one's door

Chapter 685 Chessboard

Chapter 685 Chessboard
People always believe in the conclusions they come to, even if they have never been verified.

What's more, although all things in the world have definite numbers, it does not rule out that there are changes in the definite numbers, which are abnormal numbers.When something encounters an abnormal number that does not follow common sense, no one knows what will happen in the end.

Today's Dahongtian has quickly become a chessboard, just like the fairy Lin from Qingshan Wonderland said.And all the worlds and powers in Dahongtian, including Hao Xuemen, who has always been invincible here, are also the same. They are not even qualified to be a chess piece on this chessboard, let alone participate in the direction of the chess game.

The top forces in the pastoral faction are fighting for first-hand access to the inheritance of the Great Desolate World.Because it is inevitable that this thing cannot be advertised widely, and only those who get it first have the right to distribute it a second time.Give more to whom, give less to whom, how much to keep for yourself, all have the final say.The benefits obtained are also likely to be directly transformed into strength, so as to use this as an opportunity to stand out from the original balance, and the new pastoral order may also be recast.

So in the final analysis, what the top-level strengths such as Qingshan Wonderland are planning is actually the same as that of Dahong Tianhao Xuemen.What they want is to practice inheritance in the Great Desolate World, and then learn from and improve their own strength.

Perhaps in the eyes of those big Luo Jinxians, it's not just the word "strength", but they are more curious about where the Great Desolate World has gone?

The unknown, though often accompanied by disaster.But it could also be opportunity.It depends on how you treat it and how to distinguish it.

As for Chaos faction.It's not stupid, but it's the loss of poor news.Although they also sensed the strange power of the Heavenly Tribulation in Huang Tianyu.But there is no way to quickly check and find out the inside story like the pastoral faction.You can only wait and see, and then try.

When the people of the Chaos faction discovered that there were so many powerful people gathered around Huangtianyu, they would naturally understand that the new world in Huangtianyu, which had already fought with them, was definitely more important than they thought before.

A very simple reason is that what the enemy values ​​is what needs to be robbed or destroyed.

It's just that the Chaos faction doesn't have the ability to prepare for a war with the Pastoral faction in a short time, they need to plan.For example, attacking east and west, to see if it is possible to transfer those strong men of the pastoral faction away from the surrounding area of ​​Huangtianyu, and then make a surprise attack by themselves.

Or directly create a new battlefield, which will quickly increase the intensity of the battlefield, so that the pastoral faction has to be distracted.It is beneficial for the Chaos faction to confuse the situation and destroy the ultimate goal of the Pastoral faction.

certainly.If the Chaos faction could know that what was hidden in the desolate world was the inheritance method of the Great Desolate World, with their style, maybe they would really show that there was a big battle between the chariots and horses and the pastoral group.Just like the war in the Vulcan Realm back then.

Unfortunately, for the Chaos faction, one wrong step, one wrong step.Their plan was wrong from the start.

Let alone a mere Beiyuan world.Even if the Dahongtian Alliance is smashed, this time the pastoral faction will not have any possibility of distraction.

The change in the situation officially began after Xue E personally led the last few elders of Haoxuemen and all the remaining elite disciples to the Beiyuan world defense line.

Da Hongtian made it clear that he would do his best to protect Beiyuan World, a member of his own alliance.Xue E went out in person, and all the main forces in Lian Hao Xuemen's team were exhausted.

No matter what the final result of this posture is, it is on the bright side, and there is really nothing to criticize.Da Hongtian is also worthy of being the leader of the leading alliance, and he is not afraid to go forward because of the fierce enemy.

But what about the back?Da Hongtian is so desperate, what about the upper alliance?What about the reinforcements from the Yuhao Great World Alliance?

Xue E didn't hide anything, anyone who asked would just say one thing: without reinforcements, they won't come for the time being.

Be it anger or worry.The Dahongtian Alliance all turned around at once.Even Changming World, who was busy doing business, put down most of the lucrative talisman transactions, and followed Da Hongtian's summoning order to go all out to Beiyuan World to provide reinforcements.

The only place that maintains the same "nothing to do with yourself" is the new world in Dahongtian, which is new to the alliance, but it seems so special and weird time and time again: Huangtianyu.

The turbulent undercurrent outside the domain cannot directly affect the Huangtian domain at all.Even so far, Huangtianyu has not had a world store of its own that has gone out of the territory to do business with other worlds.

All the news in the Huangtian Territory comes from foreign companies.Since the suspension of all commercial projects except for the business of talisman, the only channel for outside news that Huang Tianyu can obtain is Changming World.

Moreover, Changming World has also reduced its business dealings by [-]% recently.Fewer and fewer messages are obtained.

"Master. According to what Bu Zhongxun said, the Dahongtian Alliance is now in a sudden war, and the situation is stalemate. Not only is most of the power in the Changming world conscripted to the battlefield, but also the worlds in other alliances. It is also said that even Xue E, the head of Dahong Tianhao Xuemen, went to the front line of the war in person.

In addition, because of this reason, the guards in the three large formation nodes outside our domain have also undergone major adjustments.It is more than [-]% less than the previous manpower.The two immortals also left.Now there are only a few cultivators from the Tongxuan Realm sitting in the nodes. "

Zeng Youren reported the recent changes to Zhang Yan.At the same time, before coming, he also told the news to Liu Rui and the other three hall masters.

Since Zhang Yan stepped into the fairyland, he has not passed the test in a serious way.The magic circle restriction on the upper half of the cliff mountain has not been opened for a long time.If you have any important matters in daily life, you can go straight to Dengyun Temple on the top of the mountain to find him immediately.

Hearing Zeng Youren's report, the corners of Zhang Yan's mouth rose, and he said, "Even most of the garrisons at the nodes of the magic circle have been taken away?"

"Yes door master."

"Hehe, it seems that the time is coming." After saying something that Zeng Youren couldn't understand, Zhang Yan continued: "How are the food and other supplies gathered?"

Zeng Youren didn't think about the inexplicable sentence "The time is coming" just now from the head of the sect, but when he heard the conversation, he quickly replied: "Master, because you indicated that you can use other materials to replace part of the food, so Bu Zhongxun said The side is much faster, and the recent material exchanges have been successfully completed.

At present, according to the responses of various countries, in terms of food alone, the famine in various places has basically been stabilized.It only takes another half a year. After the new grain comes out, the situation in various places will be greatly improved.

In addition, this time I also received a lot of high-yielding crops from outside the region. After trying a few kinds, some of them can really survive in our barren land. Now they are growing well. If there are no accidents, there will be a good harvest, and the planting range can be expanded in the future. .With more food, the population can slowly recover.

Even the materials for refining tools and alchemy are now getting a lot of income. "

"Very good. After that, the talismans will only be replaced with spirit stones. Get out all the talismans we have hoarded as soon as possible. The talismans in the mountains will be used as reserves in the future, and the previous state will be restored."

"Sect Master? Are you saying that you are going to stop the talisman business after you sell the inventory in your hand?"

"Hehe, what's the matter? Are you reluctant?" Zhang Yan patted Zeng Youren's shoulder with a smile.He knew in his heart that there was not much time left for Huang Tianyu to make final preparations.

(End of this chapter)

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