one's door

Chapter 646

At the node stationed by the magic circle in the void, the three immortals of the Lanfeng Alliance also gathered together to guard and curiously explore the newborn world behind them temporarily stationed with their spiritual thoughts while guarding.

"Is there really so many things that can be reappeared in the evolution of the new world?"

"Who knows? Since he came to us for the purpose of comprehending this nascent complete world, he must get something. But anyway, I can't see what he can comprehend from it."

"Tsk tsk, the late stage of the Immortal Realm, and it looks like that person is definitely not an ordinary person. It's not easy to mess with. Keep an eye on it, I always feel that they have spent so much effort to send a person here. It doesn't necessarily mean that they are really enlightening. , but something else."

"how do I say this?"

"What else can I say? You can see that the aura on his body has been extremely quiet since he entered. This is a sign of the withdrawal of consciousness, which shows that his current consciousness is converging with the primordial spirit. Does it take so much trouble to realize the Tao? ?What is the difference between consciousness in the physical body or in the primordial spirit?
So this must be some kind of secret method, but we don't know it. "

"Then do you need to report to the higher authorities? This Zhang Yan is really weird to hear you say that."

"There's no need to report it. The sect has already taken the benefits of Da Hongtian. Weighing the pros and cons, I feel that even if there are losses that we don't know about, we can make up for it. Let's see if we can see some clues."

In the eyes of the immortals in the three-person fairyland, Zhang Yan in the world is behaving strangely at this time, and it seems that something is wrong, but he can't tell exactly what is wrong.I can only stare blankly.

The existence of something like Primordial Purple Qi is inherently mysterious.In addition, Zhang Yan is using his soul and consciousness to complete the traction at this time, which adds a lot of concealment.

Unlike the three curious and guarded immortals who stayed in the garrison node of the magic circle in the void, Zhang Yan had no mind to think about anything else at this time.

I had pulled the Primordial Purple Qi once in the Desolate Sky Territory before, and although it succeeded in the end, the process was really thrilling.The key is that the weird "weight" of the primordial purple qi will have an impact on the consciousness level, so that Zhang Yan almost failed last time.If he really couldn't bear it, Primordial Purple Qi would run away!At that time, it will really become a "fleeing one".

But this second time made Zhang Yan a little nervous.But with the previous primordial purple qi in his body, he found that his consciousness was much easier to bear this "heavy pressure" than the first time.Although it is still very difficult, it is still smooth.

In addition, Zhang Yan was a little worried about the rejection of different worlds, which did not appear.The "principles" obtained from Huangtianyu can indeed be used in other worlds as he guessed.It belongs to the simplest "reason" at the world level.It's as if there are differences in appearance between the worlds, but they are all the same bones and flesh.So the whole process was almost the same as the one in Huangtianyu.

When Zhang Yan finally pulled his second primordial purple energy back into his primordial spirit, the changes at the level of his primordial spirit were actually not obvious.

Because the massive fusion of "reasons" when the first piece of Primordial Purple Qi entered the Yuanshen had already integrated all the principles that Zhang Yan had realized since practicing in his consciousness at that time.So this time the arrival of the second Hongmeng Ziqi increased the upper limit of "reason" fusion, and Zhang Yan didn't have so many "reasons" to fill this upper limit at this time, so the improvement he felt was very erratic. It's not as straightforward as the first piece of Primordial Purple Qi.

But besides Yuanshen level, Zhang Yan didn't feel anything else.At this time, his perception is far closer to the "world" than before, and he has the sense of the world as a living being.He dared to be sure that after he calmed down this time, he would gain more understanding of the world level, realize more world level and even deeper "truths".

What was unexpected was the change in his lower dantian when Zhang Yan looked inside.

When the first Hongmeng Ziqi entered Zhang Yan's lower dantian, he was taken aback, because there was no similar situation mentioned in the Taoist scriptures, and he had absolutely no information that could be used as a reference.The only thing that comforted him was that the changes in the lower dantian did not have any real impact on him.Whether good or bad.

This time, the changes in the lower dantian continued to deepen, and for the first time there was an abnormality that Zhang Yan felt.

The layer of lavender mist outside the Dao Dan in the lower dantian now continues to deepen its color after the second primordial purple qi enters the body, and the strange "vitality" that originally seemed to have become more obvious with the second primordial purple qi .

Finally, what surprised Zhang Yan the most was that a tiny black particle like dust appeared inside his Dao Dan. emitted from tiny particles.

"Purple Qi. Vitality? What is this for?"

Faced with such a change in Dao Dan, Zhang Yan was naturally extremely cautious.He didn't notice the slightest danger.But the benefits, this time he felt it.

It doesn't come from some kind of energy, but directly affects his physical body.And the root cause is the latest change in his lower dantian.

After the vitality burst out of the range of the lower dantian, it came out of the lower dantian clearly for the first time.

This kind of "vitality" is very strange, far purer than any vitality that Zhang Yan has ever sensed before.I didn't realize it was just because it was too thin.Now that it is clear and compared, it is found that this is much purer than the highest cultivation level Zhang Yan has ever seen, that is, Fang Shiwen, the Great Elder of Dahongtian in the middle stage of Earth Immortal!
In the past, Zhang Yan's immortal body needed to understand enough "reasons" and then force the immortal essence in his body to promote evolution.It is an evolution from the level of consciousness to the level of reality.

But now it's the other way around.The vitality from the Dao Dan went out of the lower dantian and went directly into the physical body, and actively evolved the body of the fairy from the bottom up in a new way that Zhang Yan had never experienced before!

"Is this another benefit of Primordial Purple Qi?"

The body of the fairy and the "principle" at the level of consciousness jointly construct the path of practice after breaking through the mortal world.The enlightenment of the two is at the front, and the body of the fairy is at the back. When both sides reach the breakthrough threshold, they will step into the next small realm or trigger the big realm barrier to trigger the catastrophe.

Now this kind of cultivation context recorded in the Taoist scriptures on the second layer of Wanxiangzhu has changed in Zhang Yan.

"Does this mean that I can not only continue to enlighten and practice from top to bottom through the original method, but also can actively evolve from the bottom to the top because of these vitality. If two prongs are used, the time will be faster"

Zhang Yan was in a daze for a while, and suddenly realized that he should start preparing for the next catastrophe from now on.

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