one's door

Chapter 71

Chapter 71
It was almost time for dinner when we arrived at the gate of the city guard's mansion.At this time, there were quite a few people who left the city, and they were farmers who were busy collecting their stalls and returning home. These people lived outside the city, went to the city every day to do business, and came out in the evening.

What should I do if I miss the time?will be locked up in the city.Langyuan City has a special geographical location. Although there has been no war for many years, the city gates will still be closed from Xuzheng, and the streets will be cleaned at Haizheng.

After the door is closed, no one will open the door unless there is an urgent order from the army. If you dare to break in, wait for the feather arrow to shoot you into a hedgehog.

After cleaning the streets, except for night patrol soldiers, night duty government servants, watchmen and other people with special status, they are not allowed to go out on the streets, and they will be flogged if they are caught.Therefore, even if it is a street full of flower buildings, no one walks on the street after Haizheng.Either leave early, or stay overnight without leaving.

So Zhang Yan was in a hurry at this time.

The guards at the gate didn't give Zhang Yan a good look, and the mere grassroots people just want to see Mr. Zhou?Isn't there something wrong with this brain?But when Zhang Yan reported his name as the Zhang family in Zhuzui Lane, and said that Mr. Zhou had visited his house in person last time, the guards had to deal with it carefully, and he didn't dare to drive Zhang Yan away at will.

"Just wait a minute." Although his attitude changed, Zhang Yan was still not allowed to enter the military village area.

Zhang Yan understood the rules, anyway, he also stayed on Yubei Mountain for more than two years, standing outside and waiting obediently.Not long after, the soldier who went back to report came back, along with a warrior dressed as an adjutant.

"You are Zhang Yan?"

"Yes, this is the innocence document of the grassroots, and I believe it."

"Huh? Where's your household registration plate?" The adjutant frowned slightly, and asked again when he took over the paperwork for inspection.Because generally speaking, it is the household registration documents and signs issued by the local government offices, rather than the clean-offence documents, that prove one's identity. The effectiveness and application of the two are different.Of course, in the current situation, it is also possible to temporarily replace the household registration plate with a cleansing document, and it will not work after a long time.

Zhang Yan replied with a smile: "The official in charge of registration in the yamen said that my situation is special, and I can't return to Langyuan City immediately. There are many procedures to go through, and it will be done in the day after tomorrow at the earliest. So I haven't received the household registration card for the time being, so I can only use this document to make ends meet. It makes this military man laugh."

The adjutant squinted his eyes, nodded, checked the documents and returned them to Zhang Yan, then led Zhang Yan through the gate of the military village and walked in.

The military stronghold guarded by Langyuan City is not that big, perhaps even less than [-]% of the size of Yubei Mountain.But in terms of the size of the garrison alone, it is not small.After all, guards are not soldiers guards everywhere, and the two are not comparable.

As Zhang Yan expected, the so-called "City Guard Mansion" is actually just a slightly larger stone house. In this regard, the guards of Langyuan City are similar to those on Yubei Mountain, and they should all follow the military practice.

The adjutant knocked on the door, and after the response from inside, he opened the door and took Zhang Yan in.

"Caomin Zhang Yan pays homage to your lord! Thank you for your careful care of Caomin's home, Caomin is deeply moved!"

"Hehe, you are Zhang Yan? You are a good-looking talent! Alright, let's get up and talk."

Only then did Zhang Yan stand up and stand by the side with his hands tied.The Zhou Cang in front of him was not unfamiliar to him, and even kind of friendly.It's not that Zhou Cang's appearance is familiar to Zhang Yan, but Zhou Cang's temperament and momentum.It is very similar to Lin Zedong, both have the same tough temperament, but they are a little more restrained.The style of his beard is not that of a military general, but a literati look, which is very similar to Song Qinghe, the general in charge of Yubei Mountain.

"Is the family okay?"

"Thank you for your concern, my family is fine. This time, Caomin came here to thank you."

"Hahaha, you don't need to thank me. Lin Zedong entrusted me with your business. If I want to thank him, I will go to him and not do your business. From now on, I will live my life according to my duty. I think you should be able to live a good life with your ability. It’s booming.”

"Your Excellency has praised the grass-roots people. How can the grass-roots people have any abilities? Just eat it for a living. By the way, this is a pill made by the grass-people. It can strengthen the muscles and bones. The higher the martial artist's cultivation base, the better the effect after taking it. There are only two pills. Please, sir." Don't be disgusted." As he said, Zhang Yan handed over the two packed bone strengthening pills, and the adjutant who was waiting at the side handed them over.

"Pills?" Zhou Cang frowned, took the porcelain bottle from the adjutant's hand, looked at it for a while, but didn't open the bottle immediately, but looked at Zhang Yan with a smile, and asked, "Lin Zedong said you know some medicines." Very ingenious means, the "Kongming Lantern" and "Bagua Formation" mentioned in the military newspaper are all from your hand? Does this pill also have a similar statement?"

Zhou Cang is very interested in Zhang Yan.After all, there are too few people of miscellaneous studies, and their whereabouts are secretive, and they always like to hide.And the inkstone in front of him probably wouldn't have revealed his miscellaneous skills if he hadn't been forced into a desperate situation.With such a rare opportunity, Zhou Cang also hopes that he can benefit from Zhang Yan like Lin Zedong.Now the military newspaper is full of praise for the Kongming lantern and the gossip array. It is impossible to say that you are not envious, that is a real military achievement!Isn't the most difficult thing in the army is military merit?
"It's just some small tricks, and it's not worth mentioning in front of adults. This elixir is called "Bone Strengthening Pill". It is different from the Kongming Lantern and the Eight Diagrams Formation. It is more complicated. It is also used to repay the adults for their long-term care of the Zhang family." Zhang Yan also didn't go into detail about the efficacy of the bone strengthening pill, it's not necessary, it's actually more appropriate to leave it to Zhou Cang to experience it himself.

"Hehe, another little trick? It's more difficult than Kongming Lantern and Eight Diagrams Array? That's something you need to worry about." Zhou Cang accepted the porcelain bottle without refusing.

Then Zhang Yan had a brief chat with Zhou Cang, and then took the initiative to take his leave and left.This is the first time we meet, just hand over the bone strengthening pill, and it's not enough to chat, so as not to leave a bad impression of "not knowing how to advance or retreat" to the other party.In the future, when Zhou Cang realizes the benefits of Bone Strengthening Pill, he will naturally have better opportunities to communicate.

As soon as Zhang Yan left here, he hurried back before the city gate closed.In the city guard mansion, Zhou Cang picked up the black porcelain bottle on the table and opened it, poured out the two pills inside and looked at it carefully.

"Huh? This is Dan? It's a little different."

The moment Zhou Cang poured out the elixir, he smelled a strange fragrance, not very strong, but he could smell it when he got close, and it made him feel very comfortable.In addition, Dan's surface is very smooth, which is completely different from the pills he has seen. If you look closely, you can even see subtle streamers flashing on it.

This is by no means simple stuff.

After looking at it for a while, Zhou Cang looked at the adjutant in the room and asked, "What do you think of Zhang Yan?"

(End of this chapter)

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