one's door

Chapter 635 Price Code

Chapter 635 Price Code
Zhang Yan didn't make up any excuses, but told the truth.

Although the palace in the Wanxiangzhu opened the second floor to him, the content contained in the second floor, whether it is immortal art or prerequisites, or the secondary cultivation of the immortal family, is all neatly limited to the big world of the fairyland. within the boundaries.

In this way, Zhang Yan understood the rules of the inheritance palace in Wanxiangzhuli.The first floor belongs to "monks", and the second floor is "immortals".If you want the third floor, you need to step into the "Earth Immortal".

So in the face of Fang Shiwen's question, Zhang Yan didn't even have to think about it, and just answered the truth.

Fang Shiwen was also surprised when he heard this.

"Master Zhang, what do you mean by that? Can the inheritance be shown in batches?" Although Fang Shiwen understood it, it was the first time he heard of such a miracle.

Inheritance, even soul imprinting, is like handing over a book.Why can't you just look at the latter part of the content?
"Elder Fang, I don't know what other people's inheritance is, but the inheritance in my hand can't be retrieved at will. It can only be practiced after reaching the threshold. For example, I have no contact with any immortals before I become an immortal. Immortal technique, what I can touch now is only within the great realm of the human fairyland. The inheritance of the earth fairyland must also be obtained after I step into the earth fairyland."

"This is also the method of Great Desolate World?!" Fang Shiwen looked at Zhang Yan suspiciously.But he was not sure whether Zhang Yan was lying or telling the truth.

However, although it is unheard of for Fang Shiwen to show this kind of thing in batches through inheritance, it is not impossible in the Great Desolate World.

Zhang Yan couldn't explain it to the other party, so he couldn't show the Wanxiang Pearl to the other party, could he?So I can only nod to show that this is indeed the inheritance method of the Great Desolate World.

Although Fang Shiwen had doubts in his heart, he did not show distrust too much. Instead, he followed Zhang Yan's words and asked: "So the inheritance of the Earth Fairyland, Master Zhang, is temporarily unavailable here. But those below the Earth Immortal No problem, right?"

"Yes, Elder Fang, the inheritance below the Immortal Realm is already familiar by heart."

"Hehe, in that case, can sect master Zhang lend this part to Da Hongtian for enlightenment?"

Zhang Yan shook his head again, and said: "Elder Fang, I have been talking about fairness before. If the conditions for Da Hongtian's request are suitable, I will not really be ignorant of good and bad. But if you want to ask for empty teeth, this is not right. It’s appropriate, but it’s not fair.”

The corner of Fang Shiwen's mouth twitched.With great difficulty, he suppressed the anger that was about to rise again in his heart.Da Hongtian paid such a high price, and now that Fang Shiwen is not sure that Zhang Yan can be restrained in a sure way, no matter how bad his heart is, there is no possibility of tearing his face.Even if he heard Zhang Yan mention the word "exchange" at this time, he could only continue talking patiently.

"Exchange? I wonder what Master Zhang wants to exchange?" Fang Shiwen's tone was so cold.In his opinion, perhaps only Haoxuemen's secret cultivation method is equivalent to the Great Desolate World.It seems fair to replace the secret method of human fairyland with the secret method of human fairyland, right?

Although he knew in his heart that exchanging Haoxuemen's secret method for the secret method of the Great Desolate World was actually Da Hongtian's profit.But the feeling of being snatched from his own pot made Fang Shiwen very uncomfortable.

However, Zhang Yan did not define "fairness" and "exchange price" as Fang Shiwen guessed.

"Elder Fang, what I want is an understanding of the world level. I hope to have the opportunity to experience more scenes of the complete evolution of the world. I think it is fair to exchange this."

How could Zhang Yan be interested in a practice system like Haoxuemen, which is the highest cultivation level in the late stage of Dixian and is still groping for a way out?
To put it bluntly, in Zhang Yan's eyes, Haoxuemen's cultivation methods are a bunch of defective products, garbage that can't even be considered complete.

Will someone carry a mountain of gold and covet half a copper coin in the hand of a beggar?Anyway, Zhang Yan is not interested in taking a second look.

On the contrary, Zhang Yan hopes to use Dahongtian's channel and influence to have more access to those worlds whose evolution is about to be completed or just completed.So you can try to extract more Primordial Purple Qi.

Because in Huang Tianyu, Zhang Yan found that after drawing one piece of primordial purple energy, he was unable to draw another one.It's not that he can't bear it, but Huang Tianyu can't bear it.

Of the fifty primordial purple qi of Dayan's number, the lack of one is not considered an impact.And when another one is taken away, the world will shake violently, and even the original core of the world will be extremely unstable and distorted.Zhang Yan was so scared that he didn't dare to be greedy anymore.

I can only guess in my heart that it is said in Daoist scriptures that the reason why Hongzu was able to take away seven primordial purple qi from a world was probably due to the different degrees of evolution of the world on the one hand.At that time, the Great Desolate World could withstand a strong man with the strength of Hongzu, and the degree of evolution was definitely much higher than that of Dahongtian, which was far from comparable to the Huangtianyu at this time.

On the other hand, it may be that after Hongzu unites, he can help heaven and earth share the burden after losing the seven primordial purple qi.However, Zhang Yan's current "He Dao" is just a superficiality, and he has no ability to share the pressure of Huang Tianyu.

But if one is drawn from one place, wouldn't it be possible to draw a hundred from one hundred places?

Zhang Yan's idea is so simple and rude.

If a family is not full, go to a few more.Now that he has eaten it once, he already has experience. Even if there are some deviations in the "reason" in other worlds, the essence of the "truth" from heaven and earth is the same. He feels that he can completely apply this idea to action.

Fang Shiwen thought he had heard it wrong, so he asked again, and after confirming Zhang Yan's "fairness" and "exchange price", he looked surprised.

"Master Zhang, are you sure this is the price you want to exchange?"

"Yes, Elder Fang. I need it, but I can't get it. It just so happens that Da Hongtian can do it again. Isn't it a good deal for everyone to get what they need? Or is it embarrassing for Da Hongtian?"

Embarrassed?of course not!It's just that Fang Shiwen is not stupid, and he won't show all his thoughts on his face at this time.

"Master Zhang may not know that the evolution of one side of the world is not easy to encounter. Moreover, once it is discovered, it is the target of all alliances that need to gather as soon as possible, and at the same time beware of the destruction of the Chaos faction. It is actually very difficult in a world that is about to complete evolution or has just evolved. The difficulty lies in the processing of relationships and the collection of information."

As he said that, Fang Shiwen changed the subject and said: "But regarding Huang Tianyu's importance, I will report Sect Master Zhang's opinion to the Sect Master as soon as possible. After that, we will see what the Sect Master has to say."

Zhang Yan ignored Fang Shiwen's stereotypes, and said with a smile: "Then Elder Lao Fang will make an extra trip."

(End of this chapter)

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