one's door

Chapter 660 Critical

Chapter 660 Critical
Zhang Yan sat cross-legged in a cloud of scattered clouds hundreds of feet above Dengyun Hall.

This was the first time he came out of the secret room of Dengyun Palace after receiving the third primordial purple energy from outside the territory.

The world is impermanent, and these four characters have always been by Zhang Yan's side since he traveled to the barren world.Often caught him off guard.

Fortunately, most of these accidents were good things, and there was no fatal danger.

Of course, that was all before.In the future, Zhang Yan is not sure.He wasn't even sure if he could get through the difficulties brought about by the current accident.

I used to think that it would take thousands of years, or even thousands of years in the fairyland.As a result, it has only passed more than half of his most optimistic guess time before, and Zhang Yan has to face the threat of catastrophe brought by the next big realm.

There is nothing wrong with saying that Dujie is a good thing, and there is nothing wrong with saying it is a bad thing.It all depends on whether the individual is prepared enough before crossing the catastrophe, whether the foundation is thick enough, the heart of the Tao is not tough enough, the body of the fairy is not enough to withstand the strength of the last kick, etc.
These preparations are sufficient, and in the end it depends on whether luck is on my side.No one has ever dared to say that he was safe under the catastrophe.

Zhang Yan was in a complicated mood at this time.

Doubling, or even dozens of times shortened the long human fairyland precipitation.Whether it was psychological preparation or technical preparation, he felt that he lacked a lot.Confidence naturally has nothing to say.

"My catastrophe is approaching, why do you have no reaction at all? I even feel that you are still standing between the catastrophe and me. What's the reason for this?" Zhang Yan swung his sleeves cross-legged and brushed the catkins beside him Like the falling clouds, I don't know who the words are talking to.But every word is like an invisible sharp dagger, which breaks the space and reverberates straight into the deepest layer of the world.

ignore?Then you have to respond.

"I can't help you with your catastrophe."

Suddenly, a long-awaited voice suddenly sounded.Appearing together is an "eye" formed by gathering the fragmented clouds in front of Zhang Yan.

This is Huang Tianyu's consciousness of heaven and earth, and he can be regarded as Zhang Yan's old acquaintance.It's just that since the evolution was complete, Zhang Yan never saw the other party appearing again.No matter how he called, he never showed up.

At this time, if Zhang Yan hadn't used the method he had recently devised to force him, Huang Tianyu probably wouldn't have come out to talk to him.

"Isn't the catastrophe all your job? I'm a creature in your evolution, why did you push me away?" Zhang Yan spoke calmly and didn't panic.But he didn't come here to complain, but for some things, the most accurate answer can only be found from Huang Tianyu's consciousness.

It is mentioned in the Daoist scriptures that the power storage of the forty-nine catastrophes will be different from the previous three catastrophes.Wei Neng is not at the same level, and it also takes a long time to shake forward.Instead of flying a dark cloud out of thin air as before when the end is approaching, it will then be able to slam down the tribulation thunder.

But when it fell on Zhang Yan, he found that his situation was not exactly the same as what was said in the Taoist scriptures.

Indeed, as early as more than a year ago, he had a feeling in his heart that the next catastrophe had already begun to gather strength.It was like saying hello to him in the dark.This kind of invisible pressure even Zhang Yan's nerves are tough, but he can't help but feel nervous, and at the same time feel very urgent.Because he didn't know how long the Four Nine Heavens Tribulation would last.One year, or ten years?There is no accurate number for this in Taoist scriptures, it only says "it varies from person to person".
This is one of the reasons why Zhang Yan wanted to call out the Heavenly Dao of Huang Tianyu to find out the situation.

Another reason is that although Zhang Yan can feel in the dark that his next catastrophe is gathering strength to take shape.But he didn't feel any mobilization of power in Huangtianyu's world at all.This is different from the changes in the power of heaven and earth before the catastrophe that he has seen many times on the cliff mountain.

Heavenly Tribulation, Heavenly Tribulation, the word Tian comes first, followed by the word Jie.This word actually explains the origin of the catastrophe.But now the catastrophe is imminent, but "Heaven" didn't respond at all.Zhang Yan wondered if this could be because Huang Tianyu was planning to play tricks on him, right?

It's not that Zhang Yan's mind is too cautious, but it's too abnormal.

But Huang Tianyu's consciousness of heaven and earth ignored Zhang Yan at all, and Zhang Yan could only tell Tian Tian not to respond.It wasn't until Zhang Yan's perception of heaven and earth broke through a key threshold a few days ago that he had the ability to "open the window without knocking".The consciousness of heaven and earth that disturbed Huang Tianyu had to come out to "chat" with him.

But to Zhang Yan's surprise, Huang Tianyu came out, but the answer he gave was: none of my business.

Although it couldn't be seen on his face, Zhang Yan was completely dumbfounded.

The eye of the world transformed by Huang Tianyu's consciousness didn't mean to play riddles with Zhang Yan. It carried out its long-standing nature and directly told the whole story: "I told you before. You are an odd number , so it cannot be counted within the scope of those creatures I evolved.

In addition, I have evolved completely for only a few hundred years.Although the framework of the original power is basically complete, it still needs a long time to be strengthened and enriched.The level of life transition you need to face now requires too much assistance, and it is not something I can afford with my current strength.So this force can only come from elsewhere. "

"Come from somewhere else?"

"Yes, it's not far, it's in the outer space."

The corners of Zhang Yan's eyes couldn't help shaking.Only then did he understand why he only felt the power of the Heavenly Tribulation but didn't notice the mobilization of the power of the Huangtian Territory.It turns out that Huang Tianyu didn't get involved at all.And it sounds like it's because the Huangtianyu at this time is not yet capable of launching the Four Nine Heavens Tribulation.It belongs to being inattentive and powerless.

"But how can there be a catastrophe in the void? Is this still a catastrophe?"

"You are an odd number. Everything you encounter is not in the numerology of heaven and earth, and you are not bound by the evolution and rules of creatures. Otherwise, you will not be able to transcend my framework and evolve yourself ahead of time.

As for the Void, that is where the world was born.And the catastrophe is the embodiment of the killing of the world.The origin of the void is still above the world.It's just a catastrophe, so what's the difficulty? "

Zhang Yan took a deep breath, and said again: "According to you, I am an anomaly. You have evolved all the way to this point, which is more or less related to me. I don't say credit, but it is definitely beneficial to you. Now that my catastrophe is approaching, Do you have any advice?"

There is no other shortcut to communicate with Huang Tianyu's world consciousness. There is only one thing that can be used as a bargaining chip, and that is "self-worth".

Since it is an odd number, Huang Tianyu has really benefited.Among other things, the half-dead worlds that Da Hongtian fed to Huang Tianyu, this is the benefit that Zhang Yan brought to Huang Tianyu, right?
Don't talk about rewards, you should want to continue to get rich, right?If the odd number dies, then there will be no advantage in the future.


Huang Tianyu did not answer for a long time.It seems to be weighing something.

(End of this chapter)

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