoy the same high-quality treatment in Huangtianyu. Isn't this a big problem?
In fact, I don’t think it’s necessary to be so serious about the opinions I’ve been entangled with these days.Besides, just because it was done like that in the past doesn't mean it's the best and most suitable.Huangtianyu is a new member of the alliance, and it is timely to try a new method. It is just to designate a special place for business and trade, and then decide to kill an intermediate token. Doesn't this mean that it is not "free"? "

"Hehe, what Zhang Clan Master said is exactly the same as that of your sect's disciples. Let's talk about it openly. If you really do what Zhang Clan Master does, it will be difficult for Da Hongtian to explain to the remaining allies."

"Confession? Elder Fang was joking, Da Hongtian doesn't need to explain to anyone at all. Because Huang Tianyu deserves this preferential treatment. Isn't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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