one's door

Chapter 707 Chaos

Chapter 707 Chaos
Li Dianchuan never thought that one day he would fall into such a desperate situation.

In order to escape from the siege of his enemies, he had to take the risk of breaking into the forbidden area of ​​the void, wanting to fight to see if the celestial weapon he had obtained by accident could allow him to pass through the forbidden area of ​​the void and escape from birth.

But the idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

Just halfway through the journey, and even walking by the side, the protective fairy weapon in his hand couldn't hold it anymore.The violent void power in this Jedi is far from what he expected before breaking into it, but it will gradually become stronger as it goes deeper.In the end, Li Dianchuan had no way of turning back when the fairy weapon could no longer be carried.We can only find Zhoushan, which is often seen in the legend and similar to Jedi, and find a mountain where the violent forces are not so rampant.

Although the direct damage to the Immortal Body Protector was temporarily prevented, the cracks on it were still difficult to recover and were still gradually expanding.

Li Dianchuan knew that once the cracks on the protective fairy weapon expanded to affect the overall structure of the fairy weapon, the fairy weapon would collapse directly, and he would also lose the protection of the fairy weapon, and then he would be killed in just a few breaths. The tyrannical power of the surrounding void shattered the primordial spirit and body, and quickly died.

To say choice.Li Dianchuan only has two right now.One is to stay in place and wait for death slowly.The second is to run to the edge of the storm immediately, and die after a while.

It's all death, no matter how unwilling Li Dianchuan is, he has no ability to change.Thinking that a strong man in the middle of the fairyland would die so bleakly one day.Like a dog, curled up powerless to resist.In the end, I'm afraid I can only die here like this.

In addition, there is a deep resentment.I was careless for a while, and actually fell into the enemy's way.Now if he died here for no apparent reason, it would be difficult for anyone to avenge his hatred.

But under such desperate circumstances, Li Dianchuan didn't just give up trying to survive.Desperately maintaining the time when the immortal artifact on his body was damaged is one, and the other is that he is still using the shock of his soul to send out a distress signal, hoping that the only life among hundreds of millions can take pity on him.

"It can last up to three days." Without hope, Li Dianchuan became a little hideous.But at this moment, an obvious wave of big teleportation appeared not far away, igniting the suppressed vitality in his heart at once.

"Senior, save me!"

Li Dianchuan never thought that one day he would make such a cry for help so loud and full of emotion.It is said that the drowning person grabbed the wooden plank, he felt that he looked like this now, and his expression should be ugly.

It was Li Dianchuan's "senior" that brought a little change to the ending that should have entered the wolf's lair instead of the tiger's mouth.

"Senior?" Zhang Yan, who moved over and made up his mind to kill for his soul, was stunned by this sentence.

This is not what Li Dianchuan yelled out in a hurry.Instead, he had already predicted it in his heart, even if it was just an illusion to him before.And now it has become a reality.

"Senior! This junior is Li Dianchuan, a disciple of the Red Lotus True Immortal in Mingyue Valley! Trapped here, please save my life! This junior will definitely repay my thanks!" Li Dianchuan quickly revealed his identity, as long as the other party betrayed me Mingyuegu or his master's face, then he can hope to get out of trouble today!
In Li Dianchuan's view, to be able to resist the erosion of the violent force in the void with only his body in such a stormy place without the blessing of any immortal weapon, that cultivation base is definitely beyond the ranks of earth immortals and heavenly immortals, and directly entered the ranks of golden immortals .This is common sense.Even if the opponent seems to have only the breath of the late stage of the fairyland.But that must be just a cover-up method, not seeing the truth is just because of his low cultivation.

Otherwise, do you really think that mere earth immortals can watch their bodies cross the shining storm?
Therefore, in Li Dianchuan's eyes, Zhang Yan, who suddenly appeared while driving a talisman soldier, was undoubtedly a big brother of the Golden Immortal.

In addition, the reason why Li Dianchuan regarded Zhang Yan in Fu Bing's state as "one of his own" without even thinking about it was not because of his carelessness, but because of the natural death energy in Fu Bing and the obvious chaos of vitality. It doesn't look like those of the Pastoral School.It's like those extreme lone immortals in the Chaos School.

Since they are both Jinxians, Li Dianchuan felt that the name of his master should be known to the other party.In addition, the master has a wide range of friends, so it is very likely that the other party will accept this favor.

Little did he know that Zhang Yan at this time was stunned by the other party's self-talk.

Originally, Zhang Yan came to kill people, and took away the remnant soul as a source of information.But now the other party seems to regard him as a strong Chaos faction?
After thinking about it, Zhang Yan understood why the other party had such a misunderstanding.After all, he is standing in such a calm and unprepared manner in the dazzling storm, which is really quite bluffing.

But it's not enough to change Zhang Yan's original plan.It's not that he doesn't like people from the Chaos faction, so he doesn't want to save them, but he simply feels that after saving the other party, he will lose a source of information about the Chaos faction, and he feels that he is at a loss.

"Senior, don't worry, this junior is definitely not a forgetful and ungrateful person! This junior is willing to swear a poisonous oath. If senior saves this junior, he will give you three, no, four worlds to share with senior!"

Four worlds?share?
It sounded a little cloudy at first, but combined with the identity of the other party, Zhang Yan immediately understood that the other party was offering a price for his own life.Don't the monks of the Chaos faction like to smash up one world and then drain the resources and power of the world?In their eyes, the world is just a piece of fat, and it is also a roadblock to realize their practice philosophy, an existence that needs to be eliminated and devoured.

Therefore, the hard-working money that the other party gave him was the most direct and hardest currency: the right to enjoy the world.

One can imagine how difficult it is for one world to survive within the sphere of influence of the Chaos faction after the evolution is complete.It's like a mouse in a cat's nest.

On the other hand, for the monks and immortals of the Chaos faction, if they want to win a world, or participate in the hunting of a world, it depends on luck and power.

Now Li Dianchuan directly throws out invitations from the four worlds, and is willing to swear a poisonous oath for this, thinking that this should impress Zhang Yan to save him.

Seeing that Zhang Yan was silent, Li Dianchuan was still a little nervous.Although his master's status is not low and he loves him a lot, the share of the four worlds is already the limit he can give.If the other party refuses to tell the truth again, he will be a little panicked.

"I, Li Dianchuan! I make an oath here. If anyone rescues me from this predicament, I am willing to share it with him in the four directions! If I violate this oath, I will die!"

There was no other way, Li Dianchuan could only swear the poisonous oath first.And honestly put this oath into his soul consciousness to actively generate obsession.All actions are under Zhang Yan's watchful eyes.Full of sincerity.

(End of this chapter)

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