one's door

Chapter 68

Chapter 68
It was time to eat, and the food in this restaurant has always been good. It belongs to an old restaurant, so there are many people stuck in the restaurant at this moment.I have long been watching the excitement upstairs and downstairs.After seeing the yamen servants coming in, they all stayed where they were and waited for release. Now they all looked sideways when they heard Zhang Yan's words.

After all, it is very rare for a person to be exonerated from a crime. Generally, petty crimes will not be exiled into the army. Those who are exiled are those who have committed major crimes, and the places they go to are dangerous places, and their status as criminal soldiers is often consumed on the battlefield. It is a narrow escape that leaves room for it. It is rare to have one or two throughout the year, and it is still heard.Now that I see one with my own eyes, I will naturally remember the name, Zhang Yan.

"Howling for what?" Catcher's brows furrowed even deeper, and he couldn't speak out because of so many things in his heart.

Indeed, as Zhang Yan expected, not only Xiao Chongwen and the others and those green skins were the means of that Mr. Wu, but also the head catcher.

There are two types of yamen servants in the yamen. One is responsible for the internal affairs of the yamen, such as punishment, guards, chores, and guards of honor.One is responsible for the external affairs of the yamen, such as search and arrest, escort, investigation, and patrol.And the two kinds of yamen servants will be further subdivided into some specific responsibilities.This time, the team that entered the restaurant was the team that specializes in investigating various cases, also known as the police.

The leading catcher belongs to the highest rank among the yamen servants, and is the head catcher.

This time, coming here was the final link in a series of measures arranged by Wu Qingling.That is to say, he is responsible for collecting the corpses, or dealing with emergencies. Even if Zhang Yan is not killed by the green skins, he can use verbal attacks to grab the talk and take the people down first.

But before the head catcher could finish his sentence, let alone show his verbal trap and make Zhang Yan jump, Zhang Yan directly revealed his own protective weapon.

I, having cleared my crimes, am a good citizen, and I have documents to prove it!
It was such a simple message, but it blocked this headhunter who had a lot of scheming in his heart.

ignore?But the document was held high above the head, and people with better eyesight could even see the two scarlet stamps on the document and Zhou Cang's vigorous pen signature.If this is reckless, wouldn't it be directly against the Guard City Guard Mansion?Even to a big extent, it is to be dismissive of the effectiveness of the army's seal, let alone a headhunter, even Wu Yuan, the city governor of Langyuan City, can't bear it.

But if you ignore it, what should you say next?You can't take people back, can you?There were so many people present, if both eyes could see that Zhang Yan had nothing to do with Ma Shan's death on the ground, there would be no reason to take him, and the gossip was also beyond the reach of a small captor.

What's more, this matter can't be brought to the table at all.You can only come in secret, and you have to follow the normal rules in the open.

"Hey, poor man, isn't this worried about your misunderstanding? This pleading document has already been signed and approved by Mr. Zhou Cangzhou, the garrison guard of Langyuan City. Now it is because the Wang official of the yamen said that it will take two days before he is registered. , so I wear it close to my body, lest the poor man misunderstand and kill me as a escaped crime."

It's all said and done, and Zhang Yan doesn't mind stating what he means.It seems that a small and cautious person is trembling to find a security for himself, but in the eyes of people with ulterior motives in the field, there are two other words: cunning.

It's not easy!
Even Zhang Yan thoughtfully showed the apology document in his hand to a few curious diners who stretched their necks behind, and said grandly, "Let's pass it on, and let you guys see it as a surprise."

After the rest of the yamen servants finished asking about the situation and left the addresses and names of all the people present, the restaurant reopened, and Ma Shan's body on the ground was carried away with a door panel. Covered by a door curtain.

"Hey, I didn't expect a drink to bring such a disaster to Ma Shan. I feel guilty!" Zhang Yan stood behind Xiao Chongwen and the other three, his words were painful, but when the three of them heard the sound and looked back at him, they saw that there was no expression on his face. An undisguised smile.

For some reason, Xiao Chongwen and the others felt for the first time in their hearts that they didn't seem to know Zhang Yan in front of them, and felt that the other party had been replaced by another person for more than two years.

hiss!Thinking of the horrific face-changing incident that happened to Ma Shan before, the three of Xiao Chongwen didn't even dare to talk to Zhang Yan anymore, and followed the yamen servant carrying Ma Shan's body away as quickly as the wind was blowing under their feet.


Zhang Yan watched the crowd close together, and the smile on his face did not restrain himself.He gained a lot today.Not only got the word "Wu Shao", but also relied on good luck and adaptability to solve the opponent's first round of moves.

"It's really endless!" Zhang Yan sighed in his heart.Today, it seemed that he was going smoothly and he resolved the other party's methods invisible without encountering any difficulties, but in fact, if he made the slightest mistake in every link, the person who was lying on the door panel today and was covered with a cloth and carried away should be It's him.

"It's hard to deal with!" Zhang Yan knew very well that the main reason he won this game was "surprise".Who would have known that he came back from the dead with the means of Taoist Dragon and Tiger Mountain?That young master Wu's method has been leaking from him from the very beginning, so the victory and defeat will be decided early.

But it's hard to say later.

Even Zhang Yan was thinking that Young Master Wu was different from him, and there was a big umbrella covering his head.

Taking a last look at the direction Xiao Chongwen and the others left, Zhang Yan also raised his legs and walked in the same direction.It's not that I want to catch up and say something, I have said everything that should be said, and let the other party guess what should not be said. Anyway, at this time, the young master Wu should know that Zhang Yan is not as manipulative as before. .

It took half a stick of incense along the road, and the news of the murder in the restaurant could be heard along the road faster than Zhang Yan's footsteps, and even in a blink of an eye, it seemed that everyone along the road was muttering about it.

Look at the lively enthusiasm, even if the world is changed, it will not change in any way.

"Here we are." Zhang Yan stopped in front of the largest store on the street, and when he looked up, he could see the three characters "Yuan Pharmacy" on the signboard.

"Guest officer, do you want to buy proprietary medicines or medicinal materials? Our Yuan Pharmacy has everything you need, and you will never be disappointed."

"Fake stone roots, fire python skin, triangular flowers, and azure grass each contain twenty catties."

The smile on the store clerk's face hardly changed, and the names of these herbs reported by Zhang Yan were repeated very quickly and without missing a single one.However, I couldn't help but secretly said in my heart: scumbag business.

Because the dozen or so kinds of medicinal materials that Zhang Yan reported in one go are not enough to go to the Hualou to find a sister to play with, and they are all the cheapest ones.

Soon the medicinal materials were ready, Zhang Yan borrowed a cart from the pharmacy, and pushed it all the way back to his home in Zhuzui Lane.

(End of this chapter)

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