one's door

Chapter 69 Backer

Chapter 69 Backer
As soon as he entered the door, Zhang Yan saw the relieved expressions of his mother and younger sister in the room.

"Second brother, are you okay?!"

"What can I do?" Zhang Yan said with a smile while unloading things from the cart, and piled up all the medicinal materials in his small bedroom.

"It's been rumored outside that someone died at Changjia Restaurant, and it was killed by those bastards you beat up yesterday. My mother and I were scared to death! Second brother, don't hang out with Xiao Chongwen and the others. OK?"

"Yan'er, you are obedient, I really don't want to provoke those bastards."

"Zhang Er, you have to listen to your mother and younger sister this time. Xiao Chongwen and those four bastards are absolutely uneasy and kind. If we can't provoke them, we can always hide them, right? Don't be stupid!"

Even the eldest brother Zhang Shun also chimed in loudly in the back room, and his words were full of anxiety.

Zhang Yan listened to the nagging in his ear, smiling unabated. For the first time, he found that the feeling of being nervous and caring seemed to be pretty good. This was completely different from the strict father-like reticence of his master when he was still alive. extreme.

"Actually, the person who died was Ma Shan. That's right, it was the Ma Shan you know, who was stabbed to death twice by a group of green skins who rushed in when I was at the table with me."

"What? Ma Shan is dead?!" Both Zhang Huiyuan and Wang Lanping opened their mouths in surprise.They are not regretting a life, but a pure accident.It was like an annoying dog who was kicked to death by a passerby suddenly barking, it was very sudden.

Of course, dogs are cute, just as a metaphor.

"Good death! Good death for the dog!" Zhang Shun in the room was also making an analogy, but he accidentally insulted the dog.

"Yan'er, what's going on here? Don't those bastards also have contacts with Ma Shan and the others? How could they hand him a knife? That's right! Didn't you just beat someone yesterday? Will they come looking for him too?" You?!"

It took a lot of effort before Zhang Yan calmed down his mother.He could guess the mentality of the old mother, it was a kind of fear of losing her son and getting it back, coupled with the fact that she was old and in poor health, she couldn't stand the fright anymore.

On the contrary, the elder brother Zhang Shun would think more about it in his heart, and when Zhang Yan entered the room to help him get up and get out of bed, he asked Zhang Yan in a low voice: "Is it related to you?"


"Don't be sloppy with me! This little battle can't scare me. Ma Shan has a good reputation outside. Although he can't get on the stage, he is not something those green-skinned bastards dare to provoke. What's more, any hatred or resentment will come. To the extent that those bastards insist on taking his life? And it’s not too late to choose to be killed while drinking with you, it’s no wonder that it has nothing to do with you.”

Although Zhang Shun couldn't understand Ma Shan's death, he was sure that his second brother must have something to do with it.He didn't forget that his second brother said yesterday that he couldn't suffer so much in vain, and he must get it back.Isn't it?Ma Shan's life can be considered a bit of redemption, right?
Zhang Yan smiled and helped his eldest brother deal with the filth.Before Zhang Yan came back, the old mother and younger sister worked together to complete this matter. The embarrassment and continuous psychological blow to Zhang Shun were great.Changing to Zhang Yan now, this is too much for Zhang Shun to accept.

"Brother, why do you have such an idea?"

"Zhang Er, you have really changed a lot when you come back this time! It is said that there is a great fear between life and death. I never believed it before, but this time I saw you as if you were reborn. I believe it. But your elder brother also saw you before I was disabled On the other hand, what you said when you came back will not make it easier for the people who plot against our family behind the scenes, Ma Shan died today, there can't be such a coincidence."

Seeing that Zhang Yan was still silent, Zhang Shun sighed, patted the other party's shoulder, then relaxed his words, and said, "Forget it, you don't want to talk about your being in Yubei Mountain, but you can figure out that it must be It's extremely dangerous. It's impossible for you to give up this hatred. But Zhang Er, elder brother can warn you, you are now the pillar of the family, think before you do things, don't let the old lady worry about it."

"Don't worry, brother, I know."

"Well, it's good that you know. Hey." Zhang Shun sighed again.He also had to say these words, but with his crippled body, he really didn't know if he could make Zhang Yan, who had become very assertive now, listen to him.

Zhang Yan really didn't know how to explain to Zhang Shun, so in the end he could only keep silent and let time slowly answer everything.But there is one thing that he did not perfunctory Zhang Shun, that is, he has inherited everything from his predecessor at this time, and he attaches great importance to the few people in front of the Zhang family, and never thought of putting his family members in danger.That's why he took the initiative to confront the young master Wu who hadn't met yet, and drew all the attention to himself.This is the best way he can think of to protect his family so far.

Of course, it is not safe to rely solely on attracting the enemy's attention. If you are not afraid of [-], you are afraid of it, so you need some other means to protect it.It's just that Zhang Yan can no longer do it alone, and needs to find a backer, or to rely on.

Looking at the entire Langyuan City, it is actually only a choice to be used as the support of the Zhang family and also to be able to stand firm in the face of Young Master Wu and Wu Yuan on his head.It's the city guard, Zhou Cang.

In addition, choosing Zhou Cang also has a pre-existing convenience, that is, Zhang Yan exchanged some changes in the essence of the Bagua array for the introduction of favor from Yubei Shanlin Zedong.

The essence of human relationship is "reciprocity". If there are more times, there will be more friendship between each other, not just for benefits.Of course, most favors are still based on interests, or the proportion of interests is greater.

So Zhang Yan needs a bright enough "stepping stone", instead of continuing to rely on Lin Zedong's favor as his own logo.

"Second brother, what are these medicinal materials for?" Zhang Huiyuan was curious about so many medicinal materials that second brother brought back.I just patronized and talked about myself, and now I have the mind to explore.I wondered in my heart, could it be that magical old grandpa taught the second brother some tricks?

More than 200 kilograms of dried medicinal materials are piled up in a huge pile, almost filling Zhang Yan's small bedroom, and it took a lot of effort to push it back. If the cart is not big enough, it really can't be brought back all at once. .

"Refining medicine."

"Ah? Second brother, you know how to make medicine?!" Zhang Huiyuan thought to herself, "Sure enough", she couldn't hide her excitement.The second brother came back this time, as if an ordinary child in the family could do everything at once, which made people always look confused.

"Of course, in the past, it was just hiding things in the body and not showing them. Now that our family is in a precarious situation, we must have something that can be sold, right? It is a last resort."

"Then can I see it?"

"No! Besides, this matter must be kept secret. I didn't nod, so don't tell anyone except my family. Hurry up, come help me, and wash these medicinal materials for me first."

(End of this chapter)

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