one's door

Chapter 636 Hope

Chapter 636 Hope
Fang Shiwen did not continue to ink with Zhang Yan on the details.Because it is not necessary, I also feel that it is cheap.To ask for ink marks is to set the general direction and hand it over to the people below to follow the ink marks of Duan Yashan, not what a dignified fairy like Fang Shiwen should do.

As for business matters, it is basically settled.Da Hongtian made an unprecedented huge concession and agreed to the two necessary conditions proposed by the cliff mountain.That is to say, to open and trade in all worlds of the alliance, spirit stones need to be used as intermediate tokens, and cannot be directly bartered.In addition, commerce and trade can only be carried out in a specific area that has been marked out, and business teams outside the region are not allowed to do transactions in other places.

The two seemingly simple conditions pulled Huang Tianyu out of the result of "will be ransacked", and now there are still some red lines in the bottom line.

Li Yan and Yang Rui signed a document on the cliff mountain, and the business was officially opened.

Of course, Li Yan was not very satisfied with this document.Even my heart has been uneasy.If the elder Fang Shiwen hadn't nodded, she would never have agreed.After all, it was the first time Da Hongtian had encountered the contents of this document.

After bidding farewell to Zhang Yan and his party who sent them out of the mountain gate, Fang Shiwen bowed his hands and said goodbye with a smile, then led Dahongtian's people to move away from the Huangtianyu, and then moved the immortal artifact through the void without stopping to return to Haoxuemen in Dahongtian station.

Li Yan originally thought that she needed to report to the sect master by herself. After all, the business document signed with Huang Tianyu this time was unprecedented, so she felt that she should explain the whole story to the sect master carefully.But in the end she was stopped by the great elder Fang Shiwen.Said that she didn't need to meet the sect master.And Fang Shiwen will personally present everything about this trip to the barren world to the sect master.If necessary, she will find another opportunity to meet the sect master herself.

Li Yan guessed in his heart that this was some kind of confidential agreement Fang Shiwen had reached with that Zhang Yan in the cliff mountain, otherwise he would not have been so anxious to meet the sect master and chose to avoid her.

In fact, Fang Shiwen did not "avoid" Li Yan.It's simply because the result of the negotiation with Zhang Yan has not been finalized, and it still needs to wait for the sect master to make a decision.Therefore, I think it is not appropriate to publicize it, and everything will be discussed after it lands.

"The disciple sees the sect master."

"Okay, there's no need to be too polite. Judging from the expression on your face, it should be that you have gained a lot from this trip to Huangtianyu, right?"

Xue E smiled and looked at Fang Shiwen who was saluting.But even though he was laughing, no one could associate the mysterious ice-like aura on his body with "laughing".Maybe Xue E's "smile" is just a simple facial expression without any meaning to reflect his mood?
"The disciple did talk about some intentions with Zhang Yan in Huang Tianyu. But at the same time, after this contact, he has a deeper understanding of the inheritance in Zhang Yan's hands, as well as Zhang Yan himself."

Fang Shiwen's words didn't make any foreshadowing, and he just started when he stepped into the wild world this time, what he did and thought every day before and after, and all the results he got in the end were laid out in detail.

However, unlike previous reports, Fang Shiwen did not narrate the matter related to "Journey to the West" in a straightforward manner, but added a lot of his own true feelings in it.While speaking, he handed the copy of "Journey to the West" that he brought back and the jade slips derived from it to Xue E.

"Journey to the West" can't be understood in a short time. Xue E can do it after listening to Fang Shiwen's generalization. Put the book and jade slips away first, and read it when you have time.What needs to be responded in time now is the "fairness" and "exchange price" proposed by Huang Tianyu.

Is it fair?Xue E agrees with what Zhang Yan said to Fang Shiwen, "Everyone gets what they need is fairness".The same thing has different value in the eyes of different people. Fairness is something relative to one's own senses. If everyone can truly get what they need, then it is indeed fair.

But like Fang Shiwen, Xue E was also surprised when he heard the "price" Zhang Yan wanted.Because this is not in their inertial cognition at all.

"The world that is about to evolve and has just evolved? Is that what Zhang Yan said? Is this kind of world really worth pondering?"

The series of questions were not only because Xue E couldn't figure it out in his heart, but Fang Shiwen was also at a loss after thinking about it all the way.

"The disciple is also very curious. Generally speaking, the newborn world does have many great changes in rules and principles, and the perception of practice does have extraordinary significance. But this kind of perception will not bring endless changes. To benefit, even if it is useful once or twice, the income will decrease rapidly, and the third or fourth time basically does not have any meaning of perception, because the essence of the evolution of the world is similar, and there cannot be many new things.”

What Fang Shiwen said was common sense.Not only him, Xue E also has a deep understanding of the evolution of the world, and has experienced many times when the world's evolution is complete.But as Fang Shiwen said, one or two times can still gain insights, but the number of times is no longer meaningful at all.

"The disciple thinks that there should be a secret technique inherited from the Great Desolate World. It can allow Zhang Yan to obtain some benefits many times or even infinitely in a short period of time before and after the world's complete evolution."

Xue E nodded, and only the inheritance of the Great Desolate World could explain Zhang Yan's strange request.

"What kind of exchange method does he use for the secret method of the Immortal Realm?" Regardless of whether Xue E wants to understand the strange exchange price in Zhang Yan's mouth, the things Zhang Yan gave are not to be missed, even if it is only about the Immortal Realm and below. realm.These are definitely of great benefit to Hao Xuemen.

Even for Xue E himself, he is actually looking forward to it.Because of the lessons learned from the two disciples of Haoxuemen, they know that the inheritance of the Great Desolate World has considered every detail from the very beginning.It's hard to say if Xue E can make up for these details one by one, whether he can make a breakthrough in his cultivation which is currently stuck in the late stage of the fairyland.

"Master Zhang, what Zhang Yan means is to let him participate in the evolution of a world or just after the evolution is completed, he can give a person the secret method of the early stage of the fairyland. Everyone uses this as a price reference."

Xue E frowned.Although he thinks this kind of exchange is completely acceptable, it is not easy to find a world that meets Zhang Yan's requirements in time.There are also a lot of relationships that need to be used and the cost of taking care of them.Zhang Yan couldn't say what the price was.

"I agree with this exchange method, but you have to talk to him about the price. It can't be as much as he says."

"Good sect master. Also, how do you explain the business preferential treatment given to Huang Tianyu to other worlds in the alliance?"

"Explain? Who does Da Hongtian want to give a little preferential treatment and need to explain to them? No need."

(End of this chapter)

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