one's door

Chapter 676

Chapter 676
Huangtianyu's reaction was beyond most people's expectations. At least in the Dahongtian Alliance, there has never been a precedent in which the world dared to be so tough.

Desolate Heaven Territory cut off all world trade items except talismans, food, and daily resources.It is equivalent to blocking the financial resources of various foreign companies in Huangtianyu.You must know that the profits of ordinary resources such as simple grains are not high. Tiandaomen can do it because of the compensation from the talisman business.No other world can get in at all.

Although there are not only Huangtianyu business outlets in the world, but it is always better than nothing, right?One more income, the accumulation will always bring more benefits to one's own world.Now that it is broken, who is willing?
So the uncomfortable thing is that these companies from all over the world who were originally profitable, but now they have been cut off.

In other newborn worlds, if they dared to do this, there would have been crowds of immortals coming to the door to "ask the situation".There is no need to bother Da Hongtian to uphold justice.But in the face of Huangtianyu, the world companies in the Dahongtian Alliance seem to be very disciplined.I'd rather run more errands by myself than directly trouble Huang Tianyu.

What's more, what Da Hongtian did behind this matter must be the beginning of the trouble.If you don't ask Da Hongtian to solve the problem, who can you go to?
At the same time, the worlds are indeed somewhat worried that Da Hongtian will use the same means to deal with them.Who knows what will happen next?This time, if they put pressure on Da Hongtian to give in together, the big guys will have a solution when this kind of thing happens to them in the future.So I still hope that Huang Tianyu can win this time.

It's just that Da Hongtian is not a vegetarian.In the two alliances, the power and influence also say that one is one.Even if it is rare for the worlds to unify their opinions this time, they dare not make an appointment to go to Haoxuemen to pay homage to the mountain, otherwise it will be considered a premeditated forced palace and it will be troublesome.So they all dispersed in a tacit agreement.The attitudes of each family are shown, but they are guarded.

But the only firm that went to Haoxuemen did not have Tiandaomen in Changming World.

This did not make the world's firms feel strange.After all, Changming World's business in Huangtianyu is mainly about talismans, and even the unique guys are making a lot of money now, unlike other worlds where their business has been suspended.It is also reasonable not to raise opinions.But they didn't know that in fact, Tiandaomen went to Haoxuemen one step earlier. They didn't see Xue E, but they were sent back by an elder in the gate with three words, and they didn't dare to talk too much.Therefore, Tiandaomen knows some inside information.Even if the business is restricted by Huang Tianyu this time, they will not join in the fun with other worlds.

Because the head of Tiandaomen knew that this time Dahongtian couldn't help himself.Don't say that everyone came to the door to express their attitude.Even if you really want to withdraw from the Dahongtian Alliance, it will not change the opponent's decision.

Sure enough, every major force in the world who went to Haoxuemen was quickly sent back.But after going back, he stopped talking and never mentioned it.It seemed that he had forgotten all the things related to the Huangtianyu in one fell swoop.

Just one or two.It's unusual to react like this.So when the first four or five families passed by and came back to react so strangely, and the remaining world forces are not fools, how could they still go to Haoxuemen?Instead, one by one went to the worlds that went and came back to inquire about news.If you don't ask clearly, you will definitely not go to Haoxuemen.

"Are they all here?"

"Yes, sect master. Elder Li from Yuhao Upper Realm personally accompanied Elder Wang from Yanshan Alliance and Fairy Lin from Qingshan Wonderland to drink tea."

The two who asked and answered were Xue E and Fang Shiwen.

If you want to talk about who is the most distressed besides those businesses that are blocked in a way to earn resources, then you must talk about Haoxuemen.

Things that were supposed to be perfect at first are now turned upside down.Not to mention sitting back and enjoying the benefits and continuing to reap the benefits, even the original market may not be stable.

Just yesterday, the people from Qingshan Wonderland finally arrived.Fifteen days have passed since receiving their jade sword.Originally, it was expected to arrive within ten days, but it seemed that the people from Qingshan Wonderland did not come all day long.Maybe it is because they believe that their jade sword is enough to calm the situation here?
In any case, in order to wait for the Fairy Lin of the Qingshan Wonderland, not only the Elder Li of the "Yuhao Great World Alliance" who arrived at Dahongtian first, did not go anywhere after arriving, even the Elder Wang of the Yanshan Alliance who arrived later Same thing.

That is, the three people Fang Shiwen mentioned just now.

Especially Fairy Lin.Although there are "fairies" everywhere in Xiujie, some of them are not even immortals, so they are called that.The respect of status is one aspect.On the other hand, there is actually a kind of compliment.So it is widely used.

But this Fairy Lin is different.Not only is he a genuine fairy, but he is also a fairyland fairy from the top power of the pastoral school in the void world!
Wonderland.Dahongtian is a watershed for the strong that all monks and immortals need to look up to.It is also the power that Xue E has been working hard for for nearly 10 years.

Why can Da Hongtian only establish a sphere of influence in a remote place in the void, act as the pioneer of the Pastoral Sect, and directly face to face with the Chaos Sect composed of lunatics?It's not because of lack of strength, you can only gain some territory by working hard, and then grow slowly.

The pain in this is only clear to me.

That's why Xue E is so concerned and cautious about the inheritance of the Great Desolate World.He hoped that he could rely on the inheritance and guidance of the Great Desolate World to cross the last barrier of the Earth Fairy Realm that had trapped him for so long and step into the Celestial Realm.

With Tianxian in charge, more and stronger worlds can be gathered into the alliance.Realize the leap of power.

Just like the thigh held by Dahongtian at present, the "Yuhao Great World Alliance" is a third-rate force with two angels sitting in charge.

Further up, such as the Yanshan Alliance.It is only with Jinxian sitting in the town that one party can dominate and dominate.

And there are not many top forces in the void world like Qingshan Wonderland in the pastoral school, only five.And the strong man who sits in charge of this top power is the title Da Luo above the Golden Immortal.

Xue E didn't understand the specific meaning of "Title Da Luo".It is also not clear what is the difference between ordinary golden immortals and big Luo golden immortals.But just from the rumors he heard, and the current attitude of the Yanshan Alliance in Hao Xuemen towards Qingshan Wonderland, he can understand that although there are only two words missing between the two names, the gap should be unimaginably huge.

The gap in strength brings invisible pressure.

Not fear, but powerlessness in the face of an unrivaled opponent.Also helpless.

Look at the arrival of the distinguished guests at this time.As a landlord, Xue E is not even qualified to stay.We have to wait for the people from the Yuhao Great World Alliance to contact Yanshan Alliance and Qingshan Wonderland first, and then recruit him if necessary.Xue E can't show up without calling.

In the words of Elder Li from the Yuhao Great World Alliance, it is to prevent Xue E from recklessly bumping into the distinguished guests.
(End of this chapter)

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