one's door

Chapter 66 The Paper Man

Chapter 66 The Paper Man
"Should we bring him back now?"

"Fuck! Go away as soon as you get your stuff. You know what Wu Shao's methods are. I'm afraid it's not suitable to stay here for a long time." Taking a glance at Zhang Yan, who seemed to be drunk and unconscious, Xiao Chongwen made a decisive decision to call himself and the others to leave. .Zhang Yan?It's rare for him to take care of it. Whether it's life or death is up to Young Master Wu to arrange.

The other three people were originally headed by Xiao Chongwen, and now they feel reasonable after hearing the words, so the four of them stood up together and called the waiter to hand over the money ticket. Suddenly, a large group of green-skinned bastards poured in from outside, and before Xiao Chongwen and the others could speak, they surrounded them, together with Zhang Yan, who was lying on the table drunk.

"What do you want to do?!" Xiao Chongwen was startled, but he was still calm. He even vaguely guessed that these people might be the backhands arranged by Wu Shao.It's just that he was a bit slow in withdrawing, and now it looks like he's going to be caught in it.

Green-skinned bastards usually hide away, but dudes like Xiao Chongwen are not very afraid. Even if the restaurant's door is blocked at this time, the surroundings are full of people. It seems that there are no less than thirty bastards who come here. This is a rare big battle.Moreover, many bastards have bulging sleeves, probably hiding sticks or short knives, and they look like they have come to meet someone for a fight.

"Oh? It's Mr. Xiao? We're not reconciled to Mr. Xiao here. Let's settle the score with him!" The leader knew Xiao Chongwen, and the vigilance on Xiao Chongwen's face was relaxed with a single sentence.But then he raised his hand and pointed, but Xiao Chongwen was stunned for a moment.

Because the person the green-skinned bastard was pointing at was not Zhang Yan who Xiao Chongwen thought was lying on the table, but Ma Shan beside him! ?
wrong!Ma Shan?Ma Shan? !
Xiao Chongwen was startled, and then found that Ma Shan standing beside him suddenly changed his appearance, except for the clothes, he turned into Zhang Yan!

Rubbing his eyes vigorously, Xiao Chongwen made sure that he was not dazzled, and the person standing beside him wearing Ma Shan's clothes turned into Zhang Yan's appearance at some point!

"Brother Xiao, you guys, what are your expressions? What are you doing?"

Before Xiao Chongwen could speak, the leader of the bastard pointed to a miserable companion with ointment wrapped around his face, looked at Ma Shan and asked: "Zhang Yan! You have such heavy hands! My brother is not I asked you a question, and you beat him like this. Do you really think that you can run wild with two fists and kicks from the military meeting? Today will let you know how powerful it is!"

"No! Are you sick? I'm Ma Shan! Why are you pointing at me and calling Zhang Yan? Brother Xiao, Brother Yang, Brother Liu, what's the matter with you? Why are you refunding?"

Xiao Chongwen grabbed Zhang Yan's head lying on the table, but at this time it should be Zhang Yan's drunk face, but what Xiao Chongwen saw was Ma Shan's appearance!
Not only Xiao Chongwen and the others were confused, but Ma Shan himself was so frightened that he almost peed his pants when he saw the horrific scene in front of him.

"What, what's going on? Me, what's wrong with me? It's impossible!"

Ma Shan, who turned into Zhang Yan, couldn't accept this fact at all, turned his head and was about to run, he wanted to find a mirror to take a good look at himself, or pour himself a basin of water to see if he was drunk The eyes are delusional.

And because the situation was so weird, the three of Xiao Chongwen were dumbfounded and even frightened, so they didn't pull Ma Shan who had turned into Zhang Yan for a while.

"Want to run? Call me!"

Green-skinned bastards generally have serious attacks, they are here for revenge, not to kill, so they usually have a stick in their hands, and they also greet the legs and feet, basically they don't aim at the head or the genitals.They are also afraid of hurting or killing people.Afterwards, he still hoped to make a fortune from Zhang Yan.

But what these green-skinned bastards don't know is that they are looking for revenge, but not everyone among them is like this.Two of them had daggers rather than sticks hidden in their sleeves.

"Hey! What are you doing! Stop hitting! Stop hitting! Ouch! What are you squeezing! Stop! Stop it for me!"

Xiao Chongwen and the other three were squeezed into the outer circle at once. These bastards knew their appearance, and even if they were not afraid, they would not take the initiative to provoke them. They just hit that doggy "Zhang Yan".

But Xiao Chongwen and the others were not sure if the person being beaten now was Zhang Yan or Ma Shan?But their shouts didn't have much effect in front of those green-skinned bastards who surrounded them and fought hard, and their strength was not enough to push them away from the crowd.In the last [-] to [-] breaths, the green-skinned bastards seemed to stop after the sound of cries of pain could not be heard from inside.

"Hey! This guy seems to be losing his breath?"

"Blood? Made! Who used the knife?! I'm into Nima!"

Seeing blood, this is actually not a big deal in the circle of green-skinned bastards, but using a knife is not a trivial matter.Everyone came out to hang out, really thought it was fighting and killing?Isn't it just for a bite to eat?If you don’t eat it, others will eat it!Using a knife and killing people, who can escape?Are you going to eat rats in the Yamen dungeons?
Hearing the words "no breath" and "moving the knife", the three of Xiao Chongwen gasped, took advantage of the looseness of the crowd, and hurriedly pushed through a gap and rushed in.


The goal was that "Zhang Yan" who was wearing Ma Shan's clothes fell to the ground, the clothes under both armpits were already soaked in blood, and the blood stains on the ground were rapidly expanding.The whole person's face was pale, and he was still twitching slightly, but he could already tell that he was exhaling more than inhaling.After a few breaths, his chest collapsed and he was completely out of breath.



How can the green skins have the courage to shoulder the murder case?What's more, when it happened suddenly, most of them thought that today they were here to beat up an unsightly person, and no one thought that they would kill someone.It's strange not to run away thinking "it's none of my business".

A swarm of bees ran out, and in the blink of an eye, all the young bastards in the tavern disappeared.The guests trapped inside and the corpse on the ground were left alone.

"Oh, the knife that went into the armpit? This hand is black enough! There is a hole on one side, that's what two people did! Tsk tsk, I didn't expect the green skin on the street to do the death-defying moves in the army? Scary!"

Without waiting for the spectators around to come over, Zhang Yan, who was lying on the table drunk, stood up and squatted beside the corpse on the ground. While talking, he reached out and took out his document and a set of documents from the corpse's arms. A paper man the size of half a palm.

Because Zhang Yan's squatting position blocked his back, others couldn't see his face clearly, nor could they see the face of the corpse on the ground.And the people outside the door haven't come in yet.Therefore, only the three of Xiao Chongwen saw Zhang Yan change from Ma Shan's face back to his own in horror.And Ma Shan also changed from "Zhang Yan" back to his original appearance.

It's just that the transformed Ma Shan was out of breath, while Zhang Yan was alive and well with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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