one's door

Chapter 708 Feldstone

Chapter 708 Feldstone
Zhang Yan found that the other party seemed to be really lucky, and his words could always hit what he wanted.

Why did Zhang Yan come to take risks in the shining storm?It's not for the purpose of being able to gather the primordial purple energy as much as possible to increase its strength.In the same way, Zhang Yan also had to carefully calculate the gains and losses for the "life money" proposed by the earth immortal who claimed to be Li Dianchuan.

The other party lied?That's not the case.

Zhang Yan witnessed the other party's poisonous oath with his own eyes, and the formation of obsession engraved into the soul and consciousness.This cannot be faked, and it is also the most direct guarantee for an immortal to block all his escape routes.

If this kind of poisonous oath that took the initiative to form an obsession is not safe, then to be honest, Zhang Yan doesn't know what else is a credible promise.After all, black and white letters can break a contract, but obsession can't.There are only two options for obsession: unlocking and not unlocking.

If you want to untie the obsession, you must complete the obsession.There is no other way.This is also the reason why monks and immortals try to avoid forming obsessions as much as possible.Because once it can't be untied, it will definitely affect the practice, and even become a reminder for oneself in doom.

Also, the promise of four worlds doesn't sound like bragging rights.Because Li Dianchuan mentioned Mingyue Valley and Red Lotus Immortal.

Zhang Yan also found out the name of Mingyue Valley from the memories of the two talisman soldiers. They are well-known powerful forces in the Chaos Sect, and can be compared with the five major forces in the Pastoral Sect, including Qingshan Wonderland.As for the "Red Lotus True Immortal" mentioned by Li Dianchuan, Zhang Yan, who is holy, does not know, but he knows what kind of cultivation level can be called a "True Immortal".

True Immortal should be called Youdao True Immortal in full.This is a kind of respectful title for Jinxian.Not only the Chaos School is like this, but the Pastoral School also calls the Golden Immortal a "true immortal" on many occasions.

Even if a Golden Immortal is placed among the top powers in the Void World, he is absolutely strong, and the right to speak is naturally not low.If this Li Dianchuan is really a disciple of the Golden Immortal, the promise of participation from the Sifang World will really not be false.

This undoubtedly opened up a new situation for Zhang Yan that troubled him.Another good opportunity to break the game.Even this opportunity is much more cost-effective than the flare storm exploration he is currently doing.

"Leave a pair of jade swords, keep your promise, and I will save your life."

Zhang Yan didn't think about it for too long. For him, Li Dianchuan's proposal was not difficult to accept, and it even hit his heart.Compared with getting a piece of information about the Chaos faction by killing people, it is more interesting to have the opportunity to build a message channel similar to the original alliance with Da Hongtian.

"Thank you for your kindness, senior!"

Li Dianchuan was ecstatic, and while thanking him, he took out a jade sword from the storage celestial device, and brought it to Zhang Yan with the mana in a regular manner.Even though this move had greatly affected his focus on confining the cracks in the protective magic weapon, and the expansion speed of the cracks accelerated, Li Dianchuan was still sweating hard while showing a sincere smile.

Compared with the disciples of the top forces of the Pastoral Sect, the disciples of the top forces of the Chaos Sect seem to be more flexible.

Zhang Yan took the jade sword sent by the other party.The appearance looks similar to the common jade sword of the Pastoral School, and there is also a special coat of arms as a logo on it. Although Zhang Yan doesn't recognize it, he can guess that it must be the coat of arms of Mingyue Valley.

"Well, what's the senior's name?"

"My name is Changshi." Zhang Yan didn't need to control his expression at all. Fu Bing's body was basically just a crude container to his current mastery.Subtle changes in expression need to be deliberately controlled, as long as you don't deliberately control him, he is now a cold-faced person, coupled with the dead air on his body and the weird posture of this situation, that golden fairy boss who walks alone and has a weird personality Doesn't his appearance come alive?

Although Zhang Yan's Cannian who was inside the Fu Bing had long since smiled.He was even in the mood to make a joke with the other party, taking half of his own name as his pseudonym.

"Senior Changshi, junior, this junior won't last long. If you can, senior, can you save me now?" Li Dianchuan really couldn't wait.He was even worried that the strange golden fairy in front of him was a little uneasy.It is not uncommon to repent, or even enjoy watching him die.After all, there are real lunatics in the Chaos faction.And often those real lunatics are terrifying in strength.

Therefore, it is best for Li Dianchuan to avoid long nights and dreams.

Since Zhang Yan even took away the other party's jade sword, he naturally wouldn't procrastinate any longer, besides, he had to return to Huangtianyu as soon as possible after the accident here was dealt with.

So without saying a word, Zhang Yan directly manipulated his icy temperament like a living dead person to death.

One moved to Li Dianchuan's side, and after thinking for a while, he stretched out his right index finger, and then seemingly casually tapped lightly on the energy barrier of the protective fairy weapon that hovered in front of Li Dianchuan but could collapse and dissipate at any time.

A layer of scarlet void energy burst out from Zhang Yan's fingertips, completely covering the precarious fluorescent barrier.At the same time, it is isolated from the erosion of the void outside, and the body protection fairy becomes stable in an instant, and it is no longer as likely to disappear at any time as before.

Li Dianchuan was stunned by this scene. He thought that the mysterious golden fairy in front of him would take him to leave this desperate land, and at the same time use means to protect his safety.But he never thought that the other party's simple finger would stabilize his fairy weapon that was on the verge of collapse.And the reason for its stability is that there is an extra layer of scarlet energy on its surface?
This is how the same thing? !
Even Li Dianchuan has seen many battles.But the scene in front of him still made him puzzled for a while.I just feel surprised, and at the same time feel that the scarlet energy that stabilizes the fairy weapon seems to have a taste of void.

How surprised Zhang Yan didn't care what Li Dianchuan was thinking about.He was even happy to see this result.If you want to stand, then stand there completely.At present, it seems that the scarlet energy is not predicted even in the world-inherited information like Huang Tianyu.Zhang Yan is not afraid of being figured out by someone.

"This breath can keep you out of this dangerous place."

"Thank you, senior!" Li Dianchuan was pleasantly surprised but also quite apprehensive.After all, it takes a long time to go out this way, even if you move it, you don’t dare to use it for a long distance. Can this thin layer last for so long?But right now he didn't dare to raise objections or doubts, otherwise, wouldn't it be worse if he offended the mysterious golden fairy in his eyes?
"What? You still want me to escort you away?" Zhang Yan didn't need to guess what the other party was worried about.But he will definitely not go to the other party.So he deliberately lowered his voice a little, as if he was dissatisfied with Li Dianchuan's ignorance of flattery.

This effect is very good, Li Dianchuan quickly shook his head and said "I dare not".After saluting to Zhang Yan, he gritted his teeth and moved away towards the endless black void.I guess I don't want to waste any time, and leave this dazzling storm earlier with peace of mind.

PS: The remaining chapter will be updated in the afternoon, and I will go to physical therapy in the morning.I hand over to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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