one's door

Chapter 677 Attitude

Chapter 677 Attitude
When Fang Shiwen arranged for the other party to stay in the palace, he saw the elder Wang from the Yanshan Alliance from a distance, and also saw the Fairy Lin from the Qingshan Wonderland who just arrived yesterday.

Being famous is worse than meeting each other. Fang Shiwen's original unwillingness and anger disappeared in an instant.In the end, there was only helplessness left.

There is no need to compete for the gap in strength, and you can feel the sense of distance between the two ends of the gap just by looking at it from a distance.Just the sense of stagnation that suddenly appeared in Dahongtiandi when Fairy Lin stepped into Dahongtian showed that even in a big world like Dahongtian, it was not easy to accommodate Fairy Lin.So obvious.

Although people like Lin Xianzi are in the same fairyland as Elder Wang of the Yanshan Alliance, the difference in strength is immediately apparent.At least when Elder Wang stepped into Dahongtian, the world of Dahongtian didn't show any discomfort.

Anyway, since Fang Shiwen practiced, this is the first time he has seen someone who gives him a character that even from a distance, he can't arouse the slightest desire to win.

The shock in my heart is not small.If it weren't for Fang Shiwen's dao heart to be quite tough, this kind of brutal crushing gap would be enough to leave a hidden danger in his dao heart.

"Master, they arrived yesterday, but they still haven't come out today. What do you think they are planning?" Fang Shiwen basically gave up his previous thoughts.The matter of Huang Tianyu has now escaped Da Hongtian's control, and whether to drain it away in one gulp or leave some soup for them to lick depends on the faces of the three parties who have not yet publicly shown up at this time.

"It's nothing more than discussing how to get benefits from Huang Tianyu." Xue E directly gave the answer in his heart without thinking.This question has been on his mind for a long time.There is a conclusion.

"Seize?" Fang Shiwen was sensitive to the words used by the sect master.A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.Most of the three parties he wants will focus on safety, and the method he adopted is nothing more than similar to Da Hongtian's previous strategy.Shouldn't there be a need for "seizing"?After all, Huang Tianyu is also a member of the pastoral school.Don't you care about your face?
"Well. At the beginning, we had no way to ensure that Immortal Zhang would not be caught, so we adopted a long-term method to obtain benefits. Now it is Changed to Qingshan Wonderland, do you think they have nothing to do with Immortal Zhang like us?

When you have a hammer in your hand and you are facing a nail, will you tap it lightly with your hand?Or hit it down with a hammer in your hand to make a final decision? "

"Did they really disregard the face of the pastoral faction?"

Xue E shook his head.Fang Shiwen is good at everything, but he likes to care about things like order.Sometimes it is a good thing, but sometimes it makes people fall into the corner of thinking and it is difficult to expand.

"If the Qingshan Fairyland takes action to destroy the Desolate Sky Territory, and then say it was caused by the Chaos faction's attack, and then launch a counterattack against the Chaos faction. Do you think anyone will believe it? Or will you stand up and clarify the truth? Or do you think How many people will believe the truth you said before the words of Qingshan Wonderland?" Xue E didn't explain, and directly asked Fang Shiwen to look at this matter from the perspective of Qingshan Wonderland.I believe Fang Shiwen can figure it out by himself.

Sure enough, Fang Shiwen's face quickly became more and more ugly from the initial suspicion and hesitation.He must have figured out what Xue E said.The discomfort caused by the collapse of some psychological views.

After a long time, Fang Shiwen suddenly raised his head and said: "If it is true what the sect master said, then how can Da Hongtian have any credibility this time? All the worlds around him are watching. If you want to plot against Huang Tianyu, that's all. , If you really want to draw blood and dismantle the bones to plunder the inheritance of the Great Desolate World, and even destroy the Desolate Heaven Territory once and for all, how will Da Hongtian rule the alliance in the future?"

What Fang Shiwen said is exactly the most embarrassing point for Da Hongtian now.

You say resist, you have no such ability.If you don't resist, you may not be able to attract people in the future.

In the final analysis, it is still too weak.The forces above did not even ask for opinions.Will you take someone to take care of their shit in the future?

However, after calming down these days, Xue E, who has calmed down, is not as confused as Fang Shiwen.Even though he did it in the beginning.Now that I understand it, there is no rush.

"It's still very early. Just like what you said when you reminded me before. Now it's not just the forces of Qingshan Wonderland that are staring at Huangtianyu. Other forces are also staring. It's just because it's not ours. It’s just because it hasn’t jumped in front of us. Otherwise, why don’t you think that Fairy Lin from Qingshan Fairyland didn’t immediately go to Huangtianyu to capture Zhang Yan when she arrived, and chose to stamp her feet at Haoxuemen instead?”

"Does the master mean that they are also discussing countermeasures?"

"It should be so. And not only to deal with the forces of the Pastoral Sect, but also the forces of the Chaos Sect this time. I asked you to strengthen the guards on the Huangtianyu side before, and you must always pay attention. Regardless of the final outcome of the Huangtianyu No matter what, people from Chaos faction cannot pick peaches. Do you understand?"

Fang Shiwen nodded heavily.Knowing about the Chaos faction is the bottom line.No matter how the Pastoral School fiddles with it, it is a matter for the family, and it must not be disturbed by outsiders.

"However, Sect Master, Huang Tianyu's attitude is very tough this time. He immediately stopped all business transactions except basic materials such as talismans and food. He made it clear that he had to wait for our response. How do you respond?" Fang Shiwen thought to himself. This thing is very frustrating.Powerless against the top, and useless power against the bottom.Where is the face?
Xue E hummed, and said after a long time: "There is no need to respond. There is no need to make any hints. Zhang Yan is a person with a delicate mind. The change of Da Hongtian's attitude towards Huang Tianyu before and now must have aroused his suspicion long ago. It is more appropriate for us now not to respond than to respond. He must have guessed what he was going to face."

"Is the master trying to remind Zhang Yan? Why?" Fang Shiwen felt strange.

A different look flashed across Xue E's cold face.He said with a bit of teasing tone: "Zhang Yan is responsible for the inheritance of the Great Desolate World. It has infinite possibilities. Just like the previous Void Tribulation, if you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you would believe that someone could be there Can they succeed in crossing the catastrophe under such circumstances? So give them a little more time to understand their situation, maybe there will be some changes."

variable?Desolate world?

Fang Shiwen was a little stunned after hearing Xue E's words.He didn't expect that Xue E would suddenly say such words that were clearly on the side of Huangtianyu and aimed at Qingshan Wonderland.Perhaps because of unwillingness and resentment in my heart?

"However, Sect Master, what Huang Tianyu is facing this time is the Celestial Immortal of Qingshan Wonderland. How else can he bring changes?"

(End of this chapter)

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