one's door

Chapter 645 Exchange

Just as the hundred new disciples were anxiously and excitedly looking around in the mountain gate, looking around at the place where they would live for a long, long time in the future, the top of the cliff welcomed a distinguished guest.

The ones who can be called honored guests by today's Bluff Mountain can only be visitors from outside the region, and they are people with very unusual status.

For example, Fang Shiwen, the elder of Dahong Tianhao Xuemen.

Zhang Yan welcomed Fang Shiwen into the mountain with a smile on his face.Still on the terrace behind the Dengyun Hall, Zhang Yan brewed tea with his own hands, and then put a jade slip in front of Fang Shiwen that recorded the three secret methods of the fairyland he had prepared.

This is the result of previous bargaining.Three copies of the secret method of the human fairyland and some related practice tips, in exchange for two new world messages.

Now that Fang Shiwen is here, Zhang Yan naturally knows that the other party must have brought good news.

"Master Zhang, then I'll be rude?"

"Elder Fang, just please."

Inspection, Zhang Yan understands.I am not afraid that the other party will not admit it, because the jade slips are used, and the content inside has been restricted in advance. I can only use my spiritual sense to detect a small amount of content at the beginning, which is enough to distinguish the weight of the three secret methods.The real essence of content is restrained. If you want to read it, you need Zhang Yan to use a specific method to untie the restrictions.Forcibly breaking it will only completely destroy the jade slip and its contents.

After a while, Fang Shiwen put down the jade slips, raised his brows slightly, and immediately restored his previous smile, and said, "Sect Master Zhang really keeps his word! Although these three secret methods are similar in Haoxue Sect, you can clearly feel that there are two secrets in the opening chapter. The difference between the two. I am looking forward to the essence of the following."

Zhang Yan put down the teacup in his hand, and said with a smile, "I'm sure I won't disappoint Elder Fang. Then, what about Elder Fang's sincerity?"

"Of course I brought it." Fang Shiwen took out a palm-sized shuttle from the storage ring.Then he continued to Zhang Yan: "Master Zhang can use it to directly reach the target world. That world was only fully evolved half a year ago. It is our first message to Master Zhang. The next one will be sent in the near future. "

Zhang Yan picked up the shuttle, it was not the first time he had seen this thing.Knowing that it is the flying shuttle fairy weapon used in the great teleportation.And the stars can be recorded on it, so as not to get lost in the vast void.

"Master Zhang, the place marked here is not the sphere of influence of the Dahongtian Alliance, but it also belongs to the Pastoral Sect. After you pass by, light up the shuttle in your hand to show your identity to the immortals stationed outside the world. They will let you in. But there is also a time limit, at most three years. Also please don't miss the time.

In addition, Master Zhang is here to enlighten the Dao and study the enlightenment, and don't get involved in other things.Otherwise, it will be very troublesome if it causes the other party to misunderstand. "

After a few words of advice, Fang Shiwen took his leave and left.Before leaving, he asked Zhang Yan if he needed a magic weapon to resist the void, but Zhang Yan refused.Now that there is a lot of business in Huangtianyu, he has seen that kind of body protection immortal weapon for a long time. With his refining level, he can refine it by himself after a few trials.Generally speaking, the difficulty is not great.

After sending Fang Shiwen away, Zhang Yan went to the door and confessed a few words to the three apprentices, saying that he needs to retreat for a period of time, at least a few months, and at the slowest, he will return in three years.Then Zhang Yan had nothing to prepare, picked up the flying shuttle Fang Shiwen gave him, moved into the void with a thought, and then activated the flying shuttle, starting the first time in his life to move into the void.

Although it is also teleportation, the space rules in the void are completely different from those in the normal world.Fragmented spatial turbulence abounds in the void.So it is very difficult to move through space by folding the physical body.Even Earth Immortals are barely sustainable.That's why I use the shuttle.

In the next moment, Zhang Yan left the "World Fog" in the void representing the Desolate Heaven Territory.What appeared in front of him was a new world with a different shape and a faint purple light.

"Stop those who come! This place is the territory of the Lanfeng Alliance, so leave quickly if nothing happens!"

As soon as Zhang Yan showed up, he was immediately locked in by three powerful qi machines, and the opponent showed obvious hostility.

Zhang Yan looked at the immortals surrounding him with finished characters, and felt that the other party's cultivation was not as good as his, but they were only in the early and middle stages of the fairyland.

But Zhang Yan didn't come here to cause trouble.Smiling, he cupped his hands around, then raised the shuttle in his hand, and said, "I am a member of the Dahongtian Alliance, and I am here as promised. Don't be nervous, everyone."

When the other party saw the flying shuttle in Zhang Yan's hand, which had Dahongtian's coat of arms and immortal yuan fluctuations on it, the tense atmosphere also came to an end.Although he was still surrounded by Zhang Yan, he got closer and closed the lock of the air machine.

"Who's your name?"

"Zhang Yan."

The three immortals looked at each other and nodded, putting away all their hostility this time.Two of them withdrew directly.He returned to a magic circle in the void on the side and continued to garrison.Leave one to receive Zhang Yan with a smile.

"Zhang Daoyou, please don't mind how offensive I was just now. The main thing is that the chaotic faction has appeared in the Void area not long ago, and everyone is a little nervous."

"It doesn't matter what your responsibilities are." Zhang Yan bowed his hands, but did not ask the other party's name.Because it can be seen that the other party has no intention of talking to him.Otherwise, if I asked his name before, the immortal who stayed to contact him should report his name.No, that means I don't want to know you, it's just business.

After a few brief explanations, he sent Zhang Yan into that new world.

"That fellow daoist can comprehend the evolution of this world by himself. We will help you cover the surrounding area in time to prevent you from being disturbed. You can rest assured."

"Then thank you all."

After the opponent cupped his hands, he immediately moved away and disappeared.

It is said to help Zhang Yan cover the surrounding area from being disturbed, but it is actually warning Zhang Yan that they will keep an eye on them all the time, warning Zhang Yan not to mess around.

The so-called "randomness" is actually nothing more than plundering the resources in this nascent world, or directly assassinating this world like the Chaos faction.

Of course, it is reasonable for the other party to be so cautious.But if you want to understand what Zhang Yan is doing by relying on the cover of divine sense, then it is a big mistake.

After a while, Zhang Yan found a stable mountain peak, and arranged a few defensive formations on the top of the mountain to prevent anyone from breaking in.But also left a hole, so that the immortal can directly explore his existence, to show his innocence.

Then Zhang Yan began to spread out his perception, looking for the wound that would inevitably be torn out in this new world that had just completed evolution due to the first opening of the world.

Soon, Zhang Yan found the gap in the world that was gradually healing based on the experience he had summed up in Huang Tianyu, and the root of this world was inside.Of course, there is also the complete Primordial Purple Qi of the Great Evolution.

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