one's door

Chapter 67 Get Out

Chapter 67 Get Out
The strange scene was seen by Xiao Chongwen and the other three, making them stand on their heads with hairs all over their bodies. Looking at Zhang Yan, an inexplicable fear rose from the bottom of their hearts.

"you you you"

He opened his mouth but couldn't say a word.In addition to fear, their minds are full of questions at this moment.

Why did Ma Shan and Zhang Yan switch appearances just now?

Why did Zhang Yan, who was clearly drunk, no longer smell of alcohol?
Could it be that Zhang Yan deliberately arranged all of this?But how did he do it?

Zhang Yan smiled, and with a movement of spirit in his hand, the little paper figure covered with talisman strokes turned into a smear of dust in his palm, and it fell on the ground without leaving any traces.

How can people like Xiao Chongwen understand the magic of Taoist methods?
It's just a blindfold, isn't it easy to fool ordinary people like Xiao Chongwen?Even Yuan Kai-level martial artists who have cultivated vitality will inevitably be bluffed if they are caught off guard.This is the advantage of Daoist methods in Huangtianyu.

Because it has never happened before, there is no way to guard against it.

Of course, the paper figurine is not just a simple trick to conceal the eyes, which is just one of its abilities. Its full name is "Four Senses Real Sensation Defense".It is a spell that can extend the caster's four senses, namely hearing, sight, touch, and smell, and use the location of the paper doll as a spying point.At the same time, within a limited distance, it can replace the caster to perform some superficial spells.

The original idea was to "see what they want to do" with a paper man caught in the paperwork as a trick.But he didn't expect that the subsequent changes would be so rapid.

Those green-skinned bastards Zhang Yan knew the first few people, especially the miserable-looking man with gauze wrapped around his face, the one he cleaned up at the entrance of Zhuzui Alley yesterday when he returned home.What a coincidence?As soon as he was "drunk", those green-skinned bastards who came to find the place just rushed over?If he hadn't been able to clear the spirit of alcohol with spiritual energy, wouldn't the drunken appearance be slaughtered by others, without even a chance to escape?
That's why Zhang Yan hurriedly let the paper figurine use his tricks to reverse his appearance with Ma Shan's to see what would happen.

As a result, Zhang Yan also had a new understanding of the young master Wu who hadn't met yet.That is by no means a simple dandy, not to mention cruel and merciless, but also has some tricks and methods.And he is also alert to the situation. The Liangzi formed by Zhang Yancai and the Qingpis yesterday has been used today.

If it was Zhang Yan who bumped into it by himself, that Young Master Wu could completely leave him alone afterwards.It will even leave Zhang Yan with the fate of "Who asked you to provoke those green skins? You deserve it!".

Moreover, when Zhang Yan pretended to be drunk, his attention was always on Ma Shan who was beaten for him. He witnessed the process of the two men slipping out the short knives in their sleeves and stabbing Ma Shan's deadly armpit. , that action is definitely not something that ordinary green skin can do by fighting on the street, it must be done after special training.So much so that if it wasn't for the blood flow in the chaos, no one would have noticed the signs of Ma Shan's dying.

This is to sit dead Zhang Yan can not live!

But it's a pity, Zhang Yan is no longer the Zhang Yan he used to be.Not only did he avoid a trouble now, but he also killed an enemy who had participated in framing him before, so he collected some "interest".

Here Zhang Yan just watched Ma Shan die on the ground, and the three of Xiao Chongwen in front of him were so frightened that their faces turned pale. Go and follow five yamen servants, blocking the restaurant guests who were about to leave this place of right and wrong again.

"Master! Dead! Dead here!"

It's like seeing your own father, the one who ran over and almost hugged his legs was the shopkeeper of the restaurant.He was already crying, not pity Ma Shan who was dead at the scene, but himself, how much business would such a murder happen in the store?I don't know if the boss will just let him go when he finds out?Worried about the days to come.

"Go and have a look." The leader who came in was a headhunter wearing an official robe. He glanced at the shopkeeper and didn't speak to him.At the same time, a pair of eyes swept across the faces of everyone around them with a sharp look around.

"See who did it?"

The shopkeeper quickly replied: "I saw it, it was a group of bastards, they rushed in and said they wanted to take revenge on that person, and then they went up and were beaten with sticks, and when they dispersed, there was blood, and the person was gone after a few pumps." Hush, I'm dead." The shopkeeper spoke quickly without stuttering, and immediately presented what he saw.

"No one is allowed to leave. We will talk about it after we finish asking. You, go back and temporarily close the four doors. You are allowed in and not allowed out." After the head catcher raised his voice, the remaining three guards behind him began to interrogate the restaurant with a cold face. people.The other person ran back to ask for the order of the Yamen, and then went to the city gate guard to ask for assistance.

"Boss, the man who died on the ground was called Ma Shan. He was the concubine of the owner of the Qianfu House in the city. He had some reputation in the city. He had two stab wounds on his body, both in the vital parts of the armpit. This method was aimed at killing him. Went there, and it was clean, not like."

Before the yamen servant finished speaking, he was interrupted by the arrester raising his hand and asked instead, "Ma Shan?"

"Yes, boss, someone nearby has identified him."

The catcher frowned, walked up to Xiao Chongwen, and asked, "Are you sure that the person who died on the ground was Ma Shan?"

The corpse was blood-stained, and there were many bruises on the face, but Xiao Chongwen and the others still nodded in agreement. The one lying on the ground at this time was indeed Ma Shan.

"But, but he just now, he was not like this! He..." It was Yang Lin who was anxious, and eagerly told the weird scene he experienced just now, but even if he saw it with his own eyes, he knew the unimaginableness in his words , so the words are obviously weak.

"The appearance of the two people changed? So those Qingpis recognized the wrong person? Now they changed back again?" The head catcher's face was very ugly.Based on his knowledge, his first reaction was that the other party was teasing him.But thinking of something else, he suppressed the anger in his heart again.Turning his head to look at the other person who was standing beside the corpse, it was said that Zhang Yan returned after changing his appearance.

"You are Zhang Yan? I have an impression of your appearance, but you are not."

"Head arrest! Look, this is a document, a document to plead guilty." Without waiting for the other party to finish speaking, Zhang Yan took out the document he had just put in his arms, held it up high, and said loudly , so that the whole restaurant could hear what he said.Because from the moment the head catcher entered the door, he noticed that the other party had sized him up several times without leaving a trace, and there was an imperceptible killing intent in his eyes.

So, show your identity first, block all possible paths for the other party, and don't care if you are the second person arranged by that young master Wu as expected.

(End of this chapter)

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