one's door

Chapter 72 Reagents

Chapter 72 Reagents
Zhou Cang glanced at the adjutant standing beside him, wanting to hear his opinion first.After that, he continued to look down at the two pills in his palm.This thing was still warm.

The adjutant is from Zhou Cang's clan, and he has been with him since he joined the army. He belongs to his confidant, and basically he doesn't need to shy away from him about anything.

"My lord, Zhang Yan is not like an ordinary commoner. No matter how he speaks, behaves or thinks like him. The city is not shallow, and he seems to be very good at dealing with people. In addition, he should come here this time to get on the line with you. came seeking asylum."

"Asylum? How many dandies are there?"

"It should be more than that."

"Huh? Did you know something?" Zhou Cang sensed something unusual from his adjutant's words, raised his head again, and waited for the other party's answer.

"My lord, before Zhang Yan came in, I checked Zhang Yan's identity to see if there was anyone impersonating him. But he used the innocence document that was signed by you yesterday as his identity certificate instead of the household registration plate. He also said that the officials in charge of the local yamen said that they would not be able to go through the formalities for him until the day after tomorrow at the earliest.

According to the rules of the local government, people like Zhang Yan who returned to their original place after clearing their crimes are indeed more troublesome than the general relocation procedures, but it will definitely not take several days to smooth them out.It's not like Zhang Yan had a similar situation before, and the registration was completed on the same day.Therefore, the subordinates thought that Zhang Yan was in serious trouble, and it might be related to his previous crime. "

The smile on Zhou Cang's face brought a bit of coldness when he heard this.He had learned from Lin Zedong's letter before that there might be something strange about the case of Zhang Yan being exiled to the army.Because would a person who is dignified and miscellaneous learn inexplicably to set fire to a person who has nothing to do with him?What's more, you still do this kind of thing in one of your own shops?It doesn't make sense at all.

Can you take care of it?For Zhou Cang, it was far from that.So he didn't get to know it in depth, thinking that after meeting Zhang Yan himself, he would see if he needed to be kind to find a good relationship.

Now the adjutant's words almost awakened the case on Zhang Yan's back.There must be something strange in it, and most of it has something to do with someone in the local yamen of Langyuan City.

Originally, if you think about this matter in the direction of "Zhang Yan was wronged", it is actually not difficult to find some clues from it.

Who has the ability to hide the truth?

Who has the ability to convict someone innocent?
Now there is another one who refuses to be registered and chooses to delay.All circumstances point to the local yamen of Langyuan City.And it should be someone with a high status inside.

Zhou Cang nodded, and said: "You are right. Zhang Yan is indeed different from ordinary people in the market. But he is a person of miscellaneous studies, and it is normal to be different. Otherwise, is it a fake?

But in your opinion, is it necessary for us to protect what he asked for? "

The adjutant thought for a moment, and replied: "Your Excellency is the No. 1 military position in Langyuan City. Is there anything on the ground here that you can't protect? The subordinates don't think so. As for whether to take action, it's up to you personally." Make up your mind, subordinates dare not speak falsely."

Zhou Cang didn't think it was disobedient, and looked down at the two pills in his palm again.

As his adjutant said, as long as he did not commit a major crime against the law, Zhou Cang never thought that he could not protect anyone in Langyuan City.Even if he faced Wu Yuan, the highest position in the local yamen, he would not lie.After all, the army and the locality are two lines, each of them manages a share, but they also check and balance each other. They can give each other face, of course, they can also choose not to give it.

To put it bluntly, asylum or not asylum depends on whether it is cost-effective.In other words, is Zhang Yan's value to Zhou Cang worth it for him to compete with a certain important person in the local yamen?

"Find someone to try this bone-strengthening pill and see how it works." Zhou Cang took a bone-strengthening pill and threw it to the adjutant next to him, and at the same time ordered him to find someone to test the medicine.

"Hey, if my lord allows it, I would like to be the person who tried the medicine." The adjutant bowed to ask for orders after receiving the elixir, and he had already planned in this regard.

Zhou Cang was taken aback for a moment, and said with a smile: "Aren't you afraid that this food will ruin your stomach?"

"Subordinates are not afraid. That Zhang Yan is a person of miscellaneous studies, and his methods are unpredictable. It is normal that he has never seen it before. But since he dared to bring two, it is obvious that he will save a rich one for you to test medicine, sir. It can be seen that he is full of confidence. Hehe, my lord will let my subordinates follow me this time. Although my subordinates are in the middle of the Yuan Kaijing stage, although their cultivation base is not high, they can barely serve as a reference for your lord. Please give me your permission. "As he said, he bowed to the end.

Zhou Cang waved his hand with a smile and said, "All right, if you are willing to take the risk, then give it a try."

"Thank you sir!"

The adjutant didn't delay, since he was allowed to take a bone-strengthening pill first, he took it immediately and sat on the chair next to him.Close your eyes and feel the changes in your body.

Zhou Cang also stood up from his seat and walked to his adjutant.Although he didn't think Zhang Yan would use poison to harm him, necessary care was still needed, just like he didn't take it directly but asked someone to test the medicine, not because of suspicion, but pure caution.

If the adjutant showed something was wrong, he would immediately reverse the vitality in the adjutant's body, force out all the food the adjutant had eaten, and then send it to the doctor for treatment.Of course, if that's the case, Zhang Yan must die.

After a while, Zhou Cang found that his adjutant began to sweat all over his body, and his skin turned red, and soon a wisp of white air gushed out from the top of his head, as if he was steaming something in his body.

This made Zhou Cang immediately think of the martial artist's appearance when taking Jingusan, which is also similar.

"It works." Zhou Cang asserted in his heart.

After another meal, the adjutant opened his eyes again, covered in sweat.


"My lord, it's effective! This subordinate feels the same as when taking Jingusan. But the difference is that Jingusan is a tonic, and this bone-strengthening pill seems to be stimulating the existing potential of the muscles and bones, which is based on cultivation. It is the same as Zhang Yan The saying "the higher the cultivation base, the greater the effect" is consistent. And at this time, the effect of the medicine has not completely passed, and it continues to affect the whole body of the subordinate. It is estimated that it should be absorbed in about five or six days."

Zhou Cang's eyes flashed brightly, and he asked anxiously, "How much can you gain from your feelings?"

"Well, based on a rough feeling, the subordinates think that the gain will not be less than [-]%, but it will not exceed [-]%. "The adjutant thought for a while before saying.

"One and a half?!" Zhou Cang felt a sudden tremor in his heart.I thought it was just a little bit more muscle and bone strength, like muscle and bone powder.But the adjutant said "one and a half" instead of "a few points more".If Zhou Cang himself can benefit by [-]% if this is put on Zhou Cang himself, then
Zhou Cang is not hesitating either.Since you are curious, try it yourself, and swallow the remaining one immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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