one's door

Chapter 684 Arrangement

Chapter 684 Arrangement
"Fairy Lin, what do you think?"

Xue E left in a hurry, probably because he had given up the idea of ​​waiting for reinforcements from the Yuhao Great World Alliance, and was going to arrange desperately.Others don't care about the life and death of the Dahongtian Alliance world, but he can't.

And the few people who stayed in the side hall didn't take what Xue E was busy with to do later in their hearts. They had another big game to play, and the life and death of the Dahongtian Alliance was indeed insignificant in their eyes.All deaths and injuries can be attributed to "necessary sacrifices".There is no such thing as psychological burden at all.

At this time, the Elder Wang of the Yanshan Alliance asked Fairy Lin who was sitting in the middle with some respect.

"Elder Wang should also have noticed something strange, right? Now all parties are accumulating strength, and they are all preparing to win with one move and don't want to procrastinate. We just took a little bit of an opportunity, and we can plan a little deeper. But we have never been sure To win, we can only step up the arrangement. Although the surrounding situation is getting more and more complicated, we are still ahead of the curve and have the greatest confidence.

However, I have to say that the snoops on the side reacted a bit too quickly.Especially the lunatics of the Chaos faction, this time the timing is just right.It's just a pity that they didn't know that the connection of the Huangtian Territory was actually the inheritance of the Great Desolate World.Otherwise, I wouldn't think that using the tricks of hitting east and west and turning the tiger away from the mountain is just trying to catch chestnuts from the fire.

Now we are all set.It happens to be able to mix and use the chaos faction this time, which can save a lot of trouble. "

Fairy Lin's tone was light and orderly. Although she arrived at Dahongtian at the latest, she was already making relevant preparations before departure.

Even after arriving at this other courtyard, it was not as "stationary" as Xue E thought. On the contrary, secret messages kept gathering from all directions, and at the same time, there were one line of instructions sent from here.

This Fairy Lin didn't come for a spin. As the main handler of the Qingshan Alliance's plan for the inheritance of the Great Desolate World, she was not just considering a single issue.

It's like playing chess.The purpose is to win and eat the opponent's general.But before the goal can be achieved, delicate and rigorous arrangements are required, and every step of the way can be seen and dismantled, and finally the dragon can be directly attacked.If you rush forward with a dull head, only staring at the goal and forgetting the surrounding eyes that are staring at you, the end can only be to see the fat around your mouth being snatched away by others.

So here, whether it's Fairy Lin, Elder Wang of the Yanshan Alliance, or even Elder Li of the Yuhao Great World Alliance, none of them is idle.It's just that their planning and actions are not in the knowledge of Da Hongtian and Xue E, so they appear so "silent".

"It's still a clever plan by the fairy. This time, I deliberately set aside time for the Chaos faction to react. It really has a miraculous effect. They are all in the calculation of the fairy now, and they will definitely be counted by the fairy in the future, and they will become a stepping stone for this time."

"Elder Wang is right. Fairy Lin has no plans left. We have already set up the Huangtian Territory as a chessboard, and we will count the number of pieces first. It depends on who else can compete with us!"

Although the two also meant flattering in their words, most of what they said was not exaggerated, but the truth.At least for now, there is also a reason for the decision of Fairy Lin from the Qingshan Fairyland Sect to handle Huang Tianyu's decision on the inheritance of the Great Desolate World with full authority.

This fairy is not only strong in strength.At the same time, it is also ridiculously strong for layout and planning.At least all the details that the two elders of Yuhao Great World Alliance and Yanshan Alliance could think of were taken into consideration by her.And a very simple arrangement intensified the Chaos faction, which was originally the biggest variable, in advance.Now it has become a card that can be used instead.

The ingenious planning and leveraging of strength, as well as the arrangement of seemingly real and illusory means, can be said to be breathtaking.

"That Master Xue seems to have resentment in his heart. Elder Li is sure there will be no problems with him?" Fairy Lin asked suddenly.

Elder Li from the Yuhao Great World Alliance was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and then smiled again on his face, saying: "Fairy, please don't worry. Although Xue E is upright, he also knows current affairs. There must be resentment." After all, their alliance has lost a lot this time. And their Dahongtian is the leader, and their prestige will be damaged in the future. However, he dare not act recklessly. Just give some compensation after the event and let it go down temporarily."

This is actually only half the story.

The Yuhao Great World Alliance does not lack a great Hongtian.If you are really disobedient, just change to someone who is obedient.I believe that many people in the world are willing to do this.It just takes some effort.

Otherwise, do you really think that an alliance can gather so many worlds under its command just by talking about it?The means of killing must also be used in a timely manner.

"Well, this is the best. Although Dahongtian is just a chessboard, it will still be troublesome if there are some constraints. I predict that the Chaos faction in Beiyuan World will not only have those forces. Once they don't see the Yuhao Great World Alliance The reinforcements will inevitably continue to reveal new powers. Maybe the immortals from the Heavenly Wonderland will show up there. At that time, Huang Tianyu's side will be the time to act.

If I'm wrong, those lunatics of the Chaos faction didn't rush forward.Then wait until the power of the formation node on Huangtianyu is withdrawn, and then send people in to test it first. "

"Okay, follow the fairy's orders!"

After answering loudly, Li and Wang also understood the interest, knowing that today's discussion is here for the time being.So he got up and said goodbye.Although they belong to the same line as Qingshan Wonderland this time, and the vassals are doing things later, they also understand the priority, and they don't know everything.

Just after Li and Wang left.The old man who had been standing behind Fairy Lin in the side hall with a very low sense of presence suddenly spoke.

"Are you really sure that you will take down that inheritor in one fell swoop? Your master and the elders all mean that you must be sure that nothing will go wrong before you can do it. But your current arrangement is too uncertain. You even I have never had contact with that inheritor."

"Old Yu, don't worry. I have seen the methods of the Great Desolate World with my own eyes many years ago. Since then, I have been delving into many of them. Especially the contents of the notes obtained after the destruction of the Vulcan Realm, I I have already glimpsed a transcendent method called "Hedao" in the prehistoric world. Although it is unknown, it is very similar to the method shown by the successor this time. That is why I asked the head of Xuemen those words just now The reason is to determine this.

As long as the inheritor takes the path of "harmony".Then he can't get around the Desolate Sky Territory.Watching Huang Tianyu can keep him firmly in check.Can't run away. "

(End of this chapter)

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