one's door

Chapter 659 Gathering Tribulation

Chapter 659 Gathering Tribulation
In the news sent back to Tianda World at the beginning, there was such a description as "like comprehending something".

At that time, Lan Qingying, including all the elders, didn't care about this description.In their opinion, it was just an inaccurate description of the disciples.After all, the place where Xue E and Fang Shiwen appeared was just a void, so how could there be anything worth comprehending?
But now it seems that things are not so simple.

Seeing it with my own eyes, with Lan Qingying's cultivation, I can naturally tell that Xue E and Fang Shiwen in the distance are really comprehending something in the void.

Hastily left all the powerful people in Tianyi World, and even put aside the previous festivities for the time being.Just to study there?What mystery is worth the hassle?
In doubt, Lan Qingying frowned again.She once again felt the fear caused by the previous turbulence in the void that she thought was just passing by for a moment.

Why are you here again?
I was puzzled.Kelan Qingying was sure that there would be no danger around her at this moment.Subconsciously, it will continue to be attributed to the previous turbulence in the void.But when she found that the distance of the spiritual sense induction was where Xue E and Fang Shiwen were, the aura of the two people suddenly became much heavier than before, and there was a burst of mysterious smell on their bodies.Lan Qingying is very familiar with this state, it is an external manifestation that occurs when enlightenment has something to gain.

Are you really enlightening?
At this point, Lan Qingying's thoughts came to her senses.Just now when Xue E and Fang Shiwen left directly was also the last time she felt inexplicable fear appearing.Now that kind of inexplicable fear reappeared, Xue E and Fang Shiwen changed from the "dull" look just now, each of them had a mysterious sudden emergence, which was quite rewarding.

What Xue E and Fang Shiwen are comprehending at this moment is absolutely inseparable from the inexplicable fear around them!
If that's the case, Lan Qingying suddenly realized that she had made a huge mistake in bringing people to Huangtianyu this time.Xue E didn't even think about playing the trick of "drawing from the bottom of the pot" to eat alone, but was simply attracted by the abnormal changes around here, did he really come to enlightenment? !
But what is it that makes Xue E so nervous?
Lan Qingying quickly suppressed the distracting thoughts in her heart.Then he calmly opened up his spiritual thoughts and perceptions together, and carefully began to understand the difference in the surrounding space, as well as those intermittent strange feelings of fear.

Just didn't find it before.Now that Lan Qingying noticed it, with her ability, she quickly found unusual clues from these strange things, and she also understood why Xue E behaved as strangely as before.

There is no other reason, it's just that the opportunity is rare and I don't want to waste it.

"In the void, you can actually feel the coercion of the life level that is similar to the catastrophe? This coercion should come from the catastrophe. This void seems to be brewing a massive catastrophe!"

When this thought first appeared in Lan Qingying's mind, she felt it was ridiculous.But soon she had to face up to this seemingly absurd possibility.Because all the things at the moment are saying that this absurd possibility is rapidly rushing towards becoming a reality.

"Shouldn't the catastrophe be produced within the world? How could there be a catastrophe if it didn't originate from the world?

wrong!The brewing intensity of this catastrophe is definitely not low, it must be above the thirty-nine catastrophe!Is this the Four or Nine Heavenly Tribulations? !In that case, it would be impossible for the nearest nascent world called Huangtianyu to form. "

Lan Qingying's thoughts froze here again.She suddenly opened her eyes, and this time she was not looking in the direction of Xue E and Fang Shiwen, but at the "fog group" representing the Huangtian Territory.

"In the newborn world, someone can forcibly seduce the Four or Nine Heavens Tribulation!? How is this possible?!"

She shouted "impossible" in her heart, but Lan Qingying also understood that it might really be impossible to put this kind of thing elsewhere.But it's not so abrupt in this wild world.Because in this nascent world, there is a legendary practice inheritance from the Great Desolate World!And it is very likely to be the inheritance of the whole path!

The prestige of the Great Desolate World comes first, and with his own power, he can stabilize both the Pastoral and Chaos factions.And finally disappeared so mysteriously.It is really illogical to say that the Great Desolate World is dead.In fact, what is more reasonable than extinction is the concept of "breaking through the old world and opening up a new world" advocated by Honghuang Dashijie.

Including Lan Qingying, many immortals have studied the remaining information of the Great Desolate World.Even more curious, if the Great Desolate World really went to the new world they opened up, what would the new world look like?
Therefore, compared to the greatest suspense in the Great Desolate World, it is not so unacceptable to use a new world to forcibly break through the human fairyland to provoke the Four Nine Heavens Tribulation.

"You stay here, don't follow." Lan Qingying told the four elders around her.She has some words that must be communicated with Xue E.She is confident that she will suddenly break into the formation node that is not yet fully prepared for battle, but in order not to cause Da Hongtian's overreaction, she decided that it would be safer to go there alone.

"My lord"

"Don't worry. I already know the cause and effect of this matter. The misunderstanding needs to be resolved. And there are other things that cannot be bypassed, and cannot be circumvented. This time we came too abruptly, but it may also be a new opportunity. Please be safe. Don't worry, I'll meet Xue E again."

After saying that, Lan Qingying's figure shifted and she was about to cross the barrier of the magic circle.


Although the magic circle is in the hands of two immortals and a group of half-immortals of the Tongxuan Realm, it is not just a fake. Lan Qingying will have to spend a lot of effort if he wants to break through.

"Let her come over."

However, Xue E, who was in the midst of comprehension, had a sudden movement of his mind, and told the people who were in charge of the magic circle to let them let Lan Qingying come over.

In fact, Xue E has been paying attention to this side all the time.If Lan Qingying remained calm or left.He wouldn't say that either.If Lan Qingying is now in such a situation that he has to break in alone despite his strength not gaining the upper hand, it means that Lan Qingying understands.Xue E had to talk to the other party about this matter.There is no way around it.

not for a while.Lan Qingying arrived at the small area where Xue E and Fang Shiwen were.This is not where Xue E randomly found it, but the location that was repeatedly verified with Fang Shiwen over the past year.Every time there is fear here, the feeling of fear is the strongest, and at the same time, you can feel the weird and tyrannical power that flows into the stored energy of Heavenly Tribulation in the void.

"Master Xue, please forgive me for the misunderstanding before, and Tianyue Palace will definitely come to apologize in the future."

"It's fine to come to the door to apologize, it's not up to that point. It's fine to have the words of Palace Master Lan."

"Then I would like to thank Master Xue for Haihan. But there are so many mysteries in this place, which I have never seen before. I wonder if Master Xue can give some pointers?"

(End of this chapter)

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